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Found 12 results

  1. kinda self explanatory, basically is there something about your fav character that made them your fav? for example it could be something about the design, the theme, the abilities, or just the fact they’re cool for example and starting off: koakuma is my fav bc i love her design, she had missed potential, and just overall a cool character 10/10 okuu is tied with koakuma bc of the cool ability of nuclear manipulation, and her design looks epic af, plus the theme hits hard i could list my top 3 but eh go ahead and drop your fav character and why they’re your fav!! (haven’t posted some questions like these so why not lol)
  2. and yet again, the supposedly really famous user from moriya shrine drops another all you can ask post, self-explanatory yet again!! (im pretty sure there's a question like this here but i'll make this anyway :p) for me, i've been brought in bc of the games you could practically get for free here, but i stalled myself to get them for months before joining on dec 30th 2023. never did i expect to be one of the biggest users in here during my time here, but thank you so much!!!! so, what's yours, fellow moriya user? in the meantime, have a pic/wallpaper of suwako!!!
  3. welcome, you're here because of a year in review, eh? this is basically like a questionnaire!! also thank you guys so much for 1 year on moriya shrine, and ofc, all the support!!! let's begin the questionnaire 1) What was the best thing from the community of this year? honestly, all the FA that came in, so many have gotten improvements (like me)!! also we got koishi project and lyrica live dropped another thing!!! 2) What changed for you within the community throughout 2024? basically what you changed in 2024 in the community, for me, it's the activity on moriya shrine and my FA 3) What's your contributions to Touhou? writing stories, artworks, and that game im making!! 4) Why have you stayed in Touhou until today? still have that heavy interest in touhou, plus whats the use when i lose interest and i have now 6 fumos to deal with? 5) Last comments of 2024 Touhou before we move towards 2025 Touhou? this is the year where i really contributed to the touhou space with my arts, writing, and that game that's all, really, i'm running out of good ideas happy new year and see y'all in 2025!!!
  4. back again here with another buffet post, will do one before 2025 btw!!! pretty self-explanatory like all the ones i made (i think) could be something like games, fan music, art, etc (go specific if you want!!) touhou's community is what you'll always come across after all!!
  5. lucid dreaming is truly one of the greatest things the human mind is capable of. I have yet to master this incredible skill but the few L.D's I get (L.D stands for lucid dreams) have been some of the greatest experiences of my life. a lucid dream is being aware that you are dreaming in a dream and bein able to control it. it's like being in a new world only accesed once asleep and turning on creative mode. I recommend that you check out the channel tiger123 for actually good lucid dreaming info. I would give more recommendations and some links but I do not know if i can post that on this forum, anyway that's all folks.
  6. kind of explanatory similar to that of my characters forum. was the reason why you stayed is because of the characters, the fact touhou is still ongoing and wait to see more? or maybe just the fact its all a banger soundtracks and remixes? for me, this era of mine came after my nintendo era, its the fact they copyright everything and take down everything in sight, but touhou? the copyright is almost not there, just follow ZUN's rules and youre sailing, the amount of freedom is amazing with doing whatever we want as long as we follow ZUN's rules, yknow? but yeah, everything from touhou is a banger and there's something for everyone in touhou. plus crossovers too!! how about you?
  7. I have been looking for Chiyuudo"ちゆうどう" games lately and have only found some. Among them I am looking for Genso Risshiden "幻想立志伝", does anyone know of it?
  8. WASSUP MORIYA SHRINE!!! IS YOUR FAV DEVIL- okay cut the yt intro, welcome to a new AMA!!! yup, ask away like the previous one! :D (same rules apply here; no personal questions)
  9. Turns out that I am just an idiot! I downloaded unpatched instead of the patched version. I am so sorry
  10. personally i enjoy SWR or UNL SWR: casket of star, flowering night, locked girl, border of life, broken moon, riverside view, free and easy, flawless clothing of the celestials, ridiculous game, and oriental evening sky UNL: did you see that shadow?, our hisoutensoku, the scenery of living dolls (as a clarinetist, i cry at this), beloved tomboyish girl, unknown x, mystic oriental love consultation, volie the magic library, and the eternal steam engine whats yours?
  11. I have random likes tbh, so i always interested on your likes too, it may be controvercial to say some of mines, but here we go: I LIKE, EVERYONE HATES: Shit, i always think that Sonic 3D Blast (Genesis) is underrated unfairly, except the fact that the camera can be tricky to control, the game is fun for me due the OST blasts, as to be expected on Genesis(not a big fan of the saturn ost) and i like the prerendered sprites, i just like choppy old designs for some reason, and it's my fav sonic game of all time no jokes aside, and yeah nostalgia helps too. I kinda understand the reason of the hate, but it's technically one of the most complex oficial Genesis games ever seen, that's a fact, LITERALLY JUST LOOK THE FREAKING 3D INTRO, it is really a Genesis game? I HATE, EVERYONE LIKES: I have to be honest, at the time i play the game i was a bit pissed but at the same time i wanted to give it a shoot, i'm sorry... but i don't like Touhou 8 (IN) all because i find it rarely hard, idk what happens to me, but every time playing this i'm just playing so bad at times, and at the time i have played this, i have already completed 3cc EoSD (also played LLS and PoFV, but those games are nothing compared to EoSD), and besides that, i have more fun with EoSD than IN, When i got to Marisa, that's literally RIP for me. Yah im being very rude, but that was my experience with this game, at least i managed to beat Eirin 2cc or 3cc (i dont remember), if i can save some things, all the character are memorable(i mean it's first windows era), Reisen Boss theme GOOD, and it has midi (I play 2hu in midi, don't judge me) That's it, I respect your likes as well!
  12. I'm thinking about showng Touhou to my older sister, who's never heard of it before. What is the best way to introduce it to her, and what game should she play first?
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