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Shrine Denizens
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Everything posted by Renko

  1. just found it for like.. the second time. shocking

    1. Renko


      please disregard any of my activities on this site prior to this exact moment

  2. oh damn i refound this place

  3. he forgot his password

  4. yes, i exist

  5. i looked at your location and guess what, i live in new jersey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Renko


      wait i wasnt supposed to disclose that information

    2. embodiment


      Haven't used this in a while, so coming back to see this gave me a good chuckle. Thank you Renko, very cool.

  6. renk = colour in Turkish

  7. touhou but run on a calcuator

    1. Renko


      using 300 potatoes and wires

    2. melon


      harder challange run it on one of these bad boysVasara Calculator Watch – Children's Watches for Children, Birthday Gifts,  Communion Cheap and Fun: Amazon.co.uk: Electronics

    3. Renko


      oh no im getting vibes from that funny impostor game

  8. i couldnt think of anything unfunny to put here, sorry

  9. walfas is cool..

  10. Oh, well I actually got the game to work after redownloading it through unknown, esoteric means. Though I know you must get the English patch now so it doesn't matter too much, but still thanks.
  11. im alive!!!

  12. death (ecksdee!!!!!!!!!!)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Renko


      hey, its still dying oh sh

    3. Renko


      actually im in much pain right now

  13. i ate a door

    1. Renko


      why do my lungs hurt all of a sudden

    2. Renko
  14. Sorry for sudden inactivity, a relative died and I was away for the week.


  15. i exist

    1. Renko


      Still exist, just letting you know 

    2. Renko


      still alive

  16. No, (at least for me) and if it says there is one, its false positive
    They are cute, and are fun to watch. I don't understand the config that much, but there is a page on the Touhou Wiki showing me most of it.
  17. Update: Okay, I think the file "01" is broken, as the format is unknown. Can someone fix this?
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