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Sir I

Shrine Denizens
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Posts posted by Sir I

  1. I would like to go to Scotland, to compensate for my unknowledge of Polish language, where supposedly I would go to Poland but have no motivation to learn its language. So, I decided that I would like to go is Scotland, because in my opinion, it is less of a crazy place like England.

    I know what I would say is cliche, especially what forum we are in, I would like to go to Japan. Maybe live here and make stuff to sell them in Comiket(?). Man, saying this makes me feel that I'm dreaming big...

    So, what country you would like to go?

    • Like 1
  2. 49 minutes ago, Pepi said:

    7) ZUN's pride
    I believe we are entering a dark period of Touhou if ZUN doesn't drop the pride. Touhou is a FRICKING SOCIAL PHENOMENON in Japan, I'm sure he can hire more people to improve mainline Touhou even more. And not a gigantic amount of people that could bankrupt ZUN, he only needs a few beta testers, someone capable of providing a good online experience and a team of translators.

    Never in my life that a post can actually make me feel intimidated. And at this point, I agree that he should have people helping him to make games and not himself, so as to not cause trouble for himself and the fans.


    Not going to lie, reading the posts in the thread made me just disappointed on Touhou 19. Heck! It has Ran Yakumo and Suika Ibuki, finally we can play them on a mainline. But no, it turned into an unfinished game! I hope Jun'ya fix the game, really.

  3. 4 hours ago, Yumetou said:

    Haa, I did not expect to see Rika showing up. Since the Flower and Shrine tanks are kind of minimally depicted, did you envision them as 'real' tanks or more primitive tanks? Are you sure you don't want a personal power or friend? These could be plot-hooks in the future.

    I see the Flower and Shrine Tanks that are new in Gensokyo. Because there are no way characters in the "cannon" story of Touhou freaking make a tank. Well for powers, she is basically powerless without her tanks, since she doesn't use magic and is basically just your regular human. For friends/allies, it could be the Oni's, specifically Suika. She doesn't look intimidating like Yuugi and isn't boring like Kasen, but she is strong as a way to compensate Rika's weakness. So that's my pick.

    • Like 1
  4. Name: Rika
    Age: Birthdate is unknown, but she could be around the same age as Reimu.
    Sex: Female
    Species: Human
    Personal Power: No magical power, but she is good at mathematics, science and engineering.
    Abilities: Making tanks, cannons, and bakebake.
    Occupation: Tank Engineer
    Nationality: Hakurei Republic

    Appearance: Brown eyes, brown long hair with two braids, a white shirt with a purple bow beneath the collar and brown pants. (Sometimes, she wears a purple shirt with red ribbon in front, a strange red hat and puts on a pair of horns.)
    Personality: An overconfident girl who wants to become the strongest using tanks. But she can be a hot-headed person.
    Background: It is unknown what was her past. She joined the Hakurei Republic in 2026.
    Friend: Suika Ibuki, so she can compensate for her weakness.
    Rival: The Youkai Mountain, specifically the kappas.

    Equipment: Flower Tank, Evil Eye Sigma and a gun for self-defense.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Yumetou said:

    Minor factions are inherently hostile. They may have their own goals, but they're meant as a threat. What did you have in mind? Maybe one of the other factions will be a good fit.

    I wanna put my OC in one of them, but I understand your reasons.

  6. First one, Aya. Yea, yeah, you don't want to read me where I trash your favorite girl, but I have to say it. This lady made my game session on Touhou 9 into a living nightmare, like what beef you have with me?! I just wanna beat the game and get the ending. Oh, but it doesn't end here, we've got Touhou 10 ~ Mountain of Faith. This game is Aya at her worst. In stage 4, a bunch of fairies shoot at you like thy want you dead, and Momiji shooting one of the horrible bullet patterns ever witnessed in my eyes. Then I am like almost low on resource and Aya decides that it's """fUnNy""" to throw at me harsh bullet patterns. It sealed my opinion about her, knowing that she is basically an annoying character. Also, her photo games are not fun, and it's made for torture.

    Second, Seiga. No words, just no words :SaguDown:. Okay, she is an egomaniac who will use anyone, and I mean ANYONE, including a dead zombie fetus, which is what the heck, dude?! Are you mentally deranged that you'll use a dead fetus to become your slave? Just a person that'll avoid.


    Okay, but in all serious, I don't like Aya for gameplay reasons. She is just unfairly hard in my opinion.

    Seiga... I hate her, that's all.

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