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  1. Well... Im just a guy in the community who like drawing digitally or in paper. I was thinking i make a project which works like a "reboot" for Touhou Series without changing the story, but only the character for something more realistic. For this work, well, first i have the idea to bring back the PC-98 characters with more personality and of course, relevant to the lore. But in another side, i noticed in the Touhou games some characters who need more attention or even a design change to make this project. Obviously is such a weird idea that suddenly appears to the Moriya Shrine, but i fell good to share something cool.
    2 points
  2. YES YES YES YES YES YES!! Orange is a great choice because of how easy it is to learn about her. She only appears once, so you just read those dialogues and you literally know all about her haha. And she's just in stage 1 so it's easy to play the game yourself and check it out :) As a result, learning her personality is also quite easy. It's always up to personal interpretation, but with lines like "Ahaha, don't underestimate me just because I'm the first stage boss!", anyone could see her as outgoing and likeable. She is practically waiting to be the next protagonist! Meanwhile someone like Elly or Kurumi, they have more passive dialogues, such as "I couldn't help it! The magician (Marisa) forced her way through ^^' I won't take mercy on you though!". I don't think that's the exact line, but you get that it might be harder to prop up Elly as a heroic character. Also, earlier today I was coincidentally thinking about a male Orange cosplay (?!). It's surprisingly easy to convert her outfit to be male. She doesn't wear a huge dress like the other characters, so that part is already taken care of. Just shorten her hair, maybe give her cool shades, and you're done! Once again, Orange would be the perfect candidate for a redesign. She's got so many great qualities :) ...Okay, okay, I admit, she is my favorite character so I just might possibly have a chance to be slightly considered a little bit biased...
    2 points
  3. YOU'RE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. That's an unorthodox question, and for many different reasons. :) Thinking over your answer, I had a number of different thoughts. But after considering things, I think it would be best to start with one of the 98 cast. They've so little attention, and are vague enough I think it lends room for a redesign. My pick would be Orange. She's a very weak Youkai, with a decently sized fan following, and is possibly the weakest starting boss. Which gives you a lot to do with her, whether its recasting her as a heroic knight or a Monkey King style figure, or just a shy, easily frightened dude.
    2 points
  6. It seems my opinions have caused some controversy. Joking aside. I don't know, a lot of my view of the Forest is with questionable context. Most inhabitants we regularly see are fairies, and its usually a starting zone. Fairies are so comparatively weak, that the average fairy is only somewhat of a threat to an average human, and considered more of a pest. There's also the issue that the perception we have of Gensokyo comes mostly from its heroines. Heroines who fight gods, demons and monsters. Not exactly the best source of information for the average farmer. That was part of the reason I wanted to write the GSG from the perspective of a human with no powers. So threats Marisa and Reimu would just gloss over would still have teeth. I will definitely concede the forest is dangerous. I never intended to say it was a safe place to be. But if the forest is considered 'very dangerous', and every other zone aside from the Misty Lake and Human Village are considered more dangerous, I think it undersells the Forest's threats. Particularly given what we see of it in game. I may have that somewhere, though I haven't read it. Books that old are a good source of Youkai. Most library books I read as a kid on Youkai come from the 70s to 80s, and were very rudimentary. You know its a normie book on Japan when they describe Nekomata as anime catgirls instead of 100 year old felines blessed with magic powers. It wouldn't exactly be beyond me. I loved fairy lore as a kid, and Youkai later, and the two have more than a few similarities if you examine them from their roots. But I like the idea of the readers learning about obscure Japanese monsters as they read. The sheer number of Youkai also make creating a wholly original one difficult. That image that inspired Agappa? I found that before I decided on her status as a Youkai. There was just a Youkai who loved wearing old raincoats and carried burning things in its mouth already. Do have a few original fairies I thought I might use in a future project connected to Oscar, but we'll see. :)
    1 point
  7. i fw vamps heavy
    1 point
  8. This bothered me enough to make me spend enough time mulling it over that my tea is too strong for me now, and I drink them fairly strong already. It's not that it is the most dangerous place in the entirety of Gensokyo that gives the forest the air of danger, but rather where it is placed on the map of Gensokyo. Surrounding the Human village we have three major locations: Youkai mountain, the Forest of Magic and the Bamboo Forest of the Lost. Now, assume you're a normal human in the human village; Would you go anywhere near Youkai mountain? Of course you wouldn't, that place is named after Youkai. At best you'd use the lift to Moriya to pray to the Gods. Next, would you go to the Bamboo Forest of the Lost? No, there is a reason not a soul who does not live there never returns without help from one who does live there. That leaves the Forest of Magic as our only major location that needs to dissuade a run-of-the-mill human from entering out of curiosity and likely getting enough people to notice the lie that holds the entirety of Gensokyo together... but the place is relatively harmless compared to everywhere else, so how do we persuade people to leave that forest the Hell alone? Who are our information distributors again? Who holds interest in keeping the lie that Youkai are scary intact, either to save themselves or to save face and the reputation of the clan? We don't need to lie about the threat level of other places because they are either threatening enough on their own to keep people away or are far enough from the human village that the powers that be genuinely could not care less about how Humans view the place.
    1 point
  9. omg i have sooooo many stuff to complete for y'all but idk which one should i do first should it be... tsp yaoi? mathilda's world? we didn't kill amelia? or the mathildapet guide? tell me! (please tell me quick i have stuff to do yk)
    1 point
  10. The Magic Forest It has no name, because it does not need one. There are other groups of trees, but beyond Muenzuka, there is only one real forest. The Magic Forest’s inhabitants are mostly fairies, with a number of Youkai and minor Kami. During the day, the forest is relatively harmless. Most fairies being easily repelled or distracted. By night, the forest grows more dangerous as the Youkai awake. The Youkai of the forest, while not especially strong, have a close bond with one another, and readily come to one another’s aid. The forest also has a number of flora, making it dangerous at all hours. Hallucinogenic mushrooms, carnivorous trees and blood-sucking vines among the many hazards of this place. If you become lost in the forest, there is a chance you can get the attention of some of its human inhabitants. The witch Kirisame Marisa and occultist Alice Margatroid shelter lost wanderers, while Narumi Yatadera and Rinnosuke Morichika will guide lost souls. Be careful that by calling for help however, you do not attract the attention of its more dangerous inhabitants… Or, you can purchase our Lorelei of the Night branded music boxes, available at every Otherworldly Ventures outlet for 1 Bu. Tired of going out at night and being attacked by Youkai? Ease your life, with Lorelei of the Night. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Oscar’s feet hurt. The pain pulsed in his shoes as he trudged along. Envying the others who were carelessly floating ahead of him. Only Agappa walked by foot. Her sandals with their broken thong making a peculiar sound behind him. Fortunately, he did not have long to focus on his feet. From in front of him, the most beautiful sound he had heard echoed from between the trees. A song more akin to a celestial instrument than human song. It took him a moment to realize it was coming from Mystia. Weaving her way between the darkened trunks effortlessly. Though the evening sky had dimmed and darkness set in, she didn’t seem to have her eyes open. From the dark, sinister gazes seemed to rise among the trees as Mystia’s song passed. Glowering down at him before disappearing. Every color was represented, from red to blue to brown. Now and then, a face would materialize from the dark, making him jump. Before it would smile and wave to the group of girls. Each time Mystia would wave back, greeting it by name. The others of Team 9 echoing her greeting enthusiastically. But usually, the eyes would simply vanish into the undergrowth. As they walked along the dirt path, the others eased ahead, eager to see another familiar face. Agappa on the other hand hung back. Not wanting another awkward meeting with a judgmental group. The only one who remained close to him was Rumia. Her head still wrapped in Daiyousei’s kerchief, stained with blood. Her face and arms flecked with soot and burns from his rockets. Even her eyes seemed swollen. Her head was turned down, ignoring the greetings from elsewhere. Don’t talk to her. She tried to eat you. She chased you after trying to eat you. She’s only your friend because her other friends like her… “Hey Rumia.” The words startled her, though she didn’t jolt at them. Her head raised slowly. Not looking back at him. “...You ah, had a rough day. How are you feeling?” “Hungry…” The sorrow in her voice might have moved him. If he wasn’t half sure he was on the menu. But there was something else in her voice. Something more than hunger pangs. Behind him, he was sure he could hear Agappa muttering to herself. What it was, he couldn't tell over the song. “Don’t your injuries hurt?” “They’ll heal at night.” The despondency in her voice only grew. Either they really hurt, or she was really playing up the act. Still, was she really dangerous with her friends nearby? “Do you want me to carry you?” “Go away.” Her body darkened and faded. A shadowy ball enveloping her a moment before she veered off into the forest. Vanishing among the trees, despite the odd bump into a trunk. The song ahead slowed. Four trusting faces looking back with concern. Cirno spoke first. "Osu, where's Rumia?" =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= What now? = You have a little time. She can’t see, and is probably in pain. Trick her into coming back to the path. = This seems like the perfect occasion for a long-range flare--erm, firebolt. That'll scare her back. = Sneak after her. She'll never see you coming. = Chase after her! = She’ll go to a familiar place to rest and be alone. The BBQ pit! We can make camp there.
    1 point
  11. hi!! im a newbie average skilled artist and i love the aki sisters after my finals this week i'm interested in making a small little project making the aki sisters into gym leaders so i need some help with some cute poses that match their personality :D (please educate me on the lore aswell) they're definitely grass gym leaders and i've gotten a few ideas already :3 if you're also a hardcore pokemon fan please reccomend a team (preferably competitive but anything autumn/nature themed works) for them! I'm thinking of doing double battle comps but i've never played double battle strategies before so i wouldn't know :') i also have an idea of like switching between trainers mid battle like 3 for minoriko, 3 for shizuha. if the player defeats the first three they go on to battle the other sister! so far for the team i've gotten gourgeist (pumpkin = autumn) and sawsbuck autumn form (which are definitely not competitive but they should stay on the team because so far i think these two are generally the only two pokemon somehow related to the autumn season) the pokemon team isnt that important the drawing is obviously more important, but i do wanna make like a pokemon rom hack with the two sometime when i learn to do them! thanks
    1 point
    1 point
  13. the chosen ones (if you know you know) and their also not done yet boogaloo
    1 point
  14. our lord and savior flandre scarlet's need for fresh blood is rising. we must sacrifice people as much as we can (turn them into diehard touhou fans).
    1 point
  15. Why you always change your username and photo? (Not complaining)
    0 points
  16. my husband (a plant) left me.
    0 points
  17. 0 points
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