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Shrine Denizens
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Everything posted by EerieCrypts

  1. I don't really have many goals this year aside from general self improvement. But one goal is to get better at bullet hell games, at least enough to 1CC some games on Hard. I have baby reflexes, honestly. I also want to do more of what I want to actually do, which might seem simple but I'm one of those people that has things they wanna do, and then ends up laying in bed for a few hours instead. Every time. I would also actually like to read more. I enjoy reading but my ADHD riddled brain stops me from focusing, and sometimes outright stops me form finishing books I'm like 90 percent of the way through.
  2. You are correct in that, I suppose I phrased it in a bad way. I'm part of many fandoms full of gatekeepers and less than nice people who I could call many things, and it just seems so ultimately pointless. People are going to enjoy what they enjoy, even if they're pushed out of the community, I don't see the point in that regard, in trying to feel superior by saying "you can't engage with us because you like this thing I like in a way that's different than the way I do." I got into Touhou because of the gacha, ultimately. I had interest before, but the gacha made me take the dive, and I've still got a lot to explore but I'm loving every second of it. I won't let someone tell me I'm less of a fan of the franchise just because I happened to have jumped in because of a mobile game. That would just be ridiculous. I think the bottom line of this entire thing, is that bad fans exist, but those bad apples (pun intended) should be tossed aside for the people that actually bring something to the table for the fandom as a whole. Even if that something is as small as a smile on the face of another fan, or a thought provoking discussion.
  3. I've never once taken part in this fandom, though I've only been a part of it for probably a good year and a half if that. Being social is not my strong suit, but I feel strongly enough about topics like this that I'm making my first reply on this site. I'll keep it very brief! No one is a bad fan. It doesn't matter how you consume content, whether it's a gacha, or a fan game you particularly enjoy, or even if you only like one game in the series. Hell, even if you just like the characters and fan animations, you're a fan. If you want to engage in the parts of the community you find fun, then go ahead and do it, and don't let any single person tell you that you're a bad fan for doing so. That's my take.
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