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Showing content with the highest faith level on 05/25/2024 in all areas

  1. i need some inspiration for a touhou edutainement game (you know, "rin's gensokyo adventure!") i literally have no ideas rn :(((( it's for the neighbor's kids (i'm friends with them) so maybe a "crossover arc" would be included (they like minecraft, gd, SPORTSBALL and that kind of stuff lmao)
    1 point
  2. do you like furries? (fun fact! furries are basically dudes cosplaying as anthropomorphic animals!)
    1 point
  3. I think that works out great! I'm sure nobody would rather envision a "hideous old crone" than a cute 2hu XD. It feels just like something Zun would do when making a new character. At the same time, keeping the personalities and abilities true to original lore is a good choice. It's always interesting to learn about a new yokai, and how they behave :) Speaking of which, I'm thinking of reading Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange things by Lafcadio Hearn. It seems to have many interesting tales of yokai, so I wonder if you know about it. Also, do you think you'll ever come up with a completely original yokai? I mean adding a character that resembles existing yokai, but not directly based off of any. Might make things interesting. I think you have the imagination and knowledge to pull it off well, if you ever give that a try :) Everybody else please vote for Oscar to rest next! :3 Anyways, can't wait to see the next chapter I get you're busy so I understand if you don't respond to this
    1 point
  4. the chosen ones (if you know you know) and their also not done yet boogaloo
    0 points
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