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335 files
Sacred Factor is a doujin album by EastNewSound released on 2009-12-30
It features vocal arrangements of themes from: LLS, EoSD, StD and UFO
song for bird Your Color Lucid Dream mind rain dark wing complex booklet choir かくて私はルートを辿る 蒼月下零度 Alegro? 緋色月下、狂咲ノ絶 -1st Anniversary Remix- Fractal Cage My direction 極白色のエデン
(also sorry if some of the tracks have a low quality, i tried to compile to the best of my ability, if anyone has some higher-res rips, please hit me up! it will help preserve this album...)
By Idkism55 0 -
NOSTALGIA is a doujin album by SoundOnline released on 2009-08-15.
It features vocal and instrumental arrangements of themes from Mystic Square, Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom, Mountain of Faith, Subterranean Animism and Undefined Fantastic Object.
Mirage of the Rain Survive Seek Your Mind Mystic Water Firebird Detector Cosmos Glide Graven Image Drake Nostalgia
By Idkism9 0 -
The House set of "Mountain of Faith" is a doujin album by Kuroneko Lounge released on 2009-11-14, it was the first the first release from the doujin circle, which was followed by "Undefined Fantastic Object"'s set.
It was later remastered and "ReEdited" into the House set of "Mountain of Faith" ReEdit, which was released in 2013-04-07.
The original one is called the "Moriya set" (get it?), meanwhile, the ReEdit one is called the "Yasaka Set"
OG Tracks~
01. Moriya set 00 ~ Sealed Gods
02. Moriya set 01 ~ A God That Misses People
03. Moriya set 02 ~ Because Princess Inada Is Scolding Me
04. Moriya set 03 ~ The Road of the Misfortune God
05. Moriya set 04 ~ Dark Side of Fate
06. Moriya set 05 ~ The Gensokyo the Gods Loved
07. Moriya set 06 ~ Akutagawa Ryuunosuke's "Kappa"
08. Moriya set 07 ~ Fall of Fall
09. Moriya set 08 ~ Youkai Mountain
10. Moriya set 09 ~ The Primal Scene of Japan the Girl Saw
11. Moriya set 10 ~ Faith is for the Transient People
12. Moriya set 11 ~ Cemetery of Onbashira
13. Moriya set 12 ~ The Venerable Ancient Battlefield
14. Moriya set 13 ~ Tomorrow Will Be Special, Yesterday Was Not
15. Moriya set 14 ~ Native Faith
16. Moriya set 15 ~ Shrine at the Foot of the Mountain
17. Moriya set 16 ~ The Gods Give Us Blessed Rain
B-1. Sealed Gods -God Bless RMX-
B-2. Moriya set 02 ReEdit ~ Because Princess Inada Is Scolding Me
B.3. Moriya set 03 ~ Road of the Misfortune God - Another Road
B-4. The Gods Give Us Blessed Rain ~ MYTK mix
~ReEdit Tracks
Sealed Gods 〜 Moriya set 00 ReEdit .01
A God That Misses 〜 Moriya set 01 ReEdit .02
Because Princess Inada Is Scolding Me 〜. Moriya set 02 ReEdit .03
The Road of the Misfortune God 〜 Moriya set 03 ReEdit .04
Dark Side of Fate 〜 Moriya set 04 ReEdit .05
The Gensokyo the Gods Loved 〜 Moriya set 05 ReEdit .06
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke's "Kappa" 〜 Moriya set 06 ReEdit .07
Fall of Fall 〜 Moriya set 07 ReEdit .08
Youkai Mountain 〜 Moriya set 08 ReEdit .09
he Primal Scene of Japan the Girl Saw 〜 Moriya set 09 ReEdit .10
Faith is for the Transient People 〜 Moriya set 10 ReEdit .11
Cemetery of Onbashira 〜 Moriya set 11 ReEdit .12
The Venerable Ancient Battlefield 〜 Moriya set 12 ReEdit .13
Tomorrow Will Be Special, Yesterday Was Not 〜 Moriya set 13 ReEdit .14
Native Faith 〜 Moriya set 14 ReEdit .15
Shrine at the Foot of the Mountain 〜 Moriya set 15 ReEdit .16
The Gods Give Us Blessed Rain 〜 Moriya set 16 ReEdit .17
(original mix) The Gensokyo the Gods Loved 〜 Moriya set 05 ReEdit .B-1
(original mix) Native Faith 〜 Moriya set 14 ReEdit .B-2
By Idkism60 0 -
House set of "the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil" is a doujin album by Kuroneko Lounge released on 2010-07-31 (Online Release). It is a house set and features instrumental arrangements of themes from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. Alternatively it could be called the "koumakan set", as seen in the tracks.
Koumakan set 00 ~ 赤より紅い夢 Koumakan set 01 ~ ほおずきみたいに紅い魂 Koumakan set 02 ~ 妖魔夜行 koumakan set 03 ~ ルーネイトエルフ Koumakan set 04 ~ おてんば恋娘 Koumakan set 05 ~ 上海紅茶館 Koumakan set 06 ~ 明治十七年の上海アリス Koumakan set 07 ~ ヴワル魔法図書館 Koumakan set 08 ~ ラクトガール Koumakan set 09 ~ メイドと血の懐中時計 Koumakan set 10 A ~ ルナ・ダイアル Koumakan set 10 B ~ フラワリングナイト Koumakan set 11 ~ ツェペシュの幼き末裔 Koumakan set 12 ~ 亡き王女の為のセプテット Koumakan set 13 ~ 魔法少女達の百年祭 Koumakan set 14 ~ U.N.オーエンは彼女なのか? Koumakan set 15 ~ 紅より儚い永遠 Koumakan set 16 ~ 紅楼 Bonus tracks~
Locked girl メイドと血の懐中時計 ~ MYTK mix Koumakan set 12 Playing DJ Koumakan set 14 Playing DJBy Idkism14 0 -
House set of "Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom" is a doujin album by Kuroneko Lounge released on 2016-03-26. It is a house set and features instrumental arrangements of themes from Hopeless Masquerade, Urban Legend in Limbo and Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom.
Tracks~(Lunatic Set)
Lunatic set 00 〜 宇宙巫女現る Lunatic set 01 〜 忘れがたき、よすがの緑 Lunatic set 02 〜 兎は舞い降りた Lunatic set 03 〜 湖は浄めの月光を映して Lunatic set 04 〜 九月のパンプキン Lunatic set 05 〜 宇宙を飛ぶ不思議な巫女 Lunatic set 06 〜 永遠の春夢 Lunatic set 07 〜 凍り付いた永遠の都 Lunatic set 08 〜 逆転するホイールオブフォーチュン Lunatic set 09 〜 遥か38万キロのボヤージュ Lunatic set 10 〜 星条旗のピエロ Lunatic set 11 〜 故郷の星が映る海 Lunatic set 12 〜 ピュアヒューリーズ Lunatic set 13 〜 見た事も無い悪夢の世界 Lunatic set 14 〜 パンデモニックプラネット Lunatic set 15 〜 神社から見える月 Lunatic set 16 〜 宇宙巫女帰還する Bonus Tracks~
忘れがたき、よすがの緑(TFON_Scarlet Remix) 兎は舞い降りた(Frozen Starfall Remix) 九月のパンプキン(yoshiki-narutaki Remix) 永遠の春夢(ginkiha Remix) 凍り付いた永遠の都(平茸 Remix) 逆転するホイールオブフォーチュン(ag Remix) 星条旗のピエロ(Jerico Remix) 遥か38万キロのボヤージュ(cYsmix Remix) Pure Furies (MYTK Remix) Mythic set~ ~ Shinkirou set
01. Mythic set 〜 心揺さぶる都市伝説 亡失のエモーション 〜 Shinkirou set .01
02. Mythic set 〜 華狭間のバトルフィールド 幻想郷の二ッ岩 〜 Shinkirou set .02
03. Mythic set 〜 ラストオカルティズム
By Idkism11 0 -
HAPPY NIGHT is a doujin album by SYNC.ART'S released on 2005-11-13.
It features vocal and instrumental arrangements of themes from Perfect Cherry Blossom, Imperishable Night, Phantasmagoria of Flower View and Birthday Song,Requiem, as well as some original compositions.
grown baby's breath 遥かなる時の幻想曲 今宵、雪舞う月夜に Birthday Song,Requiem-HAPPY NIGHT STYLE- 桜の頃 Everyday Truth
Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you enjoy this.
By Idkism6 1 -
genres: hardbas, edm and piano
files: 3 (MP3)
number of tracks 3
tracks include:
01-Imperishable Donk Party!!
02-Rounded Dance
03-Infrared Ray
By vknifelygod13 0 -
STILL HERE is a doujin album by Akatsuki Records released on 2018-12-30.
it features some vocal arrangements of themes from: EoSD, PCB, SA, UFO, 10D and LoLK
STILL HERE ユメハサカユメ 天磐船ヨ天ヘ昇レ 翠碧 DRAGON みずいろレインドロップ 激鬼 PUMP UP Surfin' Cirno Do You Remember Me
Stack, what more can i say?
By Idkism46 0 -
Felsic Mirage is a doujin album by EastNewSound released on 2010-08-14.
It features vocal arrangements of themes from: LLS(TH4), PCB, IN, PoFV, StB and MoF
Titleless Sights nothing guilty 終奏叙情曲 -lycoris- 花は幻想の果てに アクセル・オーバー 囚-トラワレ- etching summary Lazy kiss intense 幽音絶花、繚乱ノ彩 White Wish princess coronation
By Idkism23 0 -
Artist もぱた。
genre: eurobeat, electronic, vocal
tracks: 22 (11 Flac, 11 MP3)
Music included
(01) [Syo- ft. 壱屋うい, 橘花音] little love
(02) [nmk ft. A.Dokuga, 橘花音] eternal lily
(03) [髭姫 ft. A.Dokuga, 橘花音] Remisaku Fascinate Affection
(04) [nmk ft. つぅ, 橘花音] ENDLESS DESiRE
(05) [徒桜 ft. つぅ, 橘花音] ブルー・トパーズの微睡
(06) [Syo-, かっふぃー ft. 壱屋うい, 橘花音] すれ違いの恋(cAfey -Crossing- EDIT)
(07) [Syo-] little love Instrumental
(08) [nmk] eternal lily Instrumental
(09) [髭姫] Remisaku Fascinate Affection Instrumental
(10) [nmk] ENDLESS DESiRE Instrumental
(11) [徒桜] ブルー・トパーズの微睡 Instrumental
By vknifelygod53 0 -
Lily story 3
Artist: もぱた。
genre: vocal, eurobeat, rock
tracks: 22 (11 Flac, 11 MP3)
Music included:
(01) [b-UMB ft. 壱屋うい, 橘花音] butterfly dream
(02) [nmk ft. すばる, 橘花音] silent lily
(03) [nmk ft. つぅ, 橘花音] 恋歌ノスタルジー
(04) [Syo- ft. 壱屋うい, 橘花音] すれ違いの恋
(05) [夏瀬恭一 ft. つぅ, 橘花音] boring days
(06) [徒桜 ft. 壱屋うい,橘花音] purely lily(Rock Arrange Cover)
(07) [b-UMB] butterfly dream Instrumental
(08) [nmk] silent lily Instrumental
(09) [nmk] 恋歌ノスタルジー Instrumental
(10) [Syo-] すれ違いの恋 Instrumental
(11) [夏瀬恭一] boring days Instrumental
By vknifelygod21 0 -
General information:
•Artist: Melodic Taste
•genre: orchestra
•tracks: 18 (9 FLAC, 9 MP3)
Music included:
01-02-上海紅茶館 ~ Chinese Tea
01-04-ラクトガール ~ 少女密室
01-09-紅楼 ~ Eastern Dream...
By vknifelygod45 0 -
Genres: C103, Touhou, Complextro, Glitch, Tropical House, Hardcore, J-Core, Schranz, Hands-Up
Number of files: 18 (9 FLAC, 9 MP3)
Artist: Rolling contact
music includes:
01. Amane Oikawa - Tonight Once More
02. Amane Oikawa - Outburst Oxygen
03. Amane Oikawa - Imaginary Dimension
04. Amane Oikawa - Little Island (2023 Remaster)
05. Amane Oikawa - G.A.B.
06. Amane Oikawa - Cursed Haze
07. Amane Oikawa - The End Of Planet -Sharp Refix-
08. Amane Oikawa - Territory Theory
09. Amane Oikawa - Extra Pain
Also dont know how to fix the underline, because i didnt do it myself but it is what it is 🤷♂️
By vknifelygod28 1 -
Artists: Shibayan, MasamiT, milka, hamu, ついったー東方部, tanigon, 2416, saki, crow, 3L, MWW, Unity-Gain-2.5dB+1, Jigen Daisuke, ItEdoke, Ohta, 96木, ukobone, Synthesizer V Eri, As/Hi ROCK, あとり, Udon Timer P, Shusetsu Hi;ragi, もっち, Jinzou
Year: 2024
Audio Format: FLAC
Track Count: 9
Track List:
白雪の花畑 [Snow-White Flower Garden] Greensleeves 皇女の花冠 [The Princess's Flower Crown] Mundo Bonito [Pretty World] ハニホヘトイロ Position of the dusk Fake Adventure 天球ステラナイト [Celestial Sphere Stellar Night] 美しきもの [Beautiful Thing]By spagnips76 0 -
Artist: 幽閉サテライト&少女フラクタル
genre: Remix
tracks: 2
Music included:
01. 幻想を切り分けて
02. 虹が架かるよる早く
By vknifelygod23 0 -
Genre: Jazz
Number of tracks: 2 (both MP3)
Artist - soundflora
music included:
ウタイさん - Endless Scarlet Night
追憶サーキット - Endless Scarlet Night
By vknifelygod38 0 -
Genre: Trance, hardcore and electronic (Remixes)
Release date: June 15th, 2023
Number of tracks: 6 (3 being FLAC, 3 being MP3)
Tracks included:
s-don - Shang-Hi Particle
s-don - Lunar Prisoner
s-don - Scarlet Dance
By vknifelygod81 6 -
Genres: Electronic, hardcore (Remixes)
Release date: Aug. 15th, 2024
Number of tracks: 6 (3 Flac, 3 MP3)
Tracks included:
s-don Chip Cheeeeen!!
s-don Stairway to Cherry Blossoms
s-don Flutter Dance
By vknifelygod76 2 -
Accord on Codes — Shade of your reverie
Genre: Jazz
Tracks: 6
Release date: August 6th 2019
Music included:
01. Izanagi mystery
02. Run through the seafloor
03. Feel the wind of Agartha
04. We could write our book
05. Hello, wonderful world
06. A cafeterrace in daylight
By vknifelygod42 0 -
PUNK IT! TOUHOU! -IOSYS HITS PUNK COVERS- is a doujin album by IOSYS released on 2013-03-31, it features vocal arrangements of themes from Mystic Square, Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Immaterial and Missing Power, Imperishable Night, Shoot the Bullet, Mountain of Faith and Undefined Fantastic Object.
Basically a lil punk album for your enjoyment :D
Thank you vk for the files! I added a FLAC version for those who reaaaaaally want the true audiophile experience xD
チルノのパーフェクトさんすう教室 (Cirno's Perfect Math Class) キャプテン・ムラサのケツアンカー (Captain Murasa's Ass Anchor) Club Ibuki in Break All ねこ巫女れいむ (Neko Miko Reimu) 行列のできるえーりん診療所 (Eirin's Clinic That People Queue Up For) アーティフィシャル・チルドレン (Artificial Children) Phantasmagoria mystical expectation Miracle∞HinacleBy Idkism73 0 -
The House set of "Subterranean Animism" is a doujin album by Kuroneko Lounge, released on 2011-04-23, it is the 7th set, set before "Perfect Cherry Blossom" .
It can also be referred as the "chireiden set".
Chireiden set 00 〜 Awakening of the Earth Spirits Chireiden set 01 〜 The Dark Blowhole Chireiden set 02 〜 The Sealed-Away Youkai Chireiden set 03 〜 The Bridge People No Longer Cross Chireiden set 04 〜 Green-Eyed Jealousy Chireiden set 05 〜 Walking the Streets of a Former Hell Chireiden set 06 〜 A Flower-Studded Sake Dish on Mt. Ooe Chireiden set 07 〜 Heartfelt Fancy Chireiden set 08 〜 Satori Maiden Chireiden set 09 〜 Lullaby of Deserted Hell Chireiden set 10 〜 Lullaby Chireiden set 11 〜 Corpse Voyage Chireiden set 12 〜 Hellfire Mantle Chireiden set 13 〜 Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom Chireiden set 14 〜 Last Remote Chireiden set 15 〜 Hartmann's Youkai Girl Chireiden set 16 〜 The Earth Spirits' Homecoming Chireiden set 17 〜 Energy Daybreak Bonus Tracks~
The Bridge People No Longer Cross 〜 (ginkiha remix) Walking the Streets of a Former Hell 〜 (Jerico remix) Heartfelt Fancy 〜 (平茸 remix) Satori Maiden 〜 (yoshiki-narutaki remix) Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom 〜 (MYTK remix) Energy Daybreak 〜 (Technophice remix)By Idkism53 0 -
The House set of "Imperishable Night" is a doujin album by Kuroneko Lounge released on 2010-12-25.
It is the 4th published house set, set after "the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil" and before "Retrospective 53 minutes" respectively.
It is mainly composed of house remixes from "Imperishable Night", with the occasional "Phantasmagoria of Flower View" thrown there :)
Eientewi set 00 ~ Eternal Night Vignette Eientewi set 01 ~ Illusionary Night Eientewi set 02 ~ Wriggling Autumn Moon Eientewi set 03 ~ Song of the Night Sparrow Eientewi set 04 ~ Deaf to All but the Song Eientewi set 05 ~ Nostalgic Blood of the East Eientewi set 06 ~ Plain Asia Eientewi set 07 ~ Retribution for the Eternal Night Eientewi set 08 A ~ Maiden's Capriccio Eientewi set 08 B ~ Love-Colored Master Spark Eientewi set 09 A ~ Cinderella Cage Eientewi set 10 ~ Lunatic Eyes Eientewi set 11 ~ Voyage 1969 Eientewi set 12 A ~ Gensokyo Millennium Eientewi set 12 B ~ Flight of the Bamboo Cutter Eientewi set 13 ~ Extend Ash Eientewi set 14 ~ Reach for the Moon, Immortal Smoke
Bonus Tracks!
Eientewi set 09 B ~ White Flag of Usa Shrine Eientewi set 12 Another ~ Voyage 1970 Eientewi set 14 ~ Reach for the Moon, Immortal Smoke - Another Eientewi set 15 ~ Evening Primrose Eientewi set 16 ~ Mystical Maple Eientewi set 17 ~ Eastern Youkai Beauty Song of the Night Sparrow ~ Night Swing (葉月悠Remix) Nostalgic Blood of the East ~ MYTK remix Plain Asia (yoshiki-narutaki Remix) Voyage 1969 (Jerico remix)By Idkism55 0 -
This is the House set of "Ten Desires", a doujin album by Kuroneko Lounge released on 2012-04-22.
It is the 11th release chronologically, set before "Phantasmagoria of Flower View" and after "Magical Astronomy" respectfully.
Daishibyo set 00 ~ Spirit of Avarice Daishibyo set 01 ~ Night Sakura of Dead Spirits
Daishibyo set 02 ~ Ghost Lead
Daishibyo set 03 ~ Welcome to Youkai Temple
Daishibyo set 04 ~ Youkai Girl at the Gate
Daishibyo set 05 ~ Let’s Live in a Lovely Cemetery
Daishibyo set 06 ~ Rigid Paradise
Daishibyo set 07 ~ Desire Drive (i know someone who would love this ;-))
Daishibyo set 08 ~ Old Yuanxian
Daishibyo set 09 ~ The Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum
Daishibyo set 10 ~ Omiwa Legend
Daishibyo set 11 ~ Starry Sky of Small Desires
Daishibyo set 12 ~ Shoutoku Legend
Daishibyo set 13 ~ Rear Temple Path of Youkai
Daishibyo set 14 ~ Futatsuiwa from Sado
Daishibyo set 15 ~ A New Wind at the Shrine
Daishibyo set 16 ~ Desire Dream
Bonus Tracks!
Night Sakura of Dead Spirits (MYTK remix) Rigid Paradise (Jerico remix)
Desire Drive (ginkiha Remix) :)
Old Yuanxian (Hiratake remix)
Spring Haze (Omiwa Legend dok remix)
By Idkism67 0 -
The House set of "Perfect Cherry Blossom" is a doujin album by Kuroneko Lounge released on 2011-04-02.
It is the 6th House set, coming before the SA set and before the Retrospective 53 minutes set.
01. Ayakashi set 00 〜 妖々夢
02. Ayakashi set 01 〜 無何有の
03. Ayakashi set 02 〜 クリスタライズシルバー
04. Ayakashi set 03 〜 遠野幻想物語
05. Ayakashi set 04 〜 ティアオイエツォン
06. Ayakashi set 05 〜 ブクレシュティの人形師
07. Ayakashi set 06 〜 人形裁判
08. Ayakashi set 07 〜 天空の花の都
09. Ayakashi set 08 〜 幽霊楽団
10. Ayakashi set 09 〜 東方妖々夢
11. Ayakashi set 10 〜 広有射怪鳥事
12. Ayakashi set 11 〜 アルティメットトゥルース
13. Ayakashi set 12 〜 幽雅に咲かせ、墨染の桜
14. Ayakashi set 12 Another 〜 ボーダーオブライフ
15. Ayakashi set 13 A 〜 妖々跋扈
16. Ayakashi set 14 A 〜 少女幻葬
01. 無何有の郷(Sound Artz remix)
02. 天空の花の都(平茸 remix)
03. 幽霊楽団 PG-mix
04. アルティメットトゥルース(meets bossa)
05. 幽雅に咲かせ、墨染の桜(ginkiha remix)
06. 妖々跋扈(MYTK remix)
07. Ayakashi set 13 B 〜 妖々跋扈
08. Ayakashi set 14 Another 〜 夜が降りてくる
09. Ayakashi set 14 B 〜 ネクロファンタジア
10. Ayakashi set 15 〜 春風の夢
11. Ayakashi set 16 〜 さくらさくら
By Idkism71 1 -
This is the House set of "Undefined Fantastic Object", a doujin album by Kuroneko Lounge released on 2010-03-30.
Haven't seen anyone here posting any house sets from the Doujin cercle, so i wanted to contribute for once :)
By Idkism84 0