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nitorii last won the day on August 31

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About nitorii

  • Birthday 11/03/2006

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    desert theater
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  1. the secret for humanity to achieve world peace is more nitori cosplayers
    you heard it here folks, you know what to do

  2. so I noticed this when I tried downloading Fushigi no Gensokyo uploaded by Congrio and it gave me this screen not sure if this is something on my end, but it seems to only happen in specific games? the ones that failed were fushigi no gensokyo, hero of ice fairy, genso wanderer foresight, I am sakuya and danmaku kagura (there may be other games, but I haven't checked all). something I noticed is that all of them are in the 7z format, although some other games in the same format seem to be downloading fine I'll leave this here and if it's a problem here, I'm sorry
  3. so, I'm not sure if this is an issue with the website or if something went terribly wrong with the source of the files, but I'm greeted by this beautiful screen when I try downloading the game I wasn't sure if this should be posted on the bugs and issues forum, but in case the download does this for anyone else I'll report it there
  4. they actually changed it lmao good work guys
  5. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1R7XfzJK6wDh68bSp2ktbJw4Ge57fBiuE?usp=sharing

    this is a link to a zip file containing about 6GB of songs from the artist An (AcuticNotes), it's basically their entire discography in FLAC format for your hearing pleasure. (or at least mostly, I think 1 album is in mp3, unfortunately)
    I found this while I was looking for Saigo and Amrita, since they're both 2 of my most memorable songs from An because of how often I played them in osu, so I coincidentally found this goldmine of a zip and I wanted to share it with anyone interested. their songs are really good, I really recommend giving some a listen.

    1. Idkism


      Interesting, i'll give it a listen lol

    2. nitorii






      these are the songs I mentioned in case you're curious

  6. remyadry is the most game of a game I've ever thought possible within a game it's unparalleled how much of a game it is

  7. and with every good news comes a bad one

    twitter is officially dead in brazil as of midnight.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. nitorii


      na I meant the brazil part lol

    3. suyu_


      you didn't know?


    4. nitorii


      nope me dumb

  8. messing about with ffmpeg

  9. man I forget to follow people back for mutuals I'm such a troll FIXED IT OKAY I'M NOT BAD

  10. this is so pretty man

  11. image.png.364ca44c69eaa69ca76d5486e2d939fd.png
    for some good news, I'm finally getting my goddamn moondrops

  12. I'm away for 10 hours and there's a depressive rant in the forum dude I am not doing my job as the savior of the people

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nitorii


      oh suyu... how wrong you were. how wrong I was for even talking to him

    3. suyu_
    4. nitorii


      not your fault, dw about it

  13. some of you have probably seen this already but in case you didn't I personally am not that big on videogame movies or adaptations of the sort but at the same time I think it's a cool idea, just scared of how they'll execute it lemme know what you guys think in the comments and I might reply
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