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  1. No much happened this week, however, the choices are very interesting. I would go for one of the "short" options, since we already traveled inside a "dangerous forest" once (to avoid thing getting stale). If I am not mistaken, the Forest of Magic at night is very dangerous For now, I have chosen "If we follow the Radio Tower Trail, we can get one over on the Fairies of Ligh--I mean get some fairies to help us! (Short, Unfriendly)" for a bit more chaos. Plus, Aggapa might have some interesting punishment for Team9 (& Oscar if he's get dragged into Team9's mean plan). Having Mystia sings for the others as she guide them or her make lunch would be cute, but I think we've seen enough of Team9 interaction (yeah, Mystia didn't get much spotlight, but it is what it is. Next time maybe?). Trying to go to Marisa's home would be a way of introducing her, but she's a fairly easy character to introduce at the human village if she becomes relevant to the story. Forcing through the Forest could result in many things. One of which being meeting Narumi (the jizo) who could help them find their way (If I remeber right, jizo watch over travelers, and I think especially children, which fairies kinda are), or stumbling upon Alice's home/puppets. Or a unidentifiable beast roam the dark forest (Nue's form is hidden thanks to her powers). You know what, I'll vote for this instead. More flexibility.
    2 points
  2. 69 days won, nice!
    1 point
  3. sorry for not posting earlier i was writing tsp yaoi
    1 point
  4. Recently I decided to find lost media on warosu and Touhou Grand Fangames List. That also led me to other sites with lost media, so I have found a lot of links for a major update. Everything listed below is already added to list (the first post in this topic). What was added: Games: HRtP ver 1.00 C60 trial version of Kioh Gyoku Project Gian - Shuusou Gyoku Prototype Neo Gian ~ Shuusou Gyoku 東方燐迷歌 ~ Phosphorus Hesitates Song Groovy ちるの (Groovy Cirno) 東方秋神録 ~ Every day of Autumn (FOUND) 群弾 (The Crowd Shooting) 東方黒封戯 (Touhoukokuhuugi) 東方賽銭箱 さなシュー (Sanae Shooting) 東方佰鬼録 ~Guest from devildom~ イラスト by D.C.S. Touhou Fan Anime: A lot of new information about Anime Tenchou x Touhou Project (new images, info + art book) わりと動く同人誌 (+ わりと動く同人誌2 and わりと動く同人誌3) + some archives of obscure versions of Touhou fan anime Other media: Touhou Clock メイドさんの日々 DVD by colonel_AKI Animations: [東方] ハルノカケラ (the first ever Touhou 3D animation (2005)) Archive of Touhou flashes. May contain non-Touhou stuff. A lot of info about lost Touhou MMDs
    1 point
  5. Hi, I was reading the latest chapter the other day, and it's nice to see the story's still going strong! I'm excited to see what the team will encounter in the Magic Forest (if they go there at all). Keep it up! I'm especially loving all the intricate explanations on the non-touhou youkai. Anyways, no mean criticisms this time ...just a few questions, if you have the time How much of the (non-touhou) mythology is accurate? Is it perfectly matching historical sources, or did you infuse some of your own imagination? The descriptions for things like the Hitotsume Kozo and Yamas are very detailed and interesting. Following up, how do you know so much about this stuff? I remember you mentioned youkai.com in that topic from way before, but I can't imagine you'd be browsing that everyday. I NEED to learn more myself :) I also wonder how you know so much about touhou locations like Muenzuka and the Magic Forest. Curiously, those things never come up when I'm learning about touhou. UNRELATED: I was having trouble finding this topic again, expecting it in All You Can Ask Buffet. I don't want to demand it be moved... but....maybe...?
    1 point
  6. Yes, I adore the bunny characters. Tewi is my favorite bunny character and also the character I hope to get a fumo of
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Road of Reconsideration This path winds from the human lands into Muenzuka. Lined by the familiar red Spider Lilies, the Road is said to be used by humans seeking an end to their own lives. Because of this, any number of Ghosts and Youkai are found here. Its bad reputation seldom deters treasure hunters, Youkai and Human alike, who scavenge the edge of the forest for relics from neighboring realms. Earth relics are most common, though treasures from Makai have been found here as well. It is said the road terminates at the Sanzu, where the Shinigami ferry lost souls for judgment. If you value your life, dread this road. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= “I keep on hearing about these ‘Yamas’...what are they? How do they even know you’re misbehaving?” The question seemed even more unwelcome than his previous one. The hairs on the back of each girl’s head seemed to rise. Even Daiyousei was suddenly evasive. No one wanted to speak. No one wanted to make eye contact. Oscar was just thinking of rephrasing the question, when Agappa suddenly spoke at his elbow. The low even voice making the others speed just a little faster. “Yama. Judges, ten. They decide what happens to you after you die. Boring clouds, unhappy hole, sad trees or retry. Lady Eiki Shinki decides for everyone in Gensokyo.” With her curt proclamation done, Agappa grew quiet again. The collection of Youkai and Fairies ahead of him walking briskly and silently. Around them, Oscar could see the terrain was shifting. He had not seen a spider lily in an hour, and the trees lining the road were thinning. Giving way to rough, rolling hills. Nearby was another forest, its leaves unusually rich and dark, and with few blossoms in its boughs. On the horizon was the mountain, a lake at its base reflecting the twilight skies. Cirno put her hands on her hips, smiling blithely as she pointed. Squinting, he could see a circle of trees, surrounding a set of wooden structures. The first sign of civilization he had seen that day made his heart catch in his throat. “See that Osu? The Human Village is just there! They won’t let us in because we aren’t humans, but we go in when we feel like it.” “How?” “Ancient Fairy secret.” The blue haired brat said, with a cheeky smile. Daiyousei turned with a gentle smile of her own. “Come on. If we hurry, you’ll be inside before midnight.” “But...we have to go through that forest, right?” “Its nothing to worry about,” Cirno said confidently. A diminutive hand rising to rest on Mystia’s shoulder. “You have the best trail guide in all of Gensokyo.” Oscar felt Cirno’s judgment, even on something so simple, was questionable. But the warmth in her voice showed her sincerity. At her side, the winged Youkai returned the fairy’s smile with one of her own. “Just you follow me, Osu! There’s nothing a human should be afraid of at night in the Magic Forest, which isn’t a Youkai like me!” Her words were somehow less reassuring than he’d hoped. And only grew all the more concerning as Mystia laid out the paths through the forest ahead… =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Lorelei leads the group along the Youkai Trail, singing a calming song as she goes. (Long, Friendly) = If we take the Magician’s Trail, we can reach Marisa’s and ask to spend the night! (Longer, Risky, but we can rest for the night) = If we follow the Radio Tower Trail, we can get one over on the Fairies of Ligh--I mean get some fairies to help us! (Short, Unfriendly) = Force march along the Village Trail as fast as possible. Osu can rest at the Village! (Short, Unpredictable) = A human, go that far in a couple hours? Very funny. Let’s make a camp where Mystia makes her BBQs! (Long, Safe)
    1 point
  9. Hey, It is this lad, Gou. Some may know me and well, to the ones that know me I have something to apologize for being immature, to leave you lads, Busk, Von, and Soda, and Issac if you are still here. I really do have lots of fond memories with you lads. I really treasure and cherish all the moments we spent. This might sound corny but I don’t feel good without a proper departure. I apologize again. Things were difficult past few years but now I am rediscovering myself, that also includes my love for Touhou. And I am glad to say that I have found my passion again. And who made those experiences of early Touhou for me better? That’s you guys! The moriya shrine! That I once called home. Now Touhou as a whole is my home now. Countvonumenor, I really glad that I met you and talked with you. I gained a lot of knowledge of Touhou and I even more, I love you passion of discussing Touhou to a whole. You really are an inspiration! Calling you a brother is not a lie. I really do see you as one von. Thanks for being who you are in this wonderful community. I know you will reach your goals, brother. Buskerdog, The Touhou game jam was an invaluable experience for me. I am really grateful that you included me as an artist that time. And on that note, I am so happy that I got participate in the Remix Tournaments twice. Thank you busk truly. Soda, you know because of you I improved a lot on my art and had a lot fun with the group. I appreciate your encouraging words on art! Thank you for being wholesome Soda! Issac, well I only got one thing to say for you. Thanks for being who you are. :> And all the other wonderful people on the shrine who have been warm to me, I thank every one of you. That’s all my lads. And thank you for having this Onigama Gou in the Moriya Shrine.
    1 point
  10. I was really different years ago. Hehe, I'm glad to have found this community. That's all
    1 point
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