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Everything posted by CountVonNumenor

  1. Just as I have taken a look at the Steam page of the game for Romania. Here the price is 14.76 Euro (or 16.16 USD). It's about 2 Euro more expensive than any other of the previous games available.
  2. I have not really caught up with the game news and what is going on. Could you please explain what happened? Outside the fact the game came out and what the character roster looks like, I have absolutely no idea of anything else. I have not played the game either, and probably won't do it given that bullet hell is not really my cup of tea when it comes to video games. So I'm listening, why is this "the worst game launch in Touhou history"?
  3. I would have liked to leave a reply this evening, but it seems like it got late in the night, and what I was going to write would have been rather lengthy. I hope I can get back to is as soon as possible, and actually write what I wanted to say. This whole thread has hit way too close to home, and it reminds me too much of things that either happened or are happening to me right now. That entire feeling of loneliness is way too relatable, and I have also been fighting myself (a feelingly losing battle) against it.
  4. I was actually quite wondering... If you're from the West, and want to make Touhou fan ci tent, how are you going to monetise it afterwards? Like for example a comics/manga creator (let's not get though into the semantics of whether a comic book made in manga style, but outside Japan, should be orbit considered a manga). The ZUN rules imply that you can only sell your products at specific events (see the list) that only take place in Japan. How do Western creators do it? Do they just share everything for free on social media? I've always been curious if people like RichaadEB or YaboiMatoi actually earn anything from their fan arrangements, or do they just do it for fun. Or overall, how does the creation and monetisation of Touhou fan-made content work in this part of the world?
  5. Thank you @yukayay for continuing to post the new songs. I am afraid I might be going through a burnout phase with this group, as I have not shared, nor even listened to any of their new songs past the Sekibanki one. I do not know what happens to be, but I do not feel very inclined to listen to anything new. I think this might be... already the fourth recent music video in a row I have not listened to? To be fair though, it seems that Akatsuki Records has posted much more content since Christmas, or even just this first half of 2023 than ever before on their official channel.
  6. I have a feeling this rule about "no spoilers" has always been up. Actually, it was one of the first thing I was taught about when I discovered Touhou. And yes, fans seems to be strictly reinforcing this rule as well. even if the game in question may be 20 years or older by now. Most recent such example I have seen was when I was watching AspreyFM play various games in the main series. He was always covering the screen when the ending appeared, and everyone said that if you show the ending, you are basically going to get a copyright strike or treated it like you are going to break an actual rule from the Criminal Code. Oh, most definitely. Our series of interest totally does not have a lot of infamy surrounding it due to the sheer amount of content or the legality of some of that content. Absolutely not, this rule is reinforced by the book by the community (especially the Japanese/East Asian one)... God Outside the rule about "no ending spoilers", to what degree do people actually respect the official guidelines?
  7. Recently, I was quite curious to see what are the regulations when it comes to the creation of Touhou fan content. Not long after, I have found the rule list on the Touhou Yomoyama News website, and so I wanted to share them here as a bit of random trivia. I am not sure to what degree are those regulations respected by fan content creators as a whole, but I honestly find them interesting. If there is anything you find interesting, feel free to share your thoughts. I have decided to use a spoiler just so it would not be too much to scroll, or in case someone just wants to skip to the thoughts sharing part.
  8. I have a feeling we might encounter a part 2 of the..."incident" soon enough. And I already regret that... Also my apologies to @buskerdog for not having started the thread on Touhou Mystery Reel and other fangames even now, more than half a year later.
  9. Reopening the season for discussion. Anyone is welcome to contribute to the topic at hand.
  10. Honestly, I really wonder why people have not done it. Be it in a more serious manner, or just as an actual meme outside the "Mommy"/"Touhou fans be like" format. This is just as good, and like I said above, it is quite a shame people are not really interested into creating something out of it - I thin kit actually has potential. Probably the closes thing to it would be the "Canon vs Fanon [Touhou character]" sprite animation series done by lunaPrism.
  11. Wow, it seems like this video is no longer available...
  12. Oh shit, I forgot about it... again. Thank you very much for the reminder
  13. I know I have posted my sorter a few times already, and that I have updated it in February as part of my yearly activity, but this is what it looked like last time:
  14. Random though: honestly, I always found the "Touhou killer" (especially with other big frachinses in Japan that were supposed to I free throw Touhou in popularity, beginning with Kantai Collection, Idolnaster and so many more until nowadays) reputation as something interesting, especially since the supposed "the King is dead; long live the King" situation did not really happen. And that's been for like 20 years. No matter how many supposed "Touhou killers" there have been, this series has managed to remain popular and relevant to some degree for so long
  15. Hello! I have seen this thread going, and I wanted to add my two cents about some aspects I have noticed as well. 1) My proper introduction to the internet was around 2016-2017 (even if was born in 2002). At the time, I discovered the magic of forums, and so I got used to that discussion formula. It was fun that I could always find the thread I started, you could write messages as long as you wished them to be, and people were actually quite helpful. Even now, with the advent of instant discussion platforms, I still prefer booting up a forum and having a conversation with other people. It is just a different feeling you are getting from it. 2) About that... When I first got into Touhou, in mid October 2022, my introduction to the series was provided by the average anime-like cutesy stuff (you know, Marisa Stole the Precious Thing, Touhou Caramelldansen, whatever depository channels reposted from Innocent Key (before I learnt the dark implications behind that group's works) and so on). So much cuteness and moeblobs that immediately afterwards I ended u making a playlist having a ton of that stuff. Therefore, my image about Touhou formed on the following pillars: the cast is populated by cute girls that do cute girl stuff (Touhou was literally my first true expose to anime/Japanese media in general) I had no idea they were actually youkai in disguise, bloodthirsty and with a dark past behind them everything was a nice slice-of-life story, with your villain-of-the-week formula and conflicts solves peacefully Literally, my introduction to a bunch of the characters, in the first days of being in the Touhou community, came through the following message I will quote: And for a further read into the subject of fanon depictions: Therefore, when I first found out about the darker side of things, I felt like my world shattered. One month after getting into the series, I ended 2020 with the discovery of KKHTA. Given the image I formed until that moment about the series, I simply did not want to believe anything as brutal as that was real. Ever since, I had two breakdowns at the realization of what this series is or can be, as it was not as beautiful and all sunshine as I thought (definitely not helped that I probably had a crush for one of the 2hus at the time, so worse for me). Based on that, I wrote two threads at the time: This was originally written soon after my first breakdown, and originally posted on r/touhou (then moved here with updates and addons): This was written just as I suffered my second breakdown, and actually developed a little bit into a discussion about themes and world-building in Touhou: I will be honest. I do not think I will get the guts to watch KKHTA any time soon. I am feeling a little bit uncomfortable whenever Zounouse is brought up, mostly due the themes and stuff he adds in his stories. However, in the case of the latter, I can only rely in the word of mouth (if there is one thing I will always associate Zounouse with, that would be th following 3 words - "CANNED. HUMAN. MEAT"). I am not very sure if I like the idea of Gensokyo being a slaughterhouse for random people spirited away to that land. As much as I do not like the stereotypical "Gappy Stu" story in which every 2hu falls in love with the protagonist or some stupid isekai protag saves the day either (just for the record). Last but not least thing I would add, is the fact that for a long time, I have not really seen the 2hus as nothing more but one more set of waifus, but this time with more built around them (or maybe scratch that, there are characters with barely any characterization or lore built around them). Just another set of cute girls to like, collect (fan-made) merch of or use them in awkward internet discussion with other fa/tg/uys who need to take their schizo meds (if memes about people with fictional waifus are to be taken into as truth). Therefore, not so long ago I actually wrote about that issue at hand: Therefore, you can see some of the things that influenced my perception about this series, and how it evolved though time. Looks like I also made a lot of shameless plugins to my older threads... Bonus round: Just a few more things I would like to add at spitfire rate I do have a Twitter account, that was mostly a necessity if I wanted to continue seeing Touhou art from a specific artist. I used to follow Linmiee and her art, but when she disappeared, the next person I stuck to (and stil do to this day) is Iganashi1. I just really like his version of Eiki... As a side thing, Linmiee is the artist I focused on in the thread about "art fixing" and what drover her to flee from Twitter (and possible all social media): Touhou fans being horny, both on YouTube and through the mountains of porn/hentai they make and post - do I still have to say anything about that? I will instead leave my two most (in)famous discussions on that topic: (above: the glorious thread from r/touhou that ended up looking like a PhD thesis and even caused the crass of the app for some users just by opening it - also warning for a lot of weirdos, creeps and horny perverts that need to touch some grass; this thread even made it to r/copypasta as basically the opposite of all copypastas of people thirsting over something) To make it clear, I am far from being a self-righteous crusader. I am also guilty of having checked out some inappropriate stuff in the past, and by the simple fact I used Danbooru as my main way to get Touhou fanart, encountering content of the kind is an absolute given. Besides, I am aware this not happening only just with Touhou, there's a big surge in the horny everywhere, most definitely not helped by modern games/gacha games further adding fuel to such thoughts. By linking so many of my older threads, I just wish to encourage further discussion and perhaps revival of the topic if there is anything you might find interesting in them after reading Thank you for reading all of my crazy ramblings
  16. As some of you may have noticed, I have barely been active at the Moriya Shrine forum for the past months. For anyone wondering, I am still doing fine, I have just been a little busy with college life and trying to get through all my courses. However, there is another question that rose - am I slowly losing interest in this series? Background I have discovered Touhou somewhere in October 2020. Ever since, I have become increasingly hooked up into this fictional world, along with all the creations fans have put up. I feel like the peak of my activity in the Touhou community started in early 2022, as I finally joined this forum and became very active in discussing a series that I really enjoyed. Things started to change, however, as 2023 started to march on... There are a few symptoms I have noticed: 1. I have become less active in discussions about Touhou As mentioned earlier, I have been less active than I would have liked for the past months. In the past, I used to roll a thread every few days, and maintain discussion about it in tens of essay-sized comments. Today though, I think this is probably my first thread in weeks, if not outright months. A lot of the energy I used to have is simply gone, and I really need something that would help me get back at it. 2. I have started to find other series that caught my interest A warning sign for that started when I opened up the threads about other series people like, along with the discussions about other series and anime in general. First cracks started to appear in January-Febraury this year. That was when I first got my attention diverted to another series, that being Amagami. As time went on, things went a little wild, as what started as a curiosity about the world and characters of Kancolle and Azur Lane ended up with me playing the latter. (what can I say, I just believe Ise is pretty, and Hood has a very sweet and elegant demeanor). As time went on, I started to pay less attention to what was going on with Touhou, and focused more on what I thought I was enjoying at the time. I thought I was just picking a new series in order to keep myself fresh and avoid a Touhou burnout, but it seems like new the new things I discover keep me away from Touhou. 3. I am not feeling as excited anymore about new Touhou things Back in my first months of being a Touhou fan, I remember that I used to be extremely excited for the announcement of Touhou 18. For comparison, nowadays I am barely aware of the fact Touhou 19 is gong to be released (actually, I have plenty of moments in which I am even forgetting there is going to be a 19th mainline game). Same is going for the official literature. I am not feeling any thrill anymore for the release of a new chapter from the ongoing manga series (not that I even kept so much in touch with them outside the CDS capter which gave us Mizuchi). Probably my greatest moment of excitement was when I bought the entire Forbidden Scrollery collection, but it's been already a year since I bought the first volume, and I still have two more to read. One more example would be that of listening to Akatsuki Records, In the past, I was keeping up with all of their new music videos, but for the past months, I have skipped three songs in a row. I have told myself I need to get back and listent to them, but I have yet to do so... I really need to see what their ost recent songs are like (last one I kept up with was the Sekibanki song). Actually, I think I have barely listened to any Touhou music recently, the only saving saving grace being that I kept on listening to Ghostly Field Club and Changeability of Strange Dream. 4. I still have not got to finish (or even just play) any related game, be it official or fan-made This is something that I have also said at the end of last year, when I was writing the question if I am a bad fan of the series. The only game I have tried is Touhou 7, and I could even finish that one. SKILL ISSUES GALORE. I have not managed to find yet any fan game that I really wanted to play, and I do not know if Touhou LostWord really counts as an actual game (and not just a gambling machine masked as a Touhou game)... 5. I have lost a big art of my diligence in collecting things that I like In the past, I was always very curious and excited for whatever new Touhou fanart was being posted online. I used to collect them on a daily basis (which I am doing since December 2020), then I used to stored them on my Pinterest gallery (shameless plugin moment). However, despite the fact I am still doing it, I am just feeling less excited. I have better tools for finding more images, but it takes me more days until I actually send them to my favorites gallery. Until then, they are just clogging the tabs of the browser. Basically, what used to be a fun activity has become a chore. And I cannot just stop doing it, mostly due to FOMO (a general problem for me with anything Touhou related, and probably compatible with all of the points above). So, what is going on with me? Are those signs I am on the verge of dropping my position as someone who likes the series? Have I lost my passion for Touhou? Am I less and less interested for what is going on in the community? And even worse - what still keeps me as a Touhou fan? So many questions...
  17. It's been a while since I last made a contribution to the forum, so let's see what I can add. In regards to what you have mentioned, my one and a half years of using Danbooru as my main hub for finding Touhou images on a daily basis also brought at least some of the tags you mentioned. Therefore, let's get into a (not so holy) basic list of stuff of things that would make me say "same, buddy": Quite a few unholy things to my track record, to be honest. I think I should be ashamed of it. How recent is the spreadsheet? The results are very interesting, with some that I really did not get to see until now. Until I saw this, my reference came from another sheet I got last year as a result of writing a thread on r/touhou: Most damningly, given the actual thing above, Touhou actually has less mature content than most other popular series, as measured by me, right now, looking at Pixiv post counts: The procedure for all the data below is the same: I took the 10 most popular "copyright" tags at danbooru.us to get a list of "what's popular in the West". Then I went to pixiv.net and searched the main tag for each series, and then redid the search adding the term "R-18", which is the Japanese code for "mature work". I took note of the search results and calculated the "mature ratio" for each series. Touhou has the second smallest ratio, with only Vocaloid having less mature content. Series Posts R-18 Posts Mature Works % FGO 500.746 66.294 13.23% 東方 (Touhou) 2.449.831 192.275 7.84% アイドルマスター (Idolmaster) 262.369 113.030 43.08% 艦これ (Kantai Collection) 850.150 120.100 14.12% ホロライブ (Hololive) 244.879 25.884 10.57% VOCALOID 505.964 19.545 3.86% ポケモン (Pokémon) 823.234 120.454 14.63% 原神 (Genshin Impact) 243.892 52.579 21.56% アズールレーン (Azur Lane) 192.314 50.300 26.15% アークナイツ (Arknights) 155.213 17.391 11.20% So, the whole point of this essay is moot. Touhou is NOT "so popular in terms of mature content". People want to lewd idols, battleships and genderbent historical figures more than the youkai. If the data I mentioned above is correct, Touhou might have more R18 simply due to the sheer amount of works. However, when it comes o percentage out of all the works under that tag, we are apparently very low compared to most other stuff. Also by the way, what is the latest hot stuff nowadays getting tons of art? Besides Blue Archive (for which I have seen the note regarding characters age), Honkai also seems to be getting a lot of art, R18 included (or at least Kafka does, a character from that game). Kafka
  18. I will still probably keep my opinion that the fandom dislike for the Watatsuki sisters comes as a result of their bad reception in SSiB + they way they were depicted in KKHTA (along with the Lunarians in generals; it's not like people unironically made more or less jokes about calling them "the Greater Lunarian Reich")
  19. Almost a month too late from my promised answer, but it is finally time to do it. I can no longer delay... Originally, I did not get the reference. It took me a bit until I saw your second reply and realized it's based on a quote from Symphony of the Night. Very clever The issue of unrealism is something I have addressed in another thread written around the same time as this one. I think we all people are attracted, or have the tendency to be attracted by perfection to some degree. About the comment regarding food, it happened to me a lot of times too, even if mostly when i was watching cooking shows. I would add more here, but I think some of the ideas will come the more I go through the replies... Indeed, the market is filed with materials from which to choose. Some might even call it (overly)saturated by it. But I guess that is the selling point it? After all, VNs/dating sims are still quite popular, even if they can be very shallow and copy tropes and formulas from one another. This one strikes close to home. I can't talk too much about myself, but from the perspective of someone who has never been in a relationship, I would say we might be a vulnerable target audience for waifu content. And I think that might even be the ultimate purpose of this kind of content? It's 4chan where it comes from after all. Some level of BS is always to be expected. Usually, I heard the term "cartoon crush" to be used for what would be the Western media equivalents of waifu/husbando. This one is quite fun. We are making so much fun of "Discord mods" and associate them wish stuff of the sorts, but it can happen to anyone of us at some given point. I like this perspective. It reminds me of a meme I have seen at one point in the past going along th lines of "Best girl this, best girl that / How about you become the best version of yourself to get the best girl irl?" (I hope I can also find it eventually). Perhaps it could work to use them as a motivation factor for self-improvement? Even if they do not exist, at least you can focus on how you could become a better person that could eventually get the guy/girl they like in real life. I agree on the idea no w/h can replace real love. The may get you feel better for a little bit of time, similarly to a drug, but when the effect goes, you will feel empty again. despite the fact I never really found myself declaring that I have a "waifu" (despite me liking a few characters in the way of "they are cool/pretty"), I know that feeling. It's not a pleasant one, that's all I can assure. To me, the confusing part comes from the fact my exposure to media containing waifu stuff has only been relatively recent. It started about 3 years ago, and was almost as if I was struck by a truck. I went from nothing of the sort to full-on stuff of the sort (especially after I picked Touhou), and it was a big change for me. I did not understand why I was liking the characters so much, as until then I was not the king of guy who would have a favorite character from a series (or even feel stuff similar to a crush for fictional content). Hello Cana! It's always good to have you in here. Now that you brought up that podcast, I grew curious and put it into my "Watch later" playlist. It reminds me of a brief episode from early 2021. At the time, I was still new into Touhou, and my favorite character was Youmu. And since I thought she was cool, just as you do with Patchouli (all my respect), I used an image of her as my profile picture. I t was brief, and it seems like I never came back to it (unless you count my current image of Sakamoto on Discord). This is the image I have used back then. It is part of a bigger art set made an artist called Hoshiringo. Basically, I like to call these "ZUN portraits, but RTX: ON". There are two big plates, one for EoSD and one for PC: Similarly to what I have told to Nekofire, I feel like characters we like form media can serve as inspiration to improve ourselves. Take a look at what you like/admire about that character, then look at how you can emulate them by yourself. Or maybe you can also look for someone who has some of these traits you prefer? I don't really know, I feel I am not the kind of person who should be talking about this... Sure, gacha does have that appeal element set as a selling point. A tool to drive sales if we are to call it as such. And I guess this actually works? Given the abundance of the industry, there will always be something that will fit for everyone (I would have originally compare this with throwing dung to a wall and see what sticks, but it might be more than that...). I agree that there is need for a critical point of view, and actually take a look at what makes a character to be a "waifu" for someone. Sometimes, I do not know if I actually like a character, or I just find their design/find the fanart to be very good/attractive. Therefore, I will try something I do not usually do, and actually talk a little bit about why I like one character or another (despite never having directly called them "mai waifu" or really thought of them as such): Hieda no Akyuu (Touhou): I really like bookworm characters (just as much as I like people of that kind in real life). It's something very cute about a character that works as an archivist-chronicles/historian, maybe also due to the fact I like history too. She is a dork, and I would say she is also adorkable. Bonus, I would say that reading Forbidden Scrollery made me find her even more interesting than before, even if many times she may act more like a living encyclopedia (side effect, FS also bumped Kosuzu all the way up into my top 5 2hus). Tanamachi Kaoru (Amagami): Amagami has been (and still is) a weird episode in my life. Normally, I would stay far from dating sims related media, but this one caught my attention mostly for this character. At first sight, there is nothing too special about Kaoru, but for me (and probably most people), what bring attention to her like a lighthouse is the messy, wavy hair. A lot of art pools add her into "gorgeous hair/haircut", which seems to be the selling point. Also after watching the series itself, I also like her more tomboy-ish nature and way to behave. Overall, I think this might be the first character I have ever been fanboy-ing over. Yamashiro (Kancolle): normally, I would stay far from games like this one. But I think from her on (if I am to even go to describe other characters mentioned), I would just end up saying that they are pretty. I just have a weakness for short(er) black hair, and I think the Miko outfit something I like (I like the red-white) contrast. Ironically, I have become more curious to learn about the real warship (IJN Yamashiro) that inspired this character, as well as the Fusou-class warships (Yamashiro and Fusou, her sister-ship, are part of this class). So just history stuff... Byleth (Fire Emblem): again, I just think she looks pretty. I am not familiar with the Fire Emblem series at all, and all I know is that the male version of Byleth was added in Super Smash Bros Ultimate. Female Commander (GFL): again, I just like how she looks. Nothing else. She's the player's character, so I can't really add too much. Now you have really made me curious about the tastes of this friend of yours, especially if you say they might be similar to what I have listed... Interesting. I was not expecting for this to be something extreme even for weebs. I thought it was something associated with them in general... I have started watching Azumanga Daioh somewhere at the beginning of March, just after I finished with the first season of Amagami SS. The problem is that I have put it on an indefinite hiatus, and I am not sure when I will get back to it. But I really want to finish the series eventually. I am also familiar with Nichijou, and found a lot of clips from the series on YouTube. That series seems to be quite fun, and I really like some of the characters like Sakamoto (and explains why I am using him as my pfp on Discord nowadays). GyateGyate art is always cute. Apology accepted. Once I found out where it comes from, it became so much better. Therefore, why I pointed out so many times that usually I either find a character to be pretty looking or be interesting in the way in which they are built/depicted based on their actions and interests. Indeed, the problem of falling into obsession is a real thing, and we really do tend to stick with an idealized version of that individual. Doesn't that happen in real life as well though? I know that the breaking of the illusion has been something negative. Once the "phantasm" is lifted, they tend to either lose interest in that person, or just feel disappointed the partner was not exactly what they thought them to be. It did happen to me once, or better said I was the one someone had illusions about, yet when those broke, things went sour. But I do have a question: can the illusion related to waifus be broken? And if you manage to break it, would that mean a liberation from the phantasm and obsession? I think at some point all of us may have expectations of someone irl, and might feel a bit a bit disappointed when what you thought about them shatters. Therefore a question (taken from French Baguette Syndicate): do we actually fall in love with a person for who they are, or for the illusion we are projecting about that person? I will break this into two parts. First, isn't it something inheritably human to be afraid of change? A lot of people do not wish for change, and would like to maintain things the way they are at all costs. Which in turn risks to devolve into stagnation. Second, isn't the "fill-in-the-blanks with whatever you wish" one of the things that brought the Touhou community and fanon to life? people have always filled in the blanks with whatever they want/like about that character (which leads to what you mentioned later, in regards to Fusu for example). Again, pretty much what I have mentioned earlier about the birth of the fandom. Which I do feel like it was influenced to some degree about the rise of the "waifu" phenomenon at the time. I would talk more about Fusu, but I think I have expressed more than enough about him in a lot of previous threads of mine. Some people will always look for the easy way to obtain gratification/satisfaction. "The low hanging fruit" basically. Since a waifu does not change (unless the author of the series where said waifu comes from decides to continue the series and keep evolving the character), they just become timeless. And that is just something people will find easy to stick to. But yeah, people have to accept those around them with their good and bad points, since nothing is perfect in real life. Neither do I have anything that I would declare to be a "waifu", but just like you I do have characters that I like. I already explained a short version of what I like about Akyuu, so I will not go into further detail about that. Luckily, Akyuu has not really been turned into a waifu. She is still one of those side-characters some fans may not even know to exist. She did not escape the art of Fusu though (though I am not sure if he has any not-safe-for-work art of her outside one of the standard confessions). So I am not very sure if people focused on anything in order to turn her into a waifu, as she is a non-existent character for some. She is in the "you read the manga, you nerd" category. I would like to talk a bit about this, but I think the following image conveys much better everything I would have said. You know, "an image is worth a million words" or something like that... "You don't want a girlfriend, you want a toy"
  20. Again, I forgot to mention a new upload... ...am I starting to grow indifferent? It is the second song in a row that I have not listened to despite being fresh upload
  21. Based on my sorter results, I would say that a part of my top 10 characters do not have fanon surrounding them at all. Among those lacking any bit of fanon, I would count: Akyuu Raiko Kosuzu Tsukasa (I have some doubts about this one, but is there any fanon about her besides the song "Coooonsultant!"?) As for the rest of the characters in my top (as well as previous top 10 charts), I have what is one of my oldest threads at the Shrine:
  22. Huh, nice to see I am not the only one. Also two things: 1) wait, Rina was involved with one more Touhou fan-game?! That's awesome! 2) You have made me curious for the Cirno and her VA part now....
  23. Have you ever stumbled upon something you were not expecting to se be connected with the Touhou community and games? What would be one of the places where you were not expecting to find Touhou, but still found it? In my case, probably the connection I was never expecting to make was between Satou Rina and the Touhou fan-game Koumajou Densetsu 2. How does it come? Rina was the voice actor for Reimu in that game. To my surprise, the voice actor for a lot of characters that caught my interest (and one that I really like a lot) proves to have also been involved not only with Touhou, but also one of my top 10 favorite 2hus. Now, she not just the voice of Tanamachi Kaoru, Eula and Tennessee & California, but also the voice of our favorite red-white miko. And since her birthday was just a week ago, back on the 2nd of May (funny how it coincides with my father's birthday), I would like to wish a belated happy birthday to Rina. And now, enough fanboying on my side... What are some of the most unexpected connections and contributions to the Touhou community you have seen? Is there anything or anyone you were not expecting to do anything connected to the series?
  24. There is a bit of a long story about the origin of my name, which I have written about in the AMA thread to begin all AMA threads. Probably the shortest version would be that I have gone through a variety of names beforehand, and the current one is a combination paying homage to my previous names. (also came as a need when I started my own DA art page...)
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