-> *The earthquake has shaken Gensokyo, everyone has taken notice of it, if magnitudes exists in Gensokyo, this magnitude is around 8.4...*
Marisa: "Huh!? An earthquake? There hasn't been one in years!"
Alice: "I know! What's happening!?"
-> *And everywhere, it IS everywhere in Gensokyo.*
Sanae: "Kanako-sama! What's this earthquake about!?"
Kanako: "I bet it's that Tenshi girl again, Suwako, help out Sanae-ch- I mean Sanae-san!"
Suwako: "Will do, Kanako! C'mon, Sanae."
-> *While Sanae and Suwako find out if this is caused by Tenshi, even she took notice.*
Tenshi: "Hmph... someone is causing an earthquake without me?"
Iku: "Tenshi, please.. for the love of god, don't get involved, it's not you."
Tenshi: "WHO CARES! I wanna party with whoever is making this! Wahahaha!"
Sanae: "Stop right there, Tenshi Hinanawi!"
Tenshi: "Ugh, this Sanae girl..."
Suwako: "Hey! Please don't cause more earthquakes!"
Tenshi: "Eh? This wasn't caused by me but..! Hyaah!"
-> *Tenshi kicks her keystone she was standing on to the ground before sitting on a smaller one.*
Tenshi: "Told- oomph!"
-> *Iku casually slaps Tenshi on the back of her head.*
Tenshi: "Watch it, Iku! I'm more powerful than you and you know that!"
-> *Tenshi's keystone finally slams onto the ground causing an extra 1.0 magnitude to the earthquake.*
Iku: "Waah! Sanae.. Suwako! Defeat her, I don't want more earthquakes for another millennium!"
Sanae: "On it!"
-> Meanwhile...
-> *The glass that held the so called "Great Furnace Sun" within the center of the furnace room has started to crack, on purpose.*
Reimu: "... What's with that sun?"
Utsuho: "They'll always ask me this, everyone who comes in this room... yet it's story is still fascinating."
Reimu: "Yeah, yeah, okay but get straight to it."
-> *As the crack worsens, Utsuho stops herself.*
Utsuho: "Long ago, as I was still a young hell raven, this sun started to burn. It's an artificial sun made from previous hell ravens, amongst those ravens was its leader, my mother. Rikuto Reiuji. Rikuto lead the youkai ravens to this very hell, long before hell moved. But once hell moved when I was only real young.."
-> *Utsuho stares off to the side and stares at the sun.*
Utsuho: "After this sun was created, when it was only dim, the move of hell happened. Rikuto, everyone, vanished before my eyes. Today, the small amount of non-youkai hell ravens that live here were the undeveloped off-spring of the vanished hell ravens."
Reimu: "So.. what did you do?"
Utsuho: "As I grew, I lead those ravens to establish this hell as still an inhabited hell. That's when I met.. Orin. She brought me to Satori where I was adopted as her pet..."
Reimu: "But why the incident?"
Utsuho: "Which one?"
Reimu: "The first one you caused."
Utsuho: "... well, it was all for revenge... AGAINST THOSE YAMA WHO DARE MADE MY RACE ALMOST EXTINCT!"
-> *Reimu realized the true reason. Maybe Utsuho was doing something right for her own species. She created the incident as a warning to the yama by taking over the world.*
Reimu: "... do you know where's Rikuto?"
Utsuho: "She was departed off, into the Sanzu River, never to be seen again..."
Reimu: "I'll be good to you."
Utsuho: "Hey thanks, but let's resume the rule over Gensokyo!"
-> Somewhere in the furnace room, a gap just opens. On the other end, Yukari and Yuyuko watches... disappointment from Yukari.*
Yukari: "This is so embarrassing."
Yuyuko: "Hey, you don't have to complain about her. Maybe she'll snap out of-"
Yukari: "Yuyuko, you don't know her. If she's insane, she'll not snap out of it until her goal is achieved. Now she's lost."
Yuyuko: "I see..."
Yukari: "She's a failure to the Hakurei Shrine... teaming.. TEAMING UP WITH A YOUKAI, A YOUKAI WHO WANTS TO TAKE OVER GENSOKYO AGAIN!?"
Yuyuko: "Hey... chill out... think of a plan where-"
Yukari: "She knows what happens if she fails her occupation..."
-> *Yuyuko stares out into the gap, choosing between an acquittance and her closest friend. The choice is obvious.*
Yukari: "Now that she has failed... she must.. she must die, in the least symbolic way possible. YOU'VE PICKED YOUR DEATH, HAKUREI REIMU!"
Yuyuko: "I've got a plan... but only if you want to follow my plans this time."
Yukari: "Kuu.. fiiiineee..."
-> AUTHOR'S NOTE: Yay, we got Utsuho's backstory and even some REAL plot development!! Good job, Koakuma Reiuji, you've actually done real plot development for once!! Of course, Rikuto Reiuji is only a original character I made.