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  • About Us


    About Moriya Shrine

    This website itself was started in December of 2011 by Ace Of Arrows, who has stepped down January 27th 2017 due to personal issues.
    The position of Admin changed hands a couple of times across the years and is nowadays shared by Spag and Maden, while Nitorium is the current owners of the website itself.

    We are no longer affiliated with Ace anymore.


    Our Goals And Statements

    We are dedicated to providing games in a ready-to-play state when possible.
    we avoid providing a mere installer unless for whatever reason it is absolutely necessary, for things such as copy protection or the game needing use of your registry, or if an installer is requested by users.

    We are dedicated to providing already-English-patched games where possible.
    If we cannot offer a pre-English-patched game, but it has a patch you can use, we will provide directions how to use said patch.
    In case we missed a patch or one was released after our upload we'll update our files to include them once we know about it.

    Using the above-stated two items, we are dedicated to making you do as little work as possible in obtaining and enjoying games.
    Nobody likes to do a ton of work, so we save you as much trouble as we're able.


    Moriya Shrine Community

    At this point in time, the Moriya Shrine community is only using the Forums and Discord which are managed by the Admins and Staff who frequent the platform, and a Steam group which is inactive.

    -> Server: Moriya Shrine
    -> Administrators: Spag and Maden

    -> Group: Moriya Shrine Official
    -> Administrators: Sci and Maden

    -> Space: https://matrix.to/#/#moriyashrine:eientei.org
    -> Administrators: Spag and Maden

    -> Room: #moriya-general
    -> Info: https://nishi.boats/newirc/
    -> Owner: nishi
    -> ops: maden, nishi, yakumo

    -> Room: [email protected]
    -> Owners: Izuru Yakumo, Mima-sama, Maden

    Stuff We Don't use Disclaimer

    Do not believe people who claim the Shrine has an official community anywhere other than the locations listed above;
    we don't have an official Tumblr or Instagram, for example, so any place claiming affiliation with the Shrine anywhere except as listed above is likely not telling you the truth or it was abandoned.

    Availability Disclaimer

    Moriya Shrine at its core aims to make Touhou content available to everyone, as a number of original releases, official or fanmade, are not officially available anymore or are otherwise not easily accessible.
    However, we strive to provide visibility to developers. Where possible, if any given work has an official source, the link(s) will be listed on the content's respective Moriya Shrine page. We encourage users to support the developers by purchasing the content they enjoy.
    Additionally, a page on the site will only be taken down if the download/file is broken or violates our guidelines.

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