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About koakumas

  • Birthday October 30

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  1. on the phone with my irl friend about introducing touhou to them (w move), trying to say the translation of touhou (eastern) and touhou itself

    said “so anyway, touhou project basically translates to.. tastern hou…”

    ”t-tastern hou?”

    ”ah sharks- wait i meant ah shat. but it means- … toustern”


    ”i give up”

  2. fee free to discuss IF here since the series is complete
  3. *sakuya teleports you to the entrance to the human village.* kaguya: “it was all a trial, i’m not the antagonist but cirno confirmed it was all a trial… cmon in.. the festival is waiting for you human.” *before you stepped in yukari stops you.* yukari: “hey, this is one magnificent gensokyo, there are many gensokyos out there. but this one… created by a girl of nuclear fusion and elements itself. she looks like utsuho reiuji and koakuma combined.” *yukari looks up at the darkening sky, stars start to glow again.* yukari: “universe creation, its perfection depends on the one. is ours perfect? likely not, this incident will be this gensokyo’s and the creator’s to remember…” *she looks back at you.* yukari: “now show them. you still have your powers. show them yourself, this story will be forever told in the village and maybe beyond.” *you nod and start to walk past yukari before she spoke up once more.* yukari: “hey, thank you for saving gensokyo.” *you nod again, before coming in the village with remilia, flandre, and sakuya close behind. then as you step through everyone starts clapping and cheering, you also notice two familiar people… ibunde and kuyara! they’re saved!* ibunde: “yay! you were a true hero!” kuyara: “saving all of gensokyo!” *you also notice something, they have features of a youkai, it seems like the youkai energy as been split between the two so now they’re half oni and half tengu respectively. reisen hands you dango for you to chow down and the starry night glimmers as beautiful as it always been. then… there’s reimu.* reimu: “hey friend… thank you for saving gensokyo…” *reimu gave you a hug and joins the crowd with you… gensokyo couldn’t thank you enough…* “are you cheerful too, gensokyo?” THE END congrats on reading everything IF has to offer, a new story should come soon…
  4. on for 2 months then vanish :TenshiCry:

  5. there is some pain in me that feels very familiar just trying to eat the other result slots
  6. koakumas

    koakuma’s photo files

    welcome to my files! this is basically where i collect touhou photos in post them here! i’ll share my drawings, images off the internet, and more. enjoy your stay d( ̄  ̄)
  7. ok we’re almost done with the Imperishable Festival story so that’s cool

  8. *the peace only lasted a few when the sun started to set and fireworks start blowing up in the sky over the human village.* remilia: “it seems like they’re celebrating without us. i never expected literal youkai in the village but this is an exception.” you: “we’re true heroes here. well including yukari, yuuka kinda, flan, the two girls…” remilia: “true. too many against four, also yes clownpiece has been sent to hell where she now eternally burns there. can’t have too much freedom down there.” (pun not intended) ???: “hello remilia and the human…” *kaguya is here, brought in by sakuya.* kaguya: “mind if you, flandre, sakuya, and the human join in for the festival in the village?” you: “what? did time actually get fixed there? what’s happened?” kaguya: “the festival’s being unending with people having full energy for the week is still going strong. now with happy youkai. so… what do you say?” *sakuya who was standing diagonal from kaguya nods with a smile, she really wants to go. remilia saw sakuya and faces kaguya.* remilia: “i’ll leave the decision to this human.” *she points at you, waiting for a response.* you: “… let’s head to the festival.” *sakuya gets starry eyed and then regains her posture to get flandre.* kaguya: “alright, let’s head to the festival! it’s clear we only have one more chapter left… this is chapter chapter 37 with 38 the final one
  9. *youmu is back and iku is back. all the spirited away victims have returned. reisen, who apparently was next to you finally spoke again.* reisen: “best friend? we’ve done a good job, yes?” *reisen smiles, the dopamine of all the work paid off.* reisen: “oh my…” *the incident is over, you made some new friends with even youkai in the process, cirno is gone. eirin is even back. but tewi? that’s another can of worms.* reisen: “thanks for assisting us.” ???: “reisen!” *it was kaguya.* kaguya: “can you please help me in setting this up?” reisen: “of course, kaguya-sama!” *kaguya smiles and waves at you, you wove back. before remilia approaches you as everyone starts heading to the human village for some reason.* remilia: “hey human… want some tea or wine?” you: “o-oh! of course!” *she leads to her mansion, sakuya then sends you there with remilia and serves tea for you and wine for remilia.* remilia: “don’t worry, i’m alright. the sun only did minor damage to me.” *she smiles.*
  10. c.ai will tear apart two characters from two different interests and this is my greatest example (THANKS KOISCHIZO FOR INTRODUCING YOUR SUBS ABOUT IT(INCLUDING ME))
  11. japanese mythology is either the most interesting sh_t or scares the sh_t out of you

    i still can’t believe i didn’t read the plot of the tale of the bamboo cutter but that was hella interesting especially the fact of all the kaguya stuff :kaguyastare:

    still need to read the scarier ones but holy sh_t kunekune is kinda terrifying

  12. 35 2/2 *the 4 looked at each other and then back to the crowd as komachi lifts her scythe to slice hatate… that is, until hatate spoke up.* hatate: “hey! you know what? how about send clownpiece back to hell and lock up the place for real this time! she deserves the eternal suffering of hell. also f_ck all of you for screwing up the plan.” clownpiece: “wh- what?? you’re saving me, for someone who i accidentally drove insane? oh my…” daiyousei: “hatate is such a useful teammate…” cirno: “please komachi!” komachi: “uh… i’m so lazy so i’ll just-“ eiki: “I’LL SCOLD YOU LATER, KOMACHI! KEEP HER RESTRAINED DOWN!” clownpiece: “… thanks hatate…” *komachi finally kills hatate right there.* yuuka: “hey yama, can i have cirno to melt in order to water my plants?” eiki: “if you want to go to hell then go right ahead.” *yuuka smiles and waits for komachi to slice cirno. then komachi did the same to daiyousei, leaving the first ever real death to a fairy.* cirno: “F_CK ALL YOU ALL, ESPECIALLY THAT HUMAN, THE DECLINE TO ALL FAIRIES… HAS BEGUN!” *as soon as cirno finishes, komachi seals cirno’s fate by another death. once that’s done, yuuka comes up to a now dead cirno to take her to her garden, last anyone would ever see her ever again. sealing her reputation for good. those who were missing returned… well everyone but the herald of spring and the white rabbit of good fortune… gensokyo’s fate is back to reimu’s hands again…*
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