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Non-Touhou Games you like


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Just explain a bit of games you like that aren touhou! I'll start with Guardian Tales, it has an amazing story with 10 (11th on the way might be more by the time you are reading this) chapters about different things SPOILER FOR THE NEXT SENTENCE) One is a magic school in the middle of a ghost crisis. There are a lot of characters (including ones you can use). One of my favorites is Lana, who races you in every chapter (and in the side stories) , who calls herself Lightning Counter. Each character has a story wether or not they are included in any of the worlds (chapters) or side-stories. The game is 12+ btw, so at least be 12 if your gonna play it (unless the age rating changes when your reading this). Don't spoil it because there are some twists in the plot. Laura Larua (a quest in world 3). It has a lot of puzzles along with fighting too.  It has a lot of references to things such as Zelda or Mario. I´m scared I might describe the gameplay wrong so go play the (free mobile) game to see the gameplay. Anyway sorry for rambling and bye.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Cool, I always thought this was a nice introduction thing too.

For Steam and PC in general, I'm a sucker for some classic RPGMaker titles (Witch's House, Mad Father, Misao, Ib, Off, Crooked Man, To The Moon, and so on). To The Moon was a particular inspiration. Some puzzle games too, like I grew up on Puyo Puyo titles and I grew to really love Ace Attorney and Danganronpa. Biggest titles I also own on Steam are probably the Walking Dead series, Corpse Party, Zero Escape, Hiveswap for all our Homestucks out there, a little Final Fantasy, Higurashi, South Park, Steins;Gate, Vampire: the Masquerade, and Persona 4 Golden.

Speaking of Persona, that series and Kingdom Hearts are pretty much the only reason I have a PSN account. And yeah, I have P4G 100%-d on the Vita. I also used my Vita to play a couple of the Corpse Party games, Persona 3 Portable, and I have Trails of Cold Steel on there too. I plan to get more games in the Persona library on the Vita (it also has OG Persona, Persona 2 and its sequel, and all 3 dancing games).

But what of other Persona and SMT games? Well, aside from the need to borrow a PS3 for the Arena games and P3FES, the answer is in Nintendo with its plethora of SMT titles and the Persona Q games. I have a pretty big library with Nintendo, my platform of choice after PC, and I love a number of exclusive franchises of theirs. I'm a fan of Pokemon, the Legend of Zelda, and while I don't have much experience with Mario's universe in general, I have all the nostalgia for Luigi and his Luigi's Mansion games. My folks picked up the timed collection set for Mario for my birthday though, since it was limited time and they're pretty classic games I missed. Same can be said with the OG Fire Emblem I picked up, though I only watched someone LP the Blue Lions route of Three Houses before, and played the demo for Awakening and the Birthright route of Fates myself. I'm dipping my toes in. And some third-party, more adult titles too like Bayonetta and No More Heroes. And I also picked up Smash Brothers Ultimate when it came out and haven't been disappointed. Undertale and Deltarune I have for both Switch and PC. 

Yours in Eternity

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like playing YUME NIKKI, I have barely anything to say, though I like the game because it's a "meaningful" game to me. Nothing really happens, but it's a game  where you explore dreams (Or mainly just nightmares) with barely any jumpscares. It's fun to play, and does actually have a ending (Which I won't spoil)

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  • 3 months later...


Since everybody here knows about Touhou's infamous difficulty level by default, I thought I'd bring up an old turn-based RPG that is also quite a doozy to get through. It's called SMT: Nocturne, and although it's a change of pace (no pun intended, it's not at all like dodging bullets real-time), it still retains its challenging nature. I'd highly recommend checking it out for the difficulty factor. Like the Touhou games, Nocturne provides a pretty interesting (and challenging, of course) experience, so I believe it's worth checking out if that's what you're looking for.


On 1/24/2021 at 8:10 AM, Quincy Quinn said:

I grew to really love Ace Attorney and Danganronpa

I've played those games too, and I have to say that they're probably the best ones of their respective genre. I do have a good amount of qualms regarding Danganronpa's story and its attempted symbolism, but it's very charming for a visual novel. The same goes for Ace Attorney -- it's a lot more lighthearted, but I found it just as fun, as some of the hard-hitting moments certainly aren't duds. I've scoured through some visual novels, and I honestly have not been able to find ones better than these games.


On 1/24/2021 at 8:10 AM, Quincy Quinn said:

And yeah, I have P4G 100%-d on the Vita. I also used my Vita to play a couple of the Corpse Party games, Persona 3 Portable, and I have Trails of Cold Steel on there too. I plan to get more games in the Persona library on the Vita (it also has OG Persona, Persona 2 and its sequel, and all 3 dancing games).

Persona 4 Golden may be my favorite game out of the series. I really like how it makes the player take a break from the hectic atmosphere of this modern world and just submerges you into a completely different place -- one that's forgotten, but calm enough to provide a neat experience (at least until the story really takes off, but I still found that it's a very tranquil settlement). I've also completed Persona 3 Portable, which is another one of my favorites, but again, I have an issue with the attempted symbolism in that game. I personally prefer something easy to digest when playing a game, because a profound story is not exactly something I would leave in the hands of just about anyone, but I congratulate Persona 3 Portable for the things it addresses. It's fairly brave -- that's how Persona and SMT games are in general, which is something I admire.

I would also recommend trying Persona 5, if you haven't already. I won't say too much about it, since I don't wanna taint your playthrough of it, but it also has an intriguing story, and many aspects have certainly gotten modernized (in a generally good way, however). Of course, it suffers from the same flaws shared by its older "siblings", and I heard that the Royal version is quite controversial, but it is worth trying. I'm kind of iffy on the newer edition too, it's still sort of expensive.

That being said, may you please recommend me a game similar to these ones?

On 2/3/2021 at 2:46 AM, Renko said:

I like playing YUME NIKKI, I have barely anything to say, though I like the game because it's a "meaningful" game to me. Nothing really happens, but it's a game  where you explore dreams (Or mainly just nightmares) with barely any jumpscares. It's fun to play, and does actually have a ending (Which I won't spoil)

I've heard of Yume Nikki, it looks quite nice. I do hope to try it out someday. Do you have an idea of the average playtime required?

Best regards,

von Kurtos

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Depends on category of game tbh, When it comes to in-general I enjoy Paladins and Splatoon 2! When it comes to rhythm games I like osu!, Cytus, and Taiko no Tatsujin! And fighting, Arcana Heart! Guess it all depends as I have tons of favorites depending on the type of game. idk

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6 hours ago, von Kurtos said:

I've heard of Yume Nikki, it looks quite nice. I do hope to try it out someday. Do you have an idea of the average playtime required?

I would say it could take 3-4 hours to complete (obtain all the effects), but probably a bit more if you are planning to discover everything without guidance, it is basically a walking simulator to explore, after all.

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8 hours ago, Renko said:

I would say it could take 3-4 hours to complete (obtain all the effects), but probably a bit more if you are planning to discover everything without guidance, it is basically a walking simulator to explore, after all.

Thanks for the answer! I'll check out Yume Nikki.

Best regards,

von Kurtos

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i like openttd (which stand for open-source transport tycoon deluxe) the reason of this because i like to torture my self by trying to make train system to greatness

Greytide stationwide

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On 1/24/2021 at 7:10 AM, Quincy Quinn said:

Cool, I always thought this was a nice introduction thing too.

For Steam and PC in general, I'm a sucker for some classic RPGMaker titles (Witch's House, Mad Father, Misao, Ib, Off, Crooked Man, To The Moon, and so on). To The Moon was a particular inspiration. Some puzzle games too, like I grew up on Puyo Puyo titles and I grew to really love Ace Attorney and Danganronpa. Biggest titles I also own on Steam are probably the Walking Dead series, Corpse Party, Zero Escape, Hiveswap for all our Homestucks out there, a little Final Fantasy, Higurashi, South Park, Steins;Gate, Vampire: the Masquerade, and Persona 4 Golden.

Speaking of Persona, that series and Kingdom Hearts are pretty much the only reason I have a PSN account. And yeah, I have P4G 100%-d on the Vita. I also used my Vita to play a couple of the Corpse Party games, Persona 3 Portable, and I have Trails of Cold Steel on there too. I plan to get more games in the Persona library on the Vita (it also has OG Persona, Persona 2 and its sequel, and all 3 dancing games).

But what of other Persona and SMT games? Well, aside from the need to borrow a PS3 for the Arena games and P3FES, the answer is in Nintendo with its plethora of SMT titles and the Persona Q games. I have a pretty big library with Nintendo, my platform of choice after PC, and I love a number of exclusive franchises of theirs. I'm a fan of Pokemon, the Legend of Zelda, and while I don't have much experience with Mario's universe in general, I have all the nostalgia for Luigi and his Luigi's Mansion games. My folks picked up the timed collection set for Mario for my birthday though, since it was limited time and they're pretty classic games I missed. Same can be said with the OG Fire Emblem I picked up, though I only watched someone LP the Blue Lions route of Three Houses before, and played the demo for Awakening and the Birthright route of Fates myself. I'm dipping my toes in. And some third-party, more adult titles too like Bayonetta and No More Heroes. And I also picked up Smash Brothers Ultimate when it came out and haven't been disappointed. Undertale and Deltarune I have for both Switch and PC. 

I am into Horror RPGMaker games too! I started playing them last year during quarantine and ended up loving them. URI's ones are so good. I bought the 4 of The Strange Men games on Steam to replay them. My next one is The Boogie Man. I also enjoyed Aria's Library (excited to play The Midnight Train in the near future! It's already finished) and Pocket Mirror. Currently I am with Cat in the Box.

Also Zero Escape. I'm :TenshiCry:. My friend got me into it and the plot twists are so crazy I laugh my ass off sometimes but it ended up growing on me, like the characters. Despite the frustration those puzzles cause me that would make me hate the game, I always end up coming back for more. I completed 999 and I'm with VLR now.

Higurashi was a suprise, I'm not going to lie. It starts so happy-go-lucky but halfway through manages to become so dark and actual scary. Yet it's that first part that makes the characters grow on you and sets up the shocking factor for later. I'm reading the chapter 2 at the moment.

Besides those, I'm into 2D platforms / metroidvania-like games (with the exception of Psychonauts which is 3D), and action RPG. I played Eternal Senia and decided to try YS, so I'm on it. I would like to play Grandia I and II some day though, even if they are classic JRPG style.

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We're reviving this thread eh? Might as well jump on in.

As some who have seen my posts in the other game music thread will know, I like Monster Hunter. I started with MH Generations on the 3DS, and although I haven't actually played many games in the series - I even skipped out on World - Generations' gimmick of bringing back references to several things from the series' history, including as many monsters and locations as possible, has given me a big appreciation for the previous games. Currently playing both Monster Hunter Rise and Generations Ultimate. Other than that idk what else to say about it really. Big monster go brrrr and big sword made of big monster also go brrrr.

I don't want to make a big list of stuff I've played and like but other games I've been into relatively recently (as in, the past year sort of) include the Ori games, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, and Rivals of Aether. I'm a fan of some classic 2D Sonic as well.

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On 5/4/2021 at 7:32 AM, redlink2579 said:

i like openttd (which stand for open-source transport tycoon deluxe) the reason of this because i like to torture my self by trying to make train system to greatness

I also like this game mostly because i like just making big and great networks and maybe also some reimu like greed aswell ?

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  • 11 months later...

So basically these are my main interests:

  • Shin Megami Tensei (MegaTen)
  • Mega Man
  • Live A Live
  • Ace Attorney
  • OFF by Mortis Ghost
  • Cave Story
  • Metal Gear Solid
  • Hideo Kojima in general
  • Obscure/Niche games (cult classic games too)
  • Retro Games

I have some other interests but they will not be brought up here, though I will playing Etrian Odssesy IV sometime this year so I'm looking for to that.




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  • 2 weeks later...

I know it's not difficult but I gotta bring Castlevania symphony of the night, the original Metroidvania title. Great fluid gameplay, a amazing soundtrack.....dumb dialogue (hey it was 97 we didn't have good voice acting yet) and the weapons, so many weapons each with small differences that you need a keen eye to notice. Only problem is that well it's easy but the core gameplay elevates a easy game far beyond anything else

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4 hours ago, Darksymphony777 said:

I know it's not difficult but I gotta bring Castlevania symphony of the night, the original Metroidvania title. Great fluid gameplay, a amazing soundtrack.....dumb dialogue (hey it was 97 we didn't have good voice acting yet) and the weapons, so many weapons each with small differences that you need a keen eye to notice. Only problem is that well it's easy but the core gameplay elevates a easy game far beyond anything else

I haven't played SoTN for a while now, I may not be huge on Metroidvanias but SoTN was still a very fun experience for me. The soundtrack is absolutely great to boot too.

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I very rarely end buying a video game. I do so because when I actually buy something, I want to make sure I will have fun playing, and get back to it even years later. Plus, at least for me, buying a video game is still a rather large investment in terms of financials, so if I want to do it, I want to be sure it will be a worthy investment. Therefore, I have a rather small collection. I like playing

  • Total War games (particularly Rome I and Medieval II + mods  - I really love Third Age and Tsardoms TW mods)
  • Shogun II Total War (got the base game when it was free back in May 2020, and I am quite happy since)
  • Men of War: Assault Squad 2 (again, has a lot of wonderful mods including a 17th-19th century conversion and a Warhammer 40K mod)
  • Hearts of Iron IV (got the game as a gift from a friend for helping him)
  • Star Wars Empire at War
  • World of Tanks and War Thunder (they are free, they have tanks, so why not try them)


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13 hours ago, Macbeth said:

I play Mount and Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars alot. Its one of my favorite all time games.

Now that I mention it, @CountVonNumenorDo you happen to play the game as well? Just a guess from the A-H troop I see on your pfp, diff era yeah, but still wanted to ask.

Unfortunately, I don't play Mount and Blade Warband. However, this is indeed an Austro-Hungarin soldier on the pfp. I got to use this image because I like the model quite a bit (this is the pre-1907 uniform), and also has a bit of a story. In short, 5 years ago I found a family photo of someone wearing this uniform, along with another soldier in the more traditional WW1 Austro-Hungarian model. Which, based on the fact I live in Transylvania, makes quite a lot of sense. More than likely, based on my location, they were from a Royal Hungarian (Honved) regiment.


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2 minutes ago, CountVonNumenor said:

Unfortunately, I don't play Mount and Balsa Warband. However, this is indeed an Austro-Hungarin soldier on the pfp. I got to use this image because I like the model quite a bit (this is the pre-1907 uniform), and also has a bit of a story. In short, 5 years ago I found a family photo of someone wearing this uniform, along with another soldier in the more traditional WW1 Austro-Hungarian model. Which, based on the fact I live in Transylvania, makes quite a lot of sense. More than likely, based on my location, they were from a Royal Hungarian (Honved) regiment.

Dude you should get Warband NW if you like NTW and come play with my bros and I. What we do is basically TW but instead its humans instead of bots.

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I like Fire Emblem a lot but a solid 60% of that one just comes from the fact that it has Ranulf and I think he's hot. BlazBlue's also a really fun fighting game (Centralfiction specifically, Cross Tag is      not)

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