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  2. should i get therapy or lock in nd thug it out

    1. Funny Joke Here

      Funny Joke Here

      Therapy is for pussies.

      Depression, anger managment issues, whatever is actually cool, kids.

  3. I'm currently reading "Lolita" by Vladimir Nabokov and I... don't like it tbh, I haven't finished yet but reading it is kinda messed up. Like at the start, the editor? (I think) kind of insulted the author, so that's quite rough. I don't care if he won some awards or something, reading this feels like reading porn almost, like why is he describing it like he is REALLY enjoying himself, if you know what I mean, like that's so freaky, and weird, and disgusting...about young girls too???? What the actual fuck. That's why his ass went to prison or something, I don't remember. I'm gonna finish it through tho, to see how eveything goes... Don't recommend it, might update if I change my opinion (maybe NEVER lol). But wait... Thriller? As in like horror? I gotchu! "House of Leaves" by Mark Z. Danielewski I haven't read it yet, but I have a feeling this might be a really good book. It was praised a lot, and I heard it changes how you'd normally read a book too! And it combines that with a really cool story. I'm planning on reading it. I got to know the story through a vid talking about a Doom mod (the game, Doom). It's one of my favorite videos. CAREFUL THERE IS SPOILERS FOR THE STORY FROM THE BOOK
  4. @GamingTime I haven't play Touhou for awhile now since TH07. I don't think you can change the controls with any programs that comes with the game but you can remap your computer's keys instead. This is a post that have a link to another site and in that site they already did most of the stuff for you so that you can configure your keys easier (they made a "script") . https://www.reddit.com/r/touhou/comments/6wjjyf/control_remapping/ Or you can go straight to the site here. There are very helpful instructions there https://www.shrinemaiden.org/forum/index.php?topic=219.0 Or you can try to understand the whole thing instead (from the main site that contains the original program, I have not use it yet but I think it's kinda complicated so I recommend using the program from the shrinemaiden site instead, although the thread is quite old...) https://www.autohotkey.com/ Also be careful of ghosting. Basically it means that you're holding down 2 or 3 or more buttons and you are trying to press or hold other keys but the keys you're trying to press doesn't register, it might be important when you're trying to move diagonally and shoot at the same time, for example: you're holding down "S" and "D" and trying to shoot (press a button) but it doesn't work. So be sure to test it out with your keyboard, especially if you're on a laptop. Here: https://keyboard-test.space/#google_vignette
  5. *reisen grabs the hat, analyzing it.* reisen: “yup, this is marisa’s hat.” *you then looked at it before ended up inside the scarlet devil mansion by likely sakuya* remilia: “sakuya told me you guys are frolicking around instead of solving the incident?” *reisen gets startled and turns behind her* remilia: “that’s not good out of you two…” sakuya: “remilia-sama, you heard that wrong. they actually found a clue..” *sakuya points to the hat still in reisen’s hands.* ???: “clue?” *a thump hits behind remilia. it was flandre* flandre: “lemme see that!” *she snatches the hat out of reisen’s hands, she looks at it too. the white ribbon is there, that’s obviously marisa’s* flandre: “… where was this?” reisen: “oh- well, between the forest of magic and the human village!” flandre: “sakuya-san! send us there!” *in an instant, sakuya brought you, reisen, remilia, and flandre to the same location where you found the hat.* remilia: “AAAAH- SAKUYA-“ *sakuya then instantly brings out parasols for both remilia and flandre* sakuya: “so… reisen-san?” reisen: “yes?” sakuya: “this is where you found the hat?” reisen: “yes, this is the spot.” *you then felt flandre tug on your clothes. flandre sighs.* flandre: “oh how i want to take revenge on my sister one day for locking me in “basement” though..” *she stares into the blue, clear daylight in the sky she then looks at you again. she holds her umbrella tight making sure it does not drop* flandre: “you, a human, may not relate to those, oh my, entire life in the “basement”. i enjoy it but i also don’t.” *her læventan drops to the ground as she looks at the ground, its weak base shatters as it hits the ground. it’s no more.* flandre: “i’m sorry for all my “plays”.” *she hugs you, she actually does mean it…*
  6. Funny Joke Here

    Stolen Images

    Mostly stolen from 4chan and Danbooru.
  7. i want to kill every single person who doesn't know about touhou (twitter).
  8. This thread had several reading recommendations: Genre-wise, I don't read as much sci-fi compared to other categories, so I'm a bit lacking in recommendations there. Closest I could get would be Frank Peretti, and I would not recommend his work to just anyone; maybe check out the Cooper Kids series, if you don't mind younger-level reading (but skip the first one). I remember being impressed by Ender's Game, but I felt it would have been better as a more self-contained work instead of a set-up for a series; take that as you will.
  9. koakumas

    koakuma’s photo files

    welcome to my files! this is basically where i collect touhou photos in post them here! i’ll share my drawings, images off the internet, and more. enjoy your stay d( ̄  ̄)
  10. bc it is did you know there’s a thing called eDiTiNg :00000000 omg yababaina?!?!?
  11. Mochi.Rin - A Sky Dyed Scarlet I feel a bit guilty about this one, but figured if I was ever going to try this experiment then there weren't many other options that would suit it better. This is supposedly a remix of Sunny Milk's Scarlet Mist Incident, which itself was a remix of Sunny Rutile Flection and U.N. Owen was Her? combined into a single piece. The latter is among the most recognizable motifs in the entire franchise, so it shouldn't be that hard to hear it in an arrangement, even a more experimental one. As it is, I can't hear anything of either piece, much less the combo version. I've sometimes wondered about the quantity of "faked" remixes, where the arrangement is more inspired-by than adapted-from. What do y'all think? ??? - A Land Resplendent With Nature's Beauty (piano arrangement "2" from kkcwkoh) It's important to cite your sources. I almost didn't use this for the feature, but I couldn't find another remix that respected the original motif in quite the same way (to be fair, it's a more obscure piece). If anyone recognizes the arrangement and can identify the artist, I'd very much appreciate it. Mon Mari (Monmari?) - Star Voyage 2008 It was between this and a heavier rock arrangement, and between the two this seemed more in keeping with the spirit of the original (but it was close). Didn't find as many remixes as I'd hoped too; does that mean I get to call it an underrated piece? BTW, I've technically skipped over a piece, but only because I'm saving it for later; I also doubt anyone remembers it anyway, considering its placement.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Nyy17k_9ds&ab_channel=Pixelbitie i love this
  13. Yesterday


    (totally not making a hunger game simulator)

  16. okay guys i updated it (am late)
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