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Showing content with the highest faith level on 07/19/2022 in all areas

  1. In spite of both my avatar and signature showing otherwise (which are really just for laughs), as I've mentioned loads of times already, it's always been Suika for me. Not only is her main theme from IaMP my favourite Touhou track of all time, she was also the very first model I ever bought, along with Marisa, and my very first dakimakura as well. She was quite possibly the very first Touhou character I ever saw in CG form too, in somebody's avatar as I remember, although I don't recall the exact website anymore. I still have it somewhere, but it's ridiculously small on my 8K and I have come across a larger, better quality version since - I'll add it here for anyone who's interested in seeing it. (^_~) Reasons? Well, she's everything I could never be basically: cute, strong, fun loving, constantly horny... because she's got horns, get it! Plus, the way she slides along the floor and keeps jumping about chucking crap at you; grabbing hold of you and spinning you round; appearing out the mist; etc., not giving a flying fig whether she wins or not, always cheers me up, not to mention the myriad of Suika-melon jokes naturally. (^o^)
    2 points
  2. Alice, she's so damn nice (even if she's a bit creepy...). "According to Perfect Memento in Strict Sense, maybe since she was originally a human, even as a youkai, she has high understanding and friendship level to humans and presents a low danger level, and if someone gets lost in the Forest of Magic, she also gladly gives shelter upon arriving at her house. However, Alice's house is covered all over with dolls, and since she is not very eager for conversation, it seems like visitors immediately flee when there is something eerie. In chapters 5-6 of Strange and Bright Nature Deity, the Three Fairies of Light accidentally arrived at her house and Alice was hospitable to them, providing tea and cake. She seemed caring with the fairies." - Touhou Wiki See? She's clearly the best!! No other 2hu can come closer to her!!! jkjkjk Still, I may be a bit biased since Alice is my number 1 favorite, and has been so for like almost 4 years, but yeah, she does seem caring and nice, but she's also indifferent to humans, which is fine by me. Idk she's just so cute to me. (and she's an indoors type like me ehuheuahsuha)
    2 points
  3. Minoriko. Yes I know, she isn't for par on anything, but I just like that feeling of harvesto completion. Plus, easy to befriend and cute. Has a decent design and all. I like Autumn after all, as a season. So why don't I show support to the harvest bringer girl? She makes Autumn much better.
    2 points
  4. We now enter the final round, and the farthest a tournament has ever reached. ROUND 8: 22: Nami Haven - Rough Sea (Blacklolita Remix) A more melodic side of EDM. 23: Diao ye zong - The beautiful world A famous circle in all its glory. 24: Mōse - U.N. Owen was Her? A respectfully reflective closing.
    2 points
  5. 19: Water Color Melody. - M.E.P.H.I.S.T.O. Oh, I thought the start was going pretty rock. Well, turns out, I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. Truly, the vocalist captured every bits of the section. Amazing vocals that I give: 8/10 20: Komeiji Records - Elegant Ice Maiden: I don't know, maybe I've heard of this somewhere? Indeed, it has quite a lot of genres in here; aside for the initial hype and my unbiased opinion of this particular theme, this sounds confusing to me and it's one of the rare moments that I can't tell what a song is trying to give. (Maybe a Christmas rave battle on thanksgiving- that doesn't make sense at all) What a peculiar remix. Cheers, I somewhat like it but I feel like the end was quite off. 6.8/10 21: Demetori - Higan Retour ~ View of The River Styx: I didn't expect Demetori to be showup in here. Sometimes, I actually do wake up with good arrangements after a long day of studying. Plus, Higan retour happens to be one of my beloved themes. On to the dish itself, the guitar is ghostly good reminds me of my good old home. As if I close my eyes, I can picture myself to be in her boat touring across the river. The image here also helps a lot in painting a scenery for one's mind to explore. The heavy part really loosen my burden with studying which the two pauses really dawns on my curious mind. You know what, I'm going to follow my heart in rating this song. It really speaks to me... 9/10
    2 points
  6. Honestly, I can give reasons why most of them are the best. I'm going to have to say Parsee though, since she's my favourite. Jealousy isn't the main reason why either. I just love her design and her theme so much! Her beautiful green eyes and adorable elf ears are worth everything!
    2 points
  7. Version  


    Release Information Original Title: 東方リズムカーニバル!紅 (Touhou Rhythm Carnival! Kurenai) Genre: Rhythm Game Developer: Focas Lens Publisher: Focas Lens Released: 2012 (Reitaisai 9) Language: English (Patched) Description Plot Point: Aya Shameimaru was finding stories to make into articles for her paper. However, finding fresh and good stories was no easy work. Then she became inclined to go to the Scarlet Devil Mansion she happened to pass by. Aya had a hunch that something interesting was going to happen, so she decided to visit. Controls: Z = A button, Confirm, Advance X = B button, Cancel, Go back Spacebar = Pause button Arrow Keys = Used to move around the menu and is also used in some minigames. P = Screenshot (saved in the Screenshot folder as a BMP) How It Works: Essentially, it's a rhythm game. You pick a scenario (minigame) to play, press buttons in time with the beat, and win. And by win, I mean you get points for your timing, and at the end you get a medal (bronze, silver, gold) based on your performance. Each minigame uses its own keys out of the typical Touhou controls (such as Z, X, and the arrow keys) depending what is necessary to do during that minigame.
    1 point
  8. From the album: Hopefully Daily Suwako

    #88 July 19 2022
    1 point
  9. Oh yeah, I forgot about this old article. It might come in handy https://mimidoshima.wordpress.com/2021/04/27/did-i-just-read-ip-laws-for-the-sake-of-touhou/. Abotut the game with stolen assets, which I think got into trouble like twice?
    1 point
  10. Welp, i guess Lost Word still active, despire Dankagu that will be shut down 4 months later. I've told you before this game is FGO but Touhou. It hated by own community, but still active because it's not only sell the game, LW sell every aspect of touhou and non touhou, Fumo, internet AD, Action Figure, and many more. LW keep the player play the game by making some weekly dan monthly community event, did i told you One of their discord admin also Terraria Calamity Community Discord Mod? LW not only rely their revenue on gacha, thats why it's still active
    1 point
  11. Recently, I found myself revisiting an animation channel I once watched before my Touhou days began. One of their videos uses Bad Apple!!, which is how I was originally exposed to the song. However, the video only contains small parts of Bad Apple, as it is an unfinished animation parody of the famous shadow art video. What I did not realise, which I only noticed now by looking in the video's description, is that the version of Bad Apple contained in the video is in fact not the Alstroemeria Records arrange, but a different cover of it. So, I present to you: the first version of Bad Apple I ever heard - Draw the Emotional's version - now in full. And in light of my recent Kosuzu Motoori art I shared in Creative Works thread, I also have an arrangement of her theme to bring to light. The song is called Fantastic Girl Story, and it's by, errrr, certain circle that likes to strike down their works from Youtube. Hopefully this one stays up, at least for now...
    1 point
  12. I made some pixel art in a higher resolution to what I normally do lately. It's been good practice. Have some images of Kosuzu being cute!!
    1 point
  13. Yeah Cave is a pretty esteemed developer of bullet hells. I heard about them working on a Touhou mobile bullet hell back when it was first announced but forgot about it so thanks for the reminder. Hopefully the game comes out on time and is a well received experience, although I doubt I'm going to play myself as I'm not someone who plays mobile games.
    1 point
  14. Until now, I have only grown familiar with 2 OCs when it comes to Touhou, both of those being basically isekai. One of them if the dude from Diamond in the Rough (despite the fact I never watched that series) and the Main Character from Touhou Lost Word (probably mandatory to mention that she is established since you start the game to be a girl, so there is that). I guess they are both fine, and it very much depends on the way they are written. If the story is believable, or at least evolves naturally, I would say the idea is perfectly fine for me.
    1 point
  15. Ah, looks like Gou is going to be last this time around, but anyway:- 19) I wasn't so sure about this one to begin with because, as you all know by now, I'm not a huge fan of vocals. Still, it's nice enough, plus it does put a voice to Renko finally for me (entirely different from what I imagined, naturally). Definitely need to check out 'Cinnamon, Cinnamon!!' again, to reaffirm the talents of the female singer some of you touch on here. (^_^) (Heh, interesting that Tenkko mentioned "rolling Rs" as well since the Japanese language technically doesn't have that sound, at least not in the way we think of the letter R.) 7/10 20) Well, I liked it, CVN, for much the same reason as you (Walfas for the win, eh!), so I wouldn't feel bad about it. Granted it's not as good as the chip tune used in Gensokyo no Nazo, but I'm not going to downvote it for that reason, and certainly not with such a cute thumbnail. The only criticism I can level really is that it did seem to end abruptly, which caught me totally off guard. (^_^;) 7/10 21) I imagine I am going to be the outlier here as, unlike my mate Chris, I don't appreciate heavy metal at all. Hmm, I don't think it helps that the original is my 3rd favourite Touhou track overall either, and is mostly a classical piece; a style of music I do happen to like a lot. Oh, I'm not saying it's a bad track, just that this one fails to make me even think of the PoFV tune and how I felt when I was getting contantly run down by that annoying boat move of Komachi's in Wandering Souls if I'm honest. With that in mind, I'm afraid I'm going to have to rate it pretty poorly. All the same, that's very nice image there. (=^_^=) 5/10
    1 point
  16. My turn Water Color Melody. - M.E.P.H.I.S.T.O. Wait, this song has the same vocalist as Cinnamon Cinnamon? I really loved that song, yet did not notice the resemblance until you guys mentioned it. Edit: now that I am listening to it again, I can see what you mean. As I like rock songs, this one was just another fine addition to what I want to listen more. I liked this quite a bit, so I will give it an 8.5-9/10 Komeiji Records - Elegant Ice Maiden Rather an unpleasant surprise to see that my final pick for the tournament has not been so well received. But I can see what you mean about it. I am not sure what else could I add about it besides the fact I tend to associate the song with WalfasStationWagon and their Very Walfas Christmas videos, from where I found it. I guess that overall I should bring some better songs to the table next time. No rating this time. Demetori - Higan Retour ~ View of The River Styx I was wondering if this tournament will get any song from Demetori. I am not very familiar with the band, but I have heard they are quite a big name to heavy metal, yet somehow barely stumbled upon them for almost two years. But from what I have listened, they actually sound quite good, not gonna lie. For some reason, I thought they are a music circle from outside Japan, but after a quick check on the wiki it seems like they are Japanese (at least the names of the members are). Anyway. Higan Retour is one of my favorite songs from PoFV, and this arrangement is also a very good one. I do not know how to explain it when it comes to music itself, but it just activate something in my bran that makes me say "hey, this sounds good, I like it". Another good pick in this tournament, so I will give it an 8.5/10
    1 point
  17. Here's a picture a drew the week before, I based it from one of his poses. It's Order-Sol from the Guilty Gear series, this particular version of Sol Badguy is from Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R { the game is very fun for me : ) }. I drew him because he looks very cool of course. But I feel like I could improve on some parts here and there like the missing belts, his shirt (I think he wears a shirt or something),the monster, bla bla bleep... Anyways, I talk too much lol, here's the picture.
    1 point
  18. ROUND 7: 19: Water Color Melody. - M.E.P.H.I.S.T.O. Some funky flavour for our enjoyment. 20: Komeiji Records - Elegant Ice Maiden A fun little fairy arrangement, with some unique genre clash. 21: Demetori - Higan Retour ~ View of The River Styx The awe-infused epic of symphonic metal.
    1 point
  19. Version  


    Release Information Type: RTS Developer: Neetpia Publisher: Neetpia Release: Comiket 80, August 13, 2011 Language: English-Patched Default Controls Mouse: Controls all of the game with help from keyboard hotkeys Shift: Hold to make 5 of a unit at a time Esc: Opens pause menu, or exits game if on title screen. Description Touhou Boushuen, literally translated as Eastern Feast, is a real time strategy based upon Age of Empire series. Player have to collect resources, build up units and then destroy the enemy. There are 11 factions and the player starts with the leader in easy mode for scouting purposes. Upon reaching the normal mode the leaders have additional passive abilities. These abilities have a cooldown time, but the player can use an ability again before the cooldown is up at the cost of a significant number of points. Mildly Important Things: In order to prevent a crash you have to change something in control panel. Go into control panel, find "Clock,Language,and Region" Click on it. Find "Change date,time, or number formats" Click it. Change the top most dropdown box to Japanese(Japan) and apply.
    1 point
  20. Not really Touhou related, but still something have I have drawn for the April Fools video of Tanks Encyclopedia related to the Macharius heavy tank from Warhammer 40K.
    1 point
  21. Beach House - Space Song that is the first one that came to my mind. i'll also slip in SMT3: Nocturne - track 223 Staff roll any music that has ending credit feel in it, they are calm, full of satisfaction and yet sad. "it's all over, i can finally rest". I always find myself vulnerable to existential crisis. it filled me with curiosity and despair. those music is me longing for the suitable end. oh for touhou music, Eternal Shrine Maiden. it's not a staff roll theme, but it has the vibes. this one has determination and acceptance feel in it. curiosity and determination goes along together, so does despair and acceptance. eternity, forever, infinite.. im really scared of those words (back to existential crisis). dedicating your entire life for one goal. it is very plausible, yet also sad, you basically sacrificed yourself. whoa a deep talk
    0 points
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