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Everything posted by kymoh

  1. Very cool topic! I read through most of the other replies, and I think you all have amazing ideas :) I especially love that idea, ReisenFanatic :D Feels like so many games these days are about violence so that sounds cool. Me personally, I always wanted to make a big open world game (map is like 2 km wide) in which there is no real objective except survival. You get to start at a human village, and try to make friends or enemies or whatever. I am thinking about a HUGE emphasis on npcs that adapt to the environment. For example if you help out certain people, their enemies start to hate you. Or if crop yields are getting low, villagers start blaming each other. You can even spread rumors that people may or may not believe! It's probably nearly impossible to make such a complicated system, but I like to imagine :) Anyways, the character and settings. Since I only play touhou 4, the main character is mountain youkai Orange. She might pass as a human to most, but needs to be a bit careful near people like Reimu. Overall nobody is really hostile at the start, but environmental factors (famines, rain, earthquakes), player interactions, and npc actions slowly shape relationships. It all depends how you react. You could be a helpful person that is friends with everybody. You could be a secret murderer that the police keep struggling to catch. It's your game, your world, your life! Writing this during class so I might be making no sense right now hehe. Thanks again Yumetou for the interesting question :P
  2. You've... scrambled my brain. I don't know what to say. At first I just want to get clarification on your main points, because honestly, your post is huge. Is this interpretation correct? -Problem1: Bigger websites (discord, facebook, etc.) get more popular -> fans leave main touhou websites -> fans are in smaller divided circles (ex: discord servers) -> more divide/drama -Problem2: Touhou getting enfranchised -> lower effort games -> more negativity towards the series -Outcome: Combining outcomes of problems 1 & 2 -> harder for newcomers to get in -> less fans -> entire fanbase begins to degrade (fanworks and events) -Solution: Everybody going back to centralized touhou websites OR creating a huge website list containing all fan circles I'm really not too sure if I understood everything. Please let me know if I misunderstood anything.
  3. What do you think is the best lead instrument used in touhou songs, and also give examples of it being used! Actually I'm not sure if you can respond to a poll For me I would probably go with piano, because most of my favorite themes use it (beloved tomboyish girl, alice in wonderland, etc.). But damn Raiko's theme makes me want to choose drums
  4. You guys made good choices, I also like casket of star, mystical oriental love consultation, and invisible full moon. But my top is "The Ground's Color is Yellow" in hisoutensoku. The intense trumpets that come in at 1:00 are so fitting for a fighting game.
  5. I don't know either... maybe you could do with humming a touhou song in text, that would be funny :D
  6. I've never heard of a genre called shoegaze, I'm guessing the video you sent is that? Sounds a bit like rock... As for me, I'm more into electronic music with high tempo and heavy kick. Genres such as hardcore, gabber, hardbass, hands up, hardstyle. I like them because they make me want to get up and dance, and sound fun. My favorite album would probably be "EXCEPTIONAL-02" by dat file records, or "Escarlue Heavenz Energy" by otomekan. But honestly, it's much better in my opinion to listen to individual songs made by certain people. Because some people just have a specific style that only they can create. So for composers I really love moro (hardcore/gabber), LENK64 (hardbass), rider (hardstyle), DJ Nanasaki (scouse house). Here are a few of the songs:
  7. As I briefly mentioned earlier, if I were a bashou no sei, I would be able to live among banana trees, whether that be in orchards, gardens, forests, etc. So I would have a decent amount of area to explore, which is nice. I also expect that if I'm living in gardens and such, human villages would be close by, meaning I get even more opportunities to fool around or talk to some humans (in yokai.com, it is said that bashou no sei generally don't harm humans, which sounds like it fits me perfectly). I'm not too knowledgeable when it comes to groups in Gensokyo, so I can't say much about that. Like I said in my first post, I would probably just hang out with the weak youkai such as Nightbug and Kogasa, and explore random places in the forest :) As for my danmaku, I don't like to be mean so I would shoot a ton of bullets that are aimed a little bit away from the protaginist XD. It would look really crazy on the first time, but after a minute they realize they can simply stand still for most of it. Also, because bashou no sei can shapeshift, I think it would be really funny if I turn into my opponent and pretend to copy their movements and attacks. Once things start getting sketchy, I would run away and hide until they go away, ending the fight. Definitely I'm going to be a stage 1 boss or midboss because I wouldn't have the nerve to seriously hurt people. Along with that, my habitat would be close to the village, making me run into the protagonist early on. As I was writing all this, I was reminded of one of my favorite characters, Orange from Touhou 4 LLS. Orange is a pretty forgotten character that shares some similarities with my bashou no sei profile. A weak, stage 1 boss youkai that was just minding her own business. Here is some of her dialogue in-game: Reimu: "I was looking for youkai." Orange: "What for?" Reimu: "Obliteration :)" Orange: "Oh, I see. Well then, good luck! If you'll just excuse me, I'll be on my way now." Reimu: "I meant you, of course!" Orange: "Wow, you're pretty sharp." ... Reimu: "Prepare yourself!!" Orange: "Ahaha, you shouldn't underestimate me just because I'm the first stage boss!" Orange: "I'll bang, shoot, and pop your head off!!" So I guess I can also be good friends with Orange. I would probably have similar dialogue if I was in her situation.
  8. Thanks Yumetou! It was really fun reading through all the different types of youkai, and just as interesting to see what other people chose! You should post more questions like this, especially those related to Touhou or youkai.
  9. The question was already answered but here is a slightly unrelated but interesting fact: Most touhou character names, including the word touhou, are direct romaji translations from Japanese. This means that if you were to use a Japanese keyboard, you could literally type out the character's name in English and it properly translates into the Japanese letters. It works even if you have no idea how to read Japanese, so the trick can come in handy if you combine this with a computer narrator to learn proper pronounciation. Reimu -> れいむ Marisa -> まりさ Cirno does not work -> しrの
  10. I don't have an account yet but your topic is super interesting so I ended up reading through yokai.com for an hour or two. :) I'll be posting as a guest for now and register later. By the way, I want to mention that my choice is based more on how I interact with other people in general, and less on personal things such as my job or gender or age. Anyways, a little bit about me. I'm usually the type to fool around with my friends doing stupid things, and I also hesitate a lot with big decisions. So, what youkai would I be? I would say I most connect with the Bashou no sei. Bashou no sei are common banana tree spirits. They usually appear as faces on banana leaves, scaring humans by suddenly showing up next to them. They also sometimes take the form of people. Bashou no sei usually aren't hostile, and can be avoided if carrying a sword. There is also a catch, though. They are known to sometimes impregnate women if they walk near banana trees past 6 PM (this part is less connected with me). Unlike Yumetou (OP), my life as a bashou no sei would be rather unhelpful to the humans of Gensokyo. It might be a bit funny to surprise some passersby, but I would have to be careful not to piss off someone like Reimu and proceed to have all my trees lit on fire by danmaku or something (lol). Basically an irrelevant stage 1 midboss. I would have some more freedom to roam, as I bet banana trees are very common all around Gensokyo. Maybe I would be able to chill out with fellow weakling youkai such as Nightbug and Kogasa. Overall, sounds like a pretty unimportant life but also real fun at the same time!
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