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Nyoko last won the day on June 14

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About Nyoko

  • Birthday 01/11/2007

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    Somewhere in European Hell

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  1. 1. When did you get into Touhou? Around late Modern Era. Touhou 17 was already out but Touhou 17.5 was not even announced yet. When I started being part of the community and not lurking around like I usually do would be firmly in the present Era. 2. What made you first interested in Touhou? I believe that would have to be music, though I'm not exactly sure. That's the problem with living from day to day in transience, you tend to forget a lot of quite important trivia of yourself. *Quick addendum, I believe it was primary source material that made me interested in Touhou, so stuff like Flowering Night. 3. What made you stay with Touhou? The music continues to draw me to Touhou, as does the gameplay itself. What also keeps me invested in Touhou is the constant new takes on characters, setting, et cetera that people come up and make into some quite stunning games. And, of course, the knowledge I gain from the community cannot be discarded as a reason not to stick with Touhou, as compared to everywhere else, because Touhou brings people from all walks of life together, somehow. 4. What level of fanbase do you like to interact with? B. This website specifically, because my small group of friends don't know what half of the games I have in my catalogue even are and the large ones are great for information gathering but nothing really more for me. 5. How familiar are you with Touhou lore and story? Average to little, the only thing that drives me to a correct answer is the information I already possess from other people talking about it and the rest is my own insight into human psychology guiding me to what I believe to be a somewhat correct reading of the character. 6. Do you think Touhou is the hardest bullet-hell game? No, but it is the one to introduce me to bullet-hells. Games like Suguri and Last Command are more unforgiving than Touhou but I've not played any of them on the hardest difficulty. Touhou's difficulty comes mostly from its length, while the other two are less lengthy but does not pull their punches. 7. Do you think Touhou Gacha harmed the franchise? Yes, it absolutely did. It changed a core part of Touhou, at least to my understanding. That being the understanding of Characters in Touhou being very influenced by the Gachas, which will eventually cascade into a whole new loop of Flanderization which only the community before the Gacha can guide towards a more desirable result. I am not going to say we can prevent it, because that is setting my ambitions too high and might scare off perfectly reasonable people to join, but I am wary of every change. Well, less so "harmed" than "will harm" the franchise, but the clockwork has already been set in motion. 8. Is piracy within Touhou good or bad? Piracy is inherently about people wanting to rebel against certain groups of people who they believe are exploiting them (mostly), and I am no different. A general principle of mine is that if I pirate a game, I put a price on it that I want to pay for it and if that price I set exceeds the price of the game, I pay for it as soon as I am capable. But if the price is below the price I set on it, I wait for a sale to see if it is below that price then and if it is still below that price then I do not pay or touch the pirated copy. For Touhou, it is generally a good thing because you cannot get certain games otherwise, but there are bad sides to everything. Two sides of the same coin cannot be seperated from each other no matter how much we pirates with a decent moral compass try to disassociate ourselves with the other side. 9. How flanderized do you think Touhou characters are? Five or higher, depending on the character. And It'll only get worse with Gacha. 10. Overall, which era(s) did you like/dislike the most? The new Era is more blatantly experimenting with ideas than the last three combined, while the early windows and especially the pc-98 suffer from the fact that ZUN was still developing the Touhou formula, so I find the second windows Era the (current) peak of Touhou as a franchise. Some are difficult, while others are easier but more flashy to make up for it. But I haven't played all of the games in every Era to their completion, so take this insight with a truckload of salt.
  2. Simple would be a wrong descriptor for what he is going to say, I'd say its more the usual humorous greeting he is used to saying to children... (which is going to have terrible consequences, as calling yourself a magician, while true, has a different meaning in Gensokyo as opposed to the Outside World...) Then again, his one strong point is how much he can lie (by omission) his way through Gensokyo. It is also night, people are generally more suspicious at night (even if they would act exactly the same as in the day, there is just that aura of mysticism at night that makes people distrustful.) But this Narumi is his best lifeline other than Agappa the cyclops behind (?) him; who does not seem the most sociable person in existence and is thus someone people are automatically more cautious around. (The book of punishments is definitely not helping her case, either.) People tend to be creatures of habit, which is why they're afraid of the unknown. So if a tie were to happen and you had to disable an option, would you flip a coin or roll a die to see which one should get disabled? The stat system would be a great addition because I have already caught myself scrolling up to see what happened last time a similar situation happened to see just how much knowledge I have to temporarily delete from my brain and more parameters to have an easier time slipping in and out of that would be a great boon. I'd use vague wording for things you can't immediately count or get a grip on yourself (with it also being affected by the mindset of the character so you can manipulate people to be more boastful when Oscar wants to boast) while there is specific numbers for things you can count (円 being the prime example, flares too.) So, yes, see you people next week when my exams are over. It's weekend now, so a little more time is on my hands.
  3. That's certainly a daunting task you've given yourself. Please don't overwork yourself, as you have already piqued my interest and it would be a shame if you suffered from self-induced burnout. While I assume you already have a general plan for the project's side stories, I would advise to follow the Youkai food chain (strength level) up from Orange, who would be near the bottom, and eventually learn all the intricacies of the Reshined Project as you go up the chain and meet people more acquainted with the predicament of... Shining Gensokyo. This would allow us to compare and contrast the differences and similarities of the Touhou Project with the Reshined Project. Also maybe, if you've been doing this for a while, maybe be open to suggestions on completely (or not so completely) original characters, though that is just hope that's speaking through me because god knows I can't share nor continue my own writing for more than two sessions, sigh. I'd also quite enjoy a take on the moving of Hell and thus the creation of Former Hell, which could function as a bundle of origin stories, an incident of the past, or the history behind a new incident, or all three together. There is quite a lot of story to be fished from there, to be honest. Though this entire tangent is something you shouldn't think about until the 11th Project Reshined Shrine Maiden and have a decent grasp of your own worldbuilding. Work on some of the things you already have in your head while you wait for suggestions, to then use those suggestions to deepen yourself in your own world. The daemonic war you outlined would be more so written as a bloody refugee crisis rather than an actual revenge war, if it is set between touhou 5 & 6, a while later, like Touhou 14 abouts, I could see a revenge war working like a revenge war instead of a mix of refugee crisis and revenge war. I'll save the rest of my recommendations for later, when asked and I have more time to write these bloody massive essays. Good luck and have fun!
  4. I find that it is best to choose depending on the characteristics of a person. This takes into account his background, his current situation and how much Gensokyo is cooking him alive in order to find the right state of mind you'd feel you're in and then pick a choice. Sure, the best option might be to swallow your pride and ask Agappa, but that is for Oscar, to my state of mind, too honest, too vulnerable to be safe from another Rumia situation and he still has his pride as a person to keep. Now then, I'm a trickster first and foremost, so my own votes tend to skew to trickery or assuming that trickery is going on and acting on that assumption, but Oscar has plenty of reason to fall back to the tools he is most familiar with to try and ward off the unfamiliar and definitely dangerous Gensokyo. A flare would allow you to see something as a human, at least; and I don't think Oscar knows whether the plants are sensitive to light at this point in time. even though he is trying to find the Sparrow of Night-Blindness he should probably not go through the forest effectively blind, now should he? he'll at least know when he's running straight into a Youkai's mouth before the final judgment is laid upon his soul by the Yama; if he is lucky. Just a night without his usual tools can also spice things up, as he is now out of familiar items other than a magician's set of clothes to fall back upon. He would also have been taught to call for help if he ever got lost in a forest with kids, and the best way to do that and entertain the children is to flare for help.
  5. ur a meanie >:(

    1. Nyoko


      Aren't we all insane? I just spoke about my own insanity in a more eloquent manner, because being fascinated with bad luck (to the point where I easily slip into hour-long caffeinated reading sessions on the subject) is, well, not exactly something a sane person would do?

      Also, while I will admit I was talking about you as the insane person, people usually do not have the confidence to be that outwardly insane. It's honestly a strength, in my humble opinion. It is just that coupled with your honesty that makes you a true fanatic.

      Essentially, we're all mad, I just tend to be blunt about who I believe to be more insane than my normal. Which in this case was too blunt.

    2. ReisenFanatic17



      it's okay :>

  6. Nyoko


    As someone with an unhealthy fascination with unlucky numbers, and also jokingly saying that my luck is so bad it underflows to being good again, Seeing the number 4 show up makes me happy~. Welcome to the Moriya shrine, we have everything from choose-your-own-adventure to just some casual chatting available to enjoy. We also have someone whom I consider to have gone completely mad...
  7. This bothered me enough to make me spend enough time mulling it over that my tea is too strong for me now, and I drink them fairly strong already. It's not that it is the most dangerous place in the entirety of Gensokyo that gives the forest the air of danger, but rather where it is placed on the map of Gensokyo. Surrounding the Human village we have three major locations: Youkai mountain, the Forest of Magic and the Bamboo Forest of the Lost. Now, assume you're a normal human in the human village; Would you go anywhere near Youkai mountain? Of course you wouldn't, that place is named after Youkai. At best you'd use the lift to Moriya to pray to the Gods. Next, would you go to the Bamboo Forest of the Lost? No, there is a reason not a soul who does not live there never returns without help from one who does live there. That leaves the Forest of Magic as our only major location that needs to dissuade a run-of-the-mill human from entering out of curiosity and likely getting enough people to notice the lie that holds the entirety of Gensokyo together... but the place is relatively harmless compared to everywhere else, so how do we persuade people to leave that forest the Hell alone? Who are our information distributors again? Who holds interest in keeping the lie that Youkai are scary intact, either to save themselves or to save face and the reputation of the clan? We don't need to lie about the threat level of other places because they are either threatening enough on their own to keep people away or are far enough from the human village that the powers that be genuinely could not care less about how Humans view the place.
  8. First of all, welcome to the Moriya Shrine, tea is on your left and coffee is on your right. As a fellow lurker, at least most of the time, I understand your problems with posting. I do not want to convey more information about myself than is strictly necessary and even one step out of bounds would require rewriting an entire paragraph to avoid that problem. Yet I believe there are two (correct) solutions to this dilemma: work fast as if you have just drank a can of coffee or work meticulously slow like you're drinking tea. I tend to choose the latter option, as I find about the same amount comfort in each of the small steps of writing as the big finale of the process. Something tells me we're going to enjoy each other's company, as our interests mostly align. It is just that I use a lot more comparisons and idioms in my sometimes imposing walls of text that likens more to spinning the water in the tea than drinking it. It's basically does nothing to the flavour but makes it tastier to some people. Even when people drown in the sea of idioms and comparisons I prepare, they usually arrive at the destination I want them to arrive to... Or at least I think that is the case and they did not just guess correctly all those times. Don't worry about how you write, as it is a type of accent that would be a shame to see disappear into the eternal void of getting demonized out of existence itself. Even if it does not read as fluently as "when it rains and the sun shines there is a fair going on in Hell" (Dutch idiom translated into English for your convenience) it still has a charm in and of itself. My own read on Yuuka, the limited knowledge that I own of her, is about the same as yours: someone caring for something so much she has essentially shunned any other interest of hers to protect that one thing she holds sacred above all else. A truly kind person who uses an aura of death around her to protect those she wants to associate with. At least, that interpretation is one I find most correct from having played through the story mode of the Prismriver in PoFV. So please, enjoy yourself, relax, drink some tea and watch the cherry blossoms bloom in a week or two.
  9. I've seen people ask for recommendations on anime and gacha games; but as far as I care to look, which is not very far, mind you, there is not a thread asking for recommendations on Bullet Hells... You know, the very thing Touhou is known for? So I decided to remedy this perceived problem by asking the Moriya Shrine in general: What (hybrid) Bullet Hells do you recommend that you have played and, if applicable, what (hybrid) Bullet Hell you playing now? I myself am currently playing "Last Command", which combines snake with Bullet Hell elements and a story that hits way too close to home for me in the three hours I've already played. I haven't been that emotional for as long as I can remember, but i digress. The game follows a program called Python as it explores the world of programs and computers in a post-human era. It must fight programs in a bullet-hell like fashion in order to not get deleted. (Or at least that was the reason the four bosses I have fought in 3 hours of playtime had.) For recommendations, I'd give "Bullet Heaven 2" the (dis)honour of my recommendation. Half because it is the only non-Touhou Bullet Hell I have played and half because it is at least a decent Bullet Hell in my experience. It follows the misadventures of Matt, Natalie, a fascist, Anna and a cat without legs capable of shooting stars as they go across their globe on the whims of fate. Though I'd be happy with any recommendations for more 'modern' bullet hells, as I believe there exists three in semi-popular conscience if you don't count Touhou.
  10. If I may but in and give a Gacha game recommendation, CountVonNumeror, Then allow me to recommend Limbus Company by Project Moon. I'll use your structure to give my own arguments as to why I believe it to be a good fit for you. 1) Dailies What counts as dailies could be completed in 15 minutes of actually seriously playing the game tops. If you don't even have that much time you can still do two of the five dailies in less than a minute. Autoskip is also available and gives you more resources for using it at the cost of using more of your energy. 2) Writing All of the playable characters are literary references, and it shows. That includes you, the executive manager named Dante. Speaking of them, you get zero input into their actions; thus you are playing as the protagonist, and not something more akin to a player avatar. Assuming that is not enough, one of the first stages is spent explaining how your bus runs on humans like it is a Youkai. Intervallo's (Events) are replayable (just without the event rewards) and even mandatory as they technically serve as extra story between the Canto's (chapters) and as of now have ranged from violent chicken to a beach episode to being abducted to make Christmas presents out of your flesh. While the hardest events (Namely, Refraction Railways and technically Hard Mirror Dungeons) are a separate screen. In-story your people go through them, but they are not mandatory. Characters undergo development, though they are very slow in doing so. Still, you'll definitely notice it by the time you reach Intervallo 2, named the Magic Hellbus S.E.A. (They even had time to provide fanservice for the fans of their previous game.) 3) Challenging Content Any time you read "Proelium Fatale: lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate" prepare to get absolutely annihilated; Or at least a very difficult fight. Except for maybe the first two time. They're also unskippable as they're related to the story, so I hope you've learned the mechanics and have Identities that counter it (Well, the base Identities can hold their own as well, but it is going to require some planning and grinding.) But the absolute worst is kept in the Refraction Railways, which is not mandatory and the rewards are given for just beating the railway, not how fast you can do it. 4) Gacha Rates If my spending habits could veer farther away from the bloodthirsty sadist that would be great, but the Gacha (and the currency used for it) is very liberal. with a conversion rate of 130 Gacha currency (called Lunacy in the game) for one pull, it is more generous than the typical Hoyo game. And if you pull enough you can literally buy the identity you want at the dispensary with enough bad luck later. (They don't appear there immediately for reasons you can probably guess.) Also, once you have the identity, you have the ability to make it the best it can possibly be. (Your bad luck can be used for this too!) As for the chances of getting a character you want, my last ten pull had two of the lesser 00 and one guaranteed 000. 5) Sexualization You have to actively search for it, even though it has more content warnings than side effects on your average painkiller (that was a sentence someone actually said once.) Though you are going to find a couple. (even though lust is a sin type, those that use it typically have bloodlust, and not the kind of lust most associated with the word.) 6) Gameplay And while I'm at it, how friendly it is to people who come back after being away a long time. Team building is sort of the main reason to even pull for identities (though my own lamentation earlier says that you can get pretty far being a Waifu hunter.) and strategy on a turn-based scale (though the word turn-based is half-correct, as speed die are a thing.) are at your disposal, though you get the explanation in a fight you're expected to lose (the very first one), so they're not exactly the best at explaining things. You're going to be doing a lot of reading, that is for sure. You do not get a welcome back package of any kind, just what everyone else gets, and people get enough for one ten pull doing absolutely nothing except claim maintenance with five of those, and the seasons for the battle pass take a long time, so missing a couple of weeks of dailies and weeklies will not shoot down your chance of getting a max level battle pass. Also, there are mechanics in place to facilitate both team-building (the way the developers intended) and Solo (the way some hardcore players wanted) teams. So you can take your pick. 7) Peculiarities There are only 12 people in the playable roster. And that is never going to change, as far as we know. Well, except for allied combatants, maybe, but twelve people, discounting Dante because they do not actually fight, in a Gacha game is very small. Instead, you get alternate versions of those twelve to build your team from, with each sinner only being able to take on one identity at a time. In this sense, it seems like Lost Word, but that is it. This isn't about Touhou anymore, now is it?
  11. I could not have come up with a clearer warning, but seriously, did you have to take that jab at people!? I'll have you know that the abyss of the heart is not for the faint of heart nor is staring at it for too long recommended for those without an iron will or experienced at the hobby... Okay, maybe not that extreme. Yet, for me who is a 'veteran' of the field, it is relatively tame. (Note that there are different areas of that abyss you need to become a veteran, with just a few transferable skills.) It is mostly a case of not wanting people to run headfirst into something horrifying that traumatizes them to the core of their being; that they'll never forget; than discouraging the general populace of ever interacting with the abyss. it's my first time watching, so I estimated it to be about something me from 4 years ago could handle. You've either proven that estimation wrong, or sent inexperienced people to an abyss that will change them forever... Let's hope it's the former.
  12. I'm currently watching Madoka Magica from beginning to end, Though I wouldn't recommend watching it without being mentally prepared. A much lighter recommendation would be Reincarnated as a Sword, though an arachnophobia warning is in order for the second half of season one. I could spend a while gushing about it, but I won't... yet.
  13. Piracy generally stems from 2 things: the price and the accessibility of the pirated product. In this case you ran into the latter reason because had they provided you with a good service that got you to the game you were clearly willing to purchase you would have. Of course, you must keep in mind that I am a European (is it now a European or an European?), and I encourage you to come to your own conclusion. A good rule of thumb to know whether people in general would consider pirating a product, whether that be a game, a book or a music disc, is the service. If Nintendo put their legacy games on a modern console and/or let people who own the legacy systems buy the legacy games, chances are people would buy those games instead of pirate them illegally. The price is also a factor, but that is because games are a very cheap type of luxury for the middle class most of the time... So when that class can't afford the game, like in Brazil where games on average cost a quarter of their minimum wage, of course they're going to pirate it because people are not going to pay that much for a small luxury. A combination of the two reasons would be people pirating movies. Netflix mostly stopped people from doing that because it was a relatively cheap platform that had a very large catalogue of basically every single movie under the sun. Then the streaming boom happened and those movies were now scattered around places, with each area being locked behind a monthly subscription paywall which, as you've likely already guessed, caused people to pirate movies again. You then also have the case of companies no longer providing support for the older games and making anyone that just wants to play those games pay for another game that has the older game in it in order to maximize profits; which in my opinion is companies overstepping their bounds and should be pirated, not bought, in order to send a message to whatever greed-infected being thought that was a good idea. Those are the good ways piracy is used, there is also a gigantic amount of rotten apples who just want free games without the hassle of actually working in order to buy them, but it is safe to assume that none of us belong to that group. I personally find that the work that has to be done in order to buy a work to be a part of the satisfaction of the work. I also pirate games if I'm unsure of whether or not the price they charge is worth the value I get out of it, with whether or not I buy it being dependent on my own judgment (largely favouring the company). But those are the reasons that I base the ethics of piracy on.
  14. Well, someone's more than frustrated, but you should really consider not running during a fire as most deaths occur because of trampling. Use your human empathy to imagine yourself in the position of someone being trampled, you'd curse the existence of everyone who trampled you. Lockdown drills sound like they're the American dystopia version where the schools are actively getting built into csgo maps (someone even got arrested for making their school a csgo map) so I, an European who does not have a gun nor a military base near me, cannot help you with it. The hallway thing is probably to restrict any potential shooters movement during the period, as that is the time when the most amount of lives can be robbed. The only other option than giving up band class, which both you and I know you're not going to give up, ever, is bringing a lunchbox of any kind to the band class... unless that's also disallowed. You bring an umbrella, a hood or a hat. If all of those items are banned then I would gladly drag the person who made those rules to their rightful place: as a student in their own school. From a design standpoint, the entrances on the outside exist to give people fresh air before ventilation was a concept and currently can be used to escape a building quickly. At least that school is doing better than Belgium in terms of finances, but they should definitely pay the construction workers more or they're going to create a building that might as well be as infamous as Belgian roads. If a road does not have potholes, then they're working on the road or it is your lucky day where the road is not broken. Please go on, vent all of your frustration with the school out so we can have a collected conversation about your school, maybe even find a way to solve a couple of those problems. And swearing is a perfectly natural thing to do when you are that mad about your school's honestly extreme policies, don't apologize. In fact, here's a Flemish swearword that has been seared into my brain, so you can broaden your knowledge of swearwords: Godver-miljarde-vlammende-miljarde-domme-dju Which roughly translates to: Goddamn-million-flaming-million-it-goddamnit. Now for something completely different: From when this was originally posted, the world wasn't burning with the flames of war and radicalism too much, which is why I glossed over it. With recent developments, however, I believe both my and the next generation in the line will have to be politically active due to the absolute turmoil the world is becoming. So let us go through these three topics through the lens of politics both domestic and foreign. 1) More control to the rich wrong people An expression of worry that we can eventually go back to Victorian era living standards, which basically everyone, if not everyone in this bubble agrees is the worst outcome. The current system makes people express themselves even in the harsh conditions that Koakumas has illustrated wonderfully. Thus, the children would push against that system, which will either lead to what is called a social conflict or a full revolution. Should they remain in power, may I present to you that no hegemony has ever lasted. We would get a second chance in the far future, hopefully we won't squander it then. 2) What about the Children? The problems of the school system are already beginning to affect the children, the pandemic only really speeding up the process. A child's psychology is designed for learning basic life skills and curiosity with a bit of creativity mixed in there, not discipline, obedience and punishment. This has in turn caused pessimism to spread across the world like wildfire which has now started to boil into radicalism, polarization and war. A child who is only punished will eventually believe that punishment is love, leading to narcissism, arrogance and wrath. We need some sort of easy access to cheap study materials so the children can do self-study while people are fixing the education system or switching to the objectively superior Northern European system. The children may help or hinder the progress of change, as is the nature of change. If they hinder the change, then more problems are going to start exploding before people eventually decide to change either the education system or other fundamental systems that keeps the wheel of stagnation turning. (what a sentence.) That means that more shootings are going to happen, more wars are going to break out and polarization is going to get worse. If they endorse the change, there are still going to be problems, but the wheel of progress would start turning again as the status quo is threatened and people can stop being nihilistic about the future. Amongst the problems are the wars already happening, even more bureaucracy and people against change either because they directly profit from it or are too nihilistic to think change will change anything, among other things. 3) Technological Domination Society has become increasingly dependent on computers, mostly because it means the rich get richer. While I will admit I am dependent on computers, it is presumptuous to assume everyone suddenly lost the ability to think critically about what they consume. That is a product of the Prussian system doing it's job, as much as people despise it. Technological domination, as I put it, would result in a technocracy where the word of a machine means more than human thought. That is not to say that technology can help alleviate the education crisis with some easy-to-access, informative self-study sites, which would help alleviate the burden of teachers and be a first step away from the Prussian system. Despite Pepi's fear that AI teachers are going to exist, which will eventually happen, I'll admit, I don't think that is for the near future of my and the next generation. 4) Dystopia You know, dystopias are a product of utopias; that is to say, no dystopia can exist without an utopia. One could even argue that one man's utopia is another man's dystopia, which is exactly what I am going to argue here. Think about who the ruling class is of the current pax (pax Americana, pretentious for hegemony of America despite literally translating to American peace) and how well off they are. Then think about whose bodies that prosperity was founded upon... What I have proposed here is a change to at the bare minimum challenge the utopia the ruling class have created for themselves and hope for an outcome in favour of the common folk.
  15. I see a few options as to where the Nekomata would live: 1. The one where the Nekomata lives somewhere where no one dares to come, like Mayohiga. Here I would live a life of solitude that is nigh impenetrable and likely only broken by the occasional visit of Miko or Kasen, the former trying to teach me the way of the Tao as I am a hermit and the latter helping me be a hermit. This me would likely by a stage 3 boss, driving the incident resolvers away from my home with danmaku so that I can live a peaceful life. 2. The bamboo forest of the lost, as that place has the highest concentration of immortals (or is tied with Miko's realm for that title) and the Nekomata wants social contact aside from my food and the other hermits. Here I am likely to align myself with nobody as everyone earns my vengeance equally, but I would be a stage 1 or 2 boss as I would be more so playing around with any unfortunate incident resolution specialists than actually trying. 3. Chireiden/former Hell, Where the Nekomata is employed by Satori, Yukari and perhaps even the Yama (or they were my former employer as Zanmu moved Hell to where it is now, more on that later.) to keep the vengeful spirits under control using my ability which is likely some variant of "manipulation of vengeance". Here I'd be aligned with Chireiden and Former Hell on principal and a stage 5 boss with some probably very annoying vengeful spirits coloring my usual spellcards. If not that, then the extra stage boss as Satori or Yukari sends the incident resolvers to bring me a message, but I would have to drive them away from the vengeful spirit pit, thus causing a battle. 4. Actual Hell, Zanmu moved Hell and I came with the Yama who employed me. I'd likely have a lot of sway over policies regarding vengeful spirits and their best commander when everything starts falling apart. Here I have no clue who my friends would be but I'd likely be aligned with the Yama and/or Zanmu. As we're in Hell, I am a stage 4 boss in this incarnation. Appearing as a mid-boss in the extra stage. Some of my spellcards are described in Original Spellcards Anonymous, but all follow the general theme of "Righteous retribution". I would summon ghosts that shoot revenge bullets for most of the other spellcards, and perhaps even combine the gimmicks in some spellcards. I would definitely be an annoying foe, that's for sure.
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