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Sir I

Shrine Denizens
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Posts posted by Sir I

  1. I know some of you here might not have the same worldview like me, but listen to me.

    *The content here might be uncomfortable to read, I guess? Just be cautious.*


    I think ever since this year began, I've been worried about Touhou. Not because of the stuff in here that can be objectionable to a Christian (Which is understandable, there'll be Christians who don't like Touhou for that reason, and I could agree there are things in Touhou that I don't agree.) , but something far more... unfortunate to say at least. I always had this lingering fear whenever I just consume Touhou content, that I'll go back to a pervert that I used to be back in 2020 - Nov. 2021. It scares me because I can't even ENJOY Touhou without that fear lingering in my mind. Basically ruin my streak and most importantly, ruin myself. I've sinned so hard, that I can't enjoy the games from start to finish with clear conscious. So, what am I going to do?


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  2. While I was reading in the comments of this video made by Romantic Tp, there is one comment here that made me think about it.

    Video relating to that: 




    And the comment that inspired me to make this thread.


    Is there ANY known Touhou doujins the fans made before Touhou 6, or is it lost in time and I'm wasting my time here? But anyhow, it would be wonderful if there are some.

  3. 14 hours ago, Yumetou said:


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    The morning calm of the Human Village had always been an uneasy one, ever since the Protectorate of the Human Village collapsed. Though it had not ended in bloodshed, the departure of the Senkai Theocracy and the schism between Byouren and Hakurei still loomed over the town. Nothing showed this more than the Canal of Willows. The canal biforcated the village into two halves. Once, the Canal had been strewn with bridges, letting people from both sides visit markets, other temples and neighbors. Now, there was only one bridge. A checkpoint on either end manned by armed guards.


    As the morning sun glowed on the horizon, most of the village was still asleep at that early hour. Some farmers were leaving into the morning mists to begin their labors, and a couple enterprising merchants were preparing their stalls, but most of the village was silent. Though if Suika Ibuki took any notice of the quiet, she seemed to ignore it. The normally carefree Oni hurried down the narrow sidestreets with an unusual sense of urgency. Her sandalfalls leaving thick footprints in the dirt as she stumbled forward. Excitement glimmered in her eyes as she finally found her destination. A plain-looking warehouse of wood. A large sight overhead reading ‘Hakurei Research and Development’. A smaller sign she passed without notice read ‘Restricted Area—Keep Out!’.


    With strength ill fitting her small body, Suika grabbed the great wooden door of the armory. A large sliding piece of wood to allow cannons and Rika’s custom tank to leave. It thudded loudly to the side to reveal Rika’s workshop. Before the Oni raised her hands to her mouth with a desperate shout which filled the workshop and the bedroom beyond with her cry.


    “WAKE UP RIKA! We have an emergency!”


    Suika immediately bolted inside. Weaving her way around half-finished cannons, rifles and the handful of working tanks they had completed. Before throwing open the door of Rika's room with a firm kick that sent the reinforced wood flying open. Paying no attention to Rika, she hurried inside, before crawling into one of the cabinets. Before emerging a moment later, clutching a tall bottle of sake. Eyes glimmering with joy.


    "Thank goodness...my 'hidden friend sake' is still safe. I was afraid I was sobering up. Hey Rika, you want a drink? Its the least I can do to thank you for keeping this bottle secret~"


    The clock on the wall ticked as the hand turned to 6:20.


    By the loud noise Suika caused, she wakes up with full alertness. She rubs her eyes and looks at the clock. The time is 6:18 A.M. She is in shock on how early the time is. Getting annoyed, she thinks to herself...

    Rika: (Man... doesn't she realize that others want to fully rest?! Plus, I've been making a lot of stuff, so hopefully she doesn't break them.)

    Then, she hears a loud step that's coming near to her room door. Suddenly, a strong kick, which not only opened the door, but to the point it goes flying and almost hitting her. After Suika finally finds a bottle of sake and finishes talking, she responds to her, with a tone of an angry mother screaming at her dangerous child.

    Rika: "What the heck?! What do you think you were doing?! Now I've to fix the door later today. *Sigh* What do you want, and why were you screaming all the way here?"

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  4. In my opinion, it's the worst thing mankind has ever INVENTED ever since the dawn of the Industrial Age. I mean, the insane amount of homeworks, fees, how the subject is taught, the starting time, etc.. It feels like it is just made so we can be slaves to the higher ups and to do that, they crushed our curiosity, morality, hopes and dreams, aspirations and actually being free. They don't want us to be free, they don't want us to think, they don't want to teach us real stuff; The only thing they want from us is just to be braindead and not even wanting to read a single book! I'll never forgive those evil higher ups 'till I die. Thank you for reading.





    But for real, why make things sooooo boring? I just don't want to deal with a subject I'm not interested in and instead follow a subject that I actually want to do and teach the students in the fun way.


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  5. 2 minutes ago, Yumetou said:

    Hey man. :) Don't you remember? You said you needed some time away so I said I'd rope you into the game when you came back and were up for it.


    Ready to genocide the youkai bring peace and freedom to all humans of Gensokyo?

    I guess I can't keep my words, eh? But how can I start my introduction?

  6. I know it's a stupid question to ask, and it is Touhou related, but please bear me.

    Do you think that youkais can live together with humans with peace, like what Byakuren believes? Or will the two sides be at odds forever until the death of Gensokyo happens?

  7. On 8/24/2023 at 9:49 PM, NachoReiuji725 said:

    I had a dream where there was basically a live action Touhou Project movie coming out, and out of all people, they chose RYAN GOSLING as the actor for Remilia Scarlet...

    Okay pal... What thoughts you were having before that dream? XD

  8. I've read in the wiki that if she used her full potential, she could cause an incident. And she tends to be cold to others, so here's that. She HAVE the potential to be an actual threat, but later in years Jun'ya might've forgotten about her.

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