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Shrine Denizens
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Status Updates posted by Yumetou

  1. New Gensokyo Survival Guide, after too long! Next post probably gets us out of the Road of Reconsideration and to the parts of Gensokyo people care about. So make sure to vote, or the Hitotsume Kozo will sentence you to stanky breath for a week.

    1. koakumas


      i still need to read the survival guide. part of reimu’s diary was inspiration from that lol (but that’s now on pause bc im focused on my fanfic rn)

  2. Moved into my first new place in years. Still don't have internet. Hoping to be back here more often. Eventually...

    1. koakumas


      yay! good luck!!

  3. If 2hu is so great, why haven't they made 3hu?


    Checkmate, weebs.

    1. suyu_



    2. koakumas



  4. A proclamation from Princess Kaguya of Eientai: Gamers Rise Up!


    That is all.

  5. Thanks job. I love having my first lunch break in two weeks, only to have a rush order that would take my all afternoon alongside my other work. No wonder no one else works in this department.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Yumetou


      I work as a nurse. I'm also the only person my department. :(

    3. koakumas


      i feel so bad rn :(

    4. suyu_
  6. If Flan and Koishi started a Youtube channel, what would they make videos on? Gaming, fashion, drama?

    1. M1LA_.


      "how to annoy your sister in the most funniest way" probably videos like this

    2. Yumetou


      Satori be taking a bath, and Koishi holds up a pipe. Flan takes it, shakes her head, and passes her the steel chair!

  7. Question. If you were isekai'd into premodern Gensokyo, how well do you think you'd do? If you had the option to join a group which gave you education, food and shelter, but you had to work for them for ten years, would you?

    1. suyu_


      Probably i would go crazy at some point

      But I would like to join the fairies

    2. koakumas


      as the koakuma of the moriya shrine, imma just go back to the sdm and work for patchy again lol

  8. Back after a bad week. Hope everyone is doing well. :)

    1. suyu_


      Yes i am. Hope you are good too

  9. L*narian propaganda will tell you humans can't live on the moon. If that's true, where was the Apollo landing faked?


    Take that, M**nies.

  10. You like unpopular things.


    That makes you cool like me. :MeilingThumbsUp:

    1. AverageSeijaFan


      I'm truly like Seija
      a contrarian who likes niche things




  12. It looks like the coming week's Gensokyo Survival Guide will be a few days late. But don't be afraid to react to my last post to continue the story!

  13. So there's an AI I play around with since I can't draw and can't commission artwork. I asked it to draw Madotsuki and Koakuma hugging. It gave me this.




    I don't want to generate art for my friends anymore.

  14. New Gensokyo Survival Guide today, since I will be busy most of the week ahead. I hope you all have a chance to enjoy it!

  15. When you're on the internet, no one knows you are a Fumo.

  16. Hello all you lovely people. :) I just put out the latest page of my fan fiction on Monday. I have to ask, was it too long or graphic for you all? I normally don't go for something so long, but I wanted to introduce one of my villains, but it hasn't gotten much attention.

    1. suyu_



      i think it's okay if one or two page be long or graphic regularly, it makes the story more interesting to me

      and also, it has been great to read it so far:)

  17. Bad day. Enjoy happy dance instead.



  18. I realized my favorite game turned 20 this year. Yume Nikki's now old enough to drink and drive. :TenshiCry:


    And somehow people still play Fortnite.

  19. Don't forget to check out my latest disastrous use of my time, the Life and Times of Oscar Diggs, and react to the story so far. More posts are to come based on your feedback, so stay tuned.

  20. OMG Its my favorite assistant librarian hi!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. koakumas


      at least someone found my relevant still after those 20 years, not even patchouli-sama found me relevant after those 20 years

    3. Yumetou


      You're too good for the series, and that's why Zun hasn't put you in more games. He is afraid that your magnificence will overshadow all other girls in the series. Remilia, Yukari, Satori, Marisa? Paltry. Their fans would abandon them, to orbit the sun known as Koakuma. By Touhou 69, all other characters will be irrelevant. There will only be Koakuma. All enemies, bosses and characters, will be Koakuma.


      Until then that lazy bookworm doesn't know what she is missing.

    4. koakumas


      fr tho, it’s been a nuisance of ppl ignoring me, about time i need to strike back




  21. I have the power of God and anime on my side. I am now unstoppable.

  22. Who would win in a fight? Murder Koishi or Random Koishi?


    Answer: Flan. She wants her fishing rod back.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Yumetou


      Definitely fam. I'll send ypu my tag when I log on Discord next to check my ID.

    3. The_Trader


      Ye till then have a great day

    4. FlandreScarlet


      I'll get it back eventually... Heh.

  23. Happy Baka Day! Lake Fairy Crew for life!

  24. Sup brahs? Life has put me through the mill. Hoping to catch up on the Shrine's happenings tonight. Possibly annoy Yuuni and start that rp I keep talking about.


    Praise Empress Remilia.

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