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Posts posted by buskerdog

  1. It feels like ages since I've posted something here (or even made posts in general for that matter, although that isn't really the case so much). I plan to remedy that soon. Anyway here have some musics.


    SOUND HOLIC - Drive My Life
    (no embed :SaguDown:)
    (also ha, No Life Queen cameo at the beginning)



    Demetori - Love-Colored Master Spark ~ Final Sorcery



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  2. @CountVonNumenor dude don't feel so down, nothing wrong with being a Touhou fan even if you don't play all the mainline bullet hell games, or play them but aren't "good" at them. Not everyone's into them.

    That being said, the mainline games are pretty sick.

    Don't worry yourself so much, Nitorium has plans for the site going forward.


    On a another note, wow, I never expected this thread to get so many replies!

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  3. Whatever comes of this DMCA, I just really hope the forum doesn't get shut down because of it. At first I thought it was just some troll but more and more it now seems to be ZUN's legal team. I have no idea what the future of this site will be without the downloads, no one will have a reason to come here anymore, but I don't want the whole site to get destroyed because it means a lot to me.

    I knew something like this would come eventually but I was not prepared for it right now. I've visited this site nearly every day for 3 years now. Things are awful in my personal life right now and knowing I could come back here and talk with other Touhou fans on the forum has been an important escape for me. That's not to mention how important Moriya has been for making Touhou accessible. Without it, my life literally wouldn't be the same right now. I hope this isn't the end for Moriya Shrine.

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  4. On 3/23/2022 at 4:42 PM, CountVonNumenor said:

    Are we, the Westerners, just a bunch of silly creators?

    Respectfully, I disagree. But yes, there is a lot of low-quality Touhou shitpost content on Youtube. So to start, I would like to attempt to give what context I can to this situation.

    Why is there so much shitposting?

    I know there is a lot of shitpost content out there from the western Touhou community, but I don't watch it, and it generally only appears in my feed very rarely. But why? Well besides the fact that I ignore it, the reason I reckon it doesn't come to my attention so much is because my feed instead gives me the animation, music, etc. content that it's already been recommending me for years - you see, all this shitpost content is a relatively recent thing. Now please understand here, that I am not trying to play the "blame all the new fans" card - that being said, I do think this has something to do with an influx of new fans. The main reasons I think for this are Touhou Lost Word and the popularity explosion of fumos – it’s hard to say if either of these are directly responsible for beginning this shitposting train, and I’m not really involved enough in either of them to offer a lot of insight, but I do believe that fumos (and fumo memes) have spread to the point where some people’s first introduction to the series is through fumos – and I know there’s a lot of meme content surrounding fumos. Anyway, however these shitposts originated, it was then adopted by other people quickly for various reasons, whether it be a large number of new fans not knowing better, or people who just want to farm clicks/views.

    The topic of "is a big influx of new fans good?" is something that has cropped up on this forum before. And while yes, it can lead to annoying occurrences like these, most of us agree that it is fundamentally a good thing overall.

    What will happen next?

    The main point I wanted to make with that previous section is basically that there was a time not very long ago where all this shitposting wasn't here. And in the way that all trends come and go, I think that unless another event leading to a flood of new fans unexpectedly happens in a short time, these repetitive posts will die out relatively soon and better content will rise to the surface again.

    On 3/23/2022 at 4:42 PM, CountVonNumenor said:

    In a way, I would not remove this kind of content since again, I would run out of Western content, ie stuff in English.

    Western content may be dwarfed by the Japanese side of things, but I believe there is plenty to be happy about in the western Touhou community without having to lean on memes to be entertained. These are list of some things I know of the Western Touhou Community which I think show that we are, in fact, really awesome. I recommend checking these out.

    Cool Stuff Section


    Music Creators

    In the Japanese side of the community, I think it is likely that doujin music is the biggest and most prolific form of fan engagement. I’d say this is true of the western community too. Western Touhou arrangers are generally harder to find, but if you broaden the kinds of music that you listen to, you will find that there are lots more of them out there than you think. We’ve found and mentioned plenty of them on the Musical Discoveries in Touhou Fandom thread, which, by the way, is the most active thread on this site. I highly recommend checking it out, from what I can tell reading about your experience exploring the fandom I think you would really like it. I won't make a list here right now since I don't think my efforts would do it justice, but really, there's quite a lot.


    We don’t have lots of animators who are active right now but I do know of a few that you may not have heard of. The two most common forms of animation from western fans: MMD animators, MTB probably being the most talented I know of but Spotty Len is another pretty good one. The other is Walfas animation, which is unfortunately a dying art but there’s this one Walfas channel I really like called Reimu and Cirno. And of course there are other miscellaneous types of animation as well, Daniel Renard comes to mind, he makes some cute shorts.

    Discord Communities

    Discord communities are a way which lots of fans with similar specialty interests use to hang out and share content. Of course the quality of these servers can vary wildly, but you can find communities for all kinds of things like art, cosplay, game dev etc. I don't generally interact on public discord servers much, but I am in a few which have content I find interesting.

    Fan Games and Game Jamming

    I’d say there’s also a lot of game dev stuff going on in western community. There’s Touhou Fan Game Jam, which happens multiple times a year, there are people making Touhou themed mods for games (I used to be one of those people) and there’s also, like, 5 Touhou smash bros clones in development by western devs although I don’t think anything has actually come of any of those. And outside of just video games, there’s also a western made Touhou card game called Danmaku!! by Mystery Parfait. I’ve got it! Too bad I have no one to play it with…


    Despite being one of the older Touhou fighting games, Hisoutensoku still has a very active playerbase that hosts weekly tournaments if I’m not mistaken. This is largely thanks to Tessiro who has done a great effort keeping the game alive. These matches can be really fun to watch if you’re into it, you can find videos on Tessiro’s channel and on the Hisoutensoku community channel, Spell Break. And on the offchance you wanted to get involved, there’s a discord server where they organise all this.

    Commentary Channels

    Lastly, this is a point I can agree on, there is a severe lack of commentary type Youtube channels for Touhou. But there is one very good one I know of, and that is Surnist. He hasn’t uploaded in a while but his videos generally don’t come out regularly anyway, he’s probably taking a break.


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  5. I wanted to reply to this topic sooner, but found myself busy.

    It's kind of crazy how Touhou just seeps into your life and then suddenly you realise how much of it there is, huh? My story for getting into the series actually happens to be near the start of the Musical Discoveries in Touhou Fandom thread of all places.

    There are certainly many lenses that Touhou can be viewed through, which when combined with mass fanon can unfortunately lead to character flanderizations (isn't it funny how Flandre herself seems to embody that word?) but I've always found myself able to not be bothered by them or even enjoy them at times, probably because I focused so much on the official content at first. I think for me, being able to have that distinct line between canon and fan-interpretations and being able to tell how much of a given interpretation leans into one side or the other has been really helpful for me to enjoy the series without getting confused. I practically adore canon Touhou, and I can enjoy a lot of fanon differences as well but if I see something that I don't like I just kinda go "eh, I don't think this is good" and then move on. Also I'd like to say that I think fanon and the freedom to deviate from the source is a good thing, as it allows individual creators to add their own flair and flavour to their doujin creations.

    As for how dark the Touhou universe is actually meant to be??? Well I'd say there's some spooky stuff in Touhou, and a small number of characters also have some dark things going on their backstory (Mokou is the main example I think of), but as a whole you can see in the games and the manga that it's not really meant to be considered a dark setting at all. But I do think the existence of those darker elements is really cool for adding a bit more depth to the world and story of an otherwise very upbeat and colourful series, I mean really I'd say it's like pretty much any typical fantasy universe in that it's meant to be enjoyable and not taken too seriously, but that doesn't mean more serious aspects don't exist at all.


    On 3/21/2022 at 9:51 PM, CountVonNumenor said:

    Kaliningrad Alternate

    Eyyy Kaliningrad Alternate! I've seen his channel, he makes some fantastic animation. I know from the comments that he actually has a main channel about tanks n stuff, but of course I know him from the Touhou side.

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  6. How long does it even take to complete Touhou sorter now? Haha, I'm not someone who would redo it on a regular basis (and my results usually don't line up with who I actually consider my favourites anyway LOL). But fanon is fun to talk about and I'd definitely like to go into my views of some of my favourite characters.

    DISCLAIMER: A lot of my favourite characters fall into the category of "main characters" or popular/regularly depicted characters and yes, I am aware of how basic this is.


    Reimu Hakurei

    Gotta start of with my favourite character of course, and yes it's none other than the main character herself. I think part of the reason she's my favourite is the fact that I'm so enamoured by the Touhou series as a whole that it just makes sense for me to like the main character who's nearly always there, and the fact that she's usually my preferred character for playing the Touhou games is also a contributor to how much of an impression she's left on me, but of course I don't like her as a character purely for those reasons. I find her role as a shrine maiden really interesting and also think it's very interesting how despite being the protagonist she's never been any good at her real job, seems to be actively annoyed at having to solve incidents constantly, understands very little about her own powers, and can get straight up aggressive due to impatience, pressure, or just being really annoyed by something. She's also not exactly the smartest. In other words she basically has all these things she struggles with, but she isn't on a journey to overcome these flaws, they're just part of her life, and she still dedicates everything to solving incidents despite being reluctant and even receiving very little recognition for it. But that's enough about why she originally became my favourite, after all this is a thread about fanon, not just canon - even if the above points are undoubtedly influenced somewhat by my own headcanon and interpretations, which is something I acknowledge.

    Fanon pros: There are plenty of Reimu interpretations and I like most of them - badass Reimu, cute Reimu, kind Reimu, lonely/sad depictions of Reimu, I think these are all entertaining depictions that explore different aspects of her character. And then there's I'm-totally-done-I-don't-care-please-leave-me-alone Reimu, who is hilarious and very relatable.

    Fanon cons: I've never been of crimson slasher, exterminate-all-youkai Reimu. While she is easily angered and undeniably skilled in battle, I don't like the concept of her being murderous or violent just for the sake being violent.

    Marisa Kirisame

    Marisa originally wasn't a character I was that fond of, especially when put next to Reimu, but over time she's really grown on me. Fanon probably has something to do with that. Although depictions can vary, the overall picture I have of her in my head is someone who's cheeky, reckless, and is a show-off. She has a habit of taking what she wants, and severely lacks subtlety, not caring about what other people think of her. She's also really funny - pretty much all Touhou dialogue is, but Marisa's especially so. But respect also has to be given to how hard she actually works to be as powerful as she is.

    Fanon Pros: Cooler automatically means better - if she's flying around stylishly on her broom, at highspeed, doing tricks and showing off even if the middle of a fight, then I'm a fan. I also find her whole mushroom-collecting thing, so anything involving her collecting or using her mushrooms I like. Any depiction of her being funny or a bit of a troll to her friends is also great. She's also sometimes depicted as hard-working, intelligent, and studious in order to actually develop her magic, and this is good too. One of my favourite things about Marisa in fanon is actually her voice - I have no idea when or why this was decided, but there seems to be this collective agreement in at least part of the fanbase that Marisa's voice is somewhat deep compared to her peers, and I think it fits her perfectly. Also, Marisa-Alice best ship.

    Fanon Cons: The only thing I could really see being overdone is her whole "borrowing" thing, but usually it doesn't annoy me - after all, she absolutely is a kleptomaniac.

    Sakuya Izayoi

    My favourite things about Sakuya are more to do with her theme and her boss fight than her character (Lunar Clock ~ Luna Dial is my favourite theme), but she also has a great character - that gets taken in so many different directions by fans.

    Fanon Pros: Even though it's actually pretty far from canon, I like extremely badass and battle-ready versions of Sakuya. I actually imagine her to have a sort of split personality - a calm and reserved one for normal situations that's close to what she's like canonically, and then a powerful and ruthlessly efficient personality that comes out at the first sign of danger to her mistress - not that you'd have much of a chance to see it when time is stopped.

    Fanon Cons: I feel like this doesn't need to be said since you've no doubt seen it said a hundred times in Youtube comments, but pad jokes aren't funny.

    Patchouli Knowledge

    My fondness for Patchouli is actually something that's become a bit of a meme among other people I know on this site... why do I like Patchouli? I'm not even so sure. I do like her character design and theme though, and her extensive knowledge of all kinds of things in Gensokyo make her storylines in the fighting games very interesting. Did you know that according to ZUN, Patchy's dress isn't meant to have stripes? I find it funny how Tasofro went ahead and gave her stripes in the fighting games anyway because that's what it looks like in EoSD, and now absolutely everyone draws her with stripes.

    Fanon Pros: For me good depictions of Patchouli are those that show her intelligence as well as her close friendship with Remilia. I'd also say she's a serious but kindly person, so I like depictions that presents her as such - unless you're a book thief, in which case you can drop the "kindly". The Marisa/Patchouli rivalry is something that I dig, although I prefer it isn't leaned into too hard.

    Fanon Cons: Yes, Patchouli has asthma, but I really hate it when fanon depicts her as obese and unhealthy, or short-breathed to the point that any form of exertion just instantly wears her out.

    Alice Margatroid

    Alice is sits in a really strange spot because although she doesn't count as a main character and hasn't made a big canon appearance in forever, it sort of feels like she should be a semi-main character, and she's really prevalent in fan creations. I hope Alice can get an appearance in a mainline game again because I think she deserves it.

    Fanon ProsAs I mentioned before, I do like Mari-Ali ship. More serious depictions of them together tend to work well because I think they're contrasting personalities bounce off each other quite well, like in Touhou 8's dialogue. I definitely like the kindly depictions of Alice, I really love the idea of her using her dolls for shows in the human village, and generally just being a chill person. I also like depictions of her becoming powerful when she opens her grimoire and uses its power, the grimoire's status in canon Touhou is not exactly clear due to the vague connection between PC-98 and Windows era, but that grimoire has a lock in it, was the source of her power as an EX boss in PC-98 ara, and she apparently refuses to use it now, so it must be powerful. I like to imagine there's some kind of forbidden power sealed away in there.

    Fanon Cons: Tsundere Alice and obsessive Alice are both very annoying depictions that just flanderize a single character trait of her and practically makes her a non-character without the existence of Marisa.


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  7. I do think this is actually a pretty interesting area for discussion, especially given all the different angles this can be approached from such as in-universe reasoning, ZUN's character design, and cultural influences on Touhou in general.

    On 3/5/2022 at 2:57 PM, CountVonNumenor said:

    I was surprised to find out the thing is not a shirt, but actually an undershirt

    Hang on, really? It kind of just looks like a normal shirt to me - I feel like the term "undershirt" can really be applied to any layer that goes underneath something else, even if only partially. But I guess it's an interesting point to consider, and maybe not even all that surprising given how the majority of characters opt for clothes that loose, comfortable and easy to move in, so why not? (And of course if it has frills, then even better.) There are 2 reasons I can think of why people in Gensokyo might like this - firstly is that for danmaku battles and maybe also just flying in general, wearing something that doesn't feel restricting in any way must be important so that they can move as freely as they need to - weight may also be a factor to consider. But even for those who don't partake in danmaku fights, the other reason could likely to be to do with temperature - Gensokyo is somewhere in mainland Japan, and it gets hot and humid during the summer, so thinner clothes are better. Often in the manga you can also see the girls wear different outfits as the seasons change, with thicker clothing instead and more layers in the winter, so I think it's pretty good reasoning.

    On 3/5/2022 at 2:57 PM, CountVonNumenor said:

    It seems like swimsuits are a thing in Gensokyo, at least according to Silent Sinner in Blue. I was not expecting that, but it's interesting.

    I doubt they're common, but of course all kinds of things can drop into Gensokyo from the outside world - and of course when a whole western style mansion gets teleported in, there must be all kinds of things that get brought with it. Gensokyo has no seas, so even if people have swimsuits somehow, they have no reason to use them, unless it's something like that silly pool party at the end of SSiB.


    And regarding last point, idk why some characters randomly have wildly different clothes to everyone else, but seeing as Hecatia is literally most powerful 2hu I wouldn't argue about it.


    Now the thing that I wonder is this - what are those sleeve things that Reimu and Sanae wear called???

  8. 13 hours ago, Ken Hisuag said:

    It's felt rather quiet here of late.

    True, I guess there's not much topic of conversation at the moment. I'll go and nag Jssf for another remix tournament. I think I'm going to stop doing monthly round-ups now as it takes more effort to make the posts than you'd think (and I didn't do one for last month anyway) but that doesn't mean I'm out of good arrangements to share!

    Consider this a sort of mini-roundup for december. I've got a random assortment of genres this time.


    SPEEEEEEEN YaboiMatoi - Dark Side of Fate


    Applice - Sanctuary


    Demetori - Kid's Festival ~ Innocent Treasures


    Echoes Construction - If Your Eyes Are Jade Colour



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  9. 5 hours ago, Ken Hisuag said:

    At the end of the most recent remix tournament, I asked about hosting responsibilities. Whoever it is technically determines when the next tournament takes place. The question was unresolved, and given it's been about two-and-a-half months I wanted to make sure we were all on the same page.

    I'm certainly on the same page of not knowing who's doing it lol. The one I hosted was only the one before the most recent, so I still don't really want to go again. If no one else wants to, we could ask Jssf if he'll do the next one, seeing as he's the "normal" host.

    As for the question of when... I'm personally not in a rush for the next one myself, seeing as we've done quite a number of these by now. The translation status of th17.5 is also a contributor to this feeling. But I agree that it is starting to feel like it could be time for one. If we were to start one right now, I'd ask that we exclude songs from Touhou 17.5; hopefully that doesn't get in the way of much, as I understand that that game didn't add many original songs, as is often the case with Tasofro spinoffs.

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  10. I need to make a post about something I discovered yesterday.

    Not many people remix Monster Hunter Music. In fact, a number of MH remixes come from Capcom themselves. And yesterday is when I learned about the Monster Hunter 10th Anniversary album released by them. This album finally satisfies my yearning for Monster Hunter remixes of the quality I would expect from Touhou doujin circles, and does a number of other things to put my mind to rest:

    1: This album proves my point that yes, Monster Hunter does have incredible potential for arrangements. There just needs to be people making them!
    2: This album finally gives me a point of reference for what MH music in smash could sound like.
    3: This existence of this album is satisfactory enough to fill the void left by the lack of the above two things.

    And boy, what a diverse and amazing album it is. I can't just choose a favourite track to feature, I need to post a bunch of them, because they're all so good. Also, link to the full playlist here.

    EDIT: It's actually two different albums of 10 songs each, both released for the 10th anniversary. The first 10 songs in the playlist are from the "Self Cover" album, remixes by the original composers, and the following 10 are from the "Tribute" album, remixes by video game composers from other companies / series.


    Now to showcase a large number of highlight tracks. I may or may not have put just over half of the total songs here...




    I need the lyrics to this version of Proof of a Hero. I'm sure it's proper Japanese and not MH language.



    You thought I would make a Monster Hunter post without featuring Zinogre's theme? (now as a medley with another theme!)




    The (second) album finishes with another amazing version of Proof of a Hero. I want to hear this in whatever the next Smash game is.


    While the tracks in these albums are more than enough to satisfy me, it does also make me a little sad that Capcom may never release something like this again. I can only cross my fingers for 2024...

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  11. I'm back for another monthly posting of songs. This time, I was actually able to narrow down to a small number of them to feature.

    BTW, I might be a bit disengaged from Touhou for the time being while I await the 17.5 translation patch. iirc Touhou 18 actually got translated really quickly so I might not have too long to wait, but then again, Tasofro games have been known to be difficult to actually get working with the patching program.


    Lapis Moss - Secret Charm


    556mm - Thank you for


    SOUND HOLIC - Candy Powder



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  12. 1 hour ago, Ken Hisuag said:

    chair - The Very Worst of the Chinese Language

    ummm... what?

    Yeah I think I can confidently say that's mistranslated. I'm not sure where "Chinese" comes from, because there isn't any trace of that word in the original kanji title, which surprisingly is something I can tell just by looking at it.

    The kanji 華 means flower. Whether the saying "Flowery language" has a meaning in Japanese like it does in English, I don't know, so I can't say for sure what the translation is. But what's written literally is something like "Flower words".

    • Thanks 1
  13. 3 hours ago, Asirmoth said:

    i would love if someone recommended me more music similar to the tracks below:


    Might these appeal to you?


     I'm aware this first one is a repost that I shared before. Also it won't embed so just click the link.



    This one is slightly different genre but I think it's very good so I went with it. Scarps also does stuff closer to trance though.



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