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Vine Staff

Shrine Denizens
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Everything posted by Vine Staff

  1. who tf putted yuyuko in my search TELL ME WHO PUTTED YUYUKO IN MY SEARCH????????
  2. also i bamboozled medkit on c.ai because i was bored and here are the screenshots if u were curious on how i bamboozled him
  3. i asked yuugi about on a scale from 1 to 10 on how she would solo him this was her reply:
  4. CREATOR NO DONT SELL ME TO KOAKUMA I STILL NEED OILLLLL v09044g40000cp67fknog65p11kl1sa0.mp4
  6. i dont know anymoreghghgh
  7. u still doing requests? (just asking because i got a request to share)
  8. Vine Staff


    the gooboo.,.,,.,,.,.boogaloo
  9. the chosen ones (if you know you know) and their also not done yet boogaloo:TenshiCry:

    Screenshot 2024-05-25 153608.png

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    Screenshot 2024-05-25 153638.png

    Screenshot 2024-05-25 153646.png

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    Screenshot 2024-05-25 153721.png

  10. i did the whole UM cast (almost took me a hour or idfk)

    Screenshot 2024-05-24 162258.png

  11. chat what are your suggestion for the next GensouTwitter post?:SekiThink:

    put your suggestions down here!

  12. since when did GensouTwitter existed!?!?!?!!1!!1!1!!1 (the cursed drawing is mine btw)

    Welcome once again to another Explaintion, We will be explaining About: "Pochi Science" Lore, Get your belts tucked in cause here we go deep into this Lore!

    FIRST EXPLAINTION: Pixie-Twinkle

    You may heard of the "Pixie-Twinkle" I'll just call it "The Anime Drug", Speaking of which.. Heres a Image of it if you dont know what it looks like:Screenshot2024-05-06162407.png.1bd428580600b449dd5791971ed4c0ad.png, It looks like that, You may think "Oh thats just normal!", THE LIQUID ISNT, Althought the Liquid on that cake is supposed to turn Monsters-Alike or whatever Into Anime Girl, Speaking of which..


    THE DOORS ARC: Turning Monsters-Alike into Waifu's

    Here we go into the doors arc! We can see Pochi Science's First video is somewhat a...Seek video i guess? Here's the image of what it looks like: Screenshot2024-05-06162905.png.d0a94b296bea2fa4700dfe37f639d7ca.png, It looks like Seek is forced to dance, Or whatever.. You can tell by its face:Screenshot2024-05-06162120.png.40455ad986cdd653b551f8d8c157ed35.png, Yes..That face. Although i cant do some of the rest cause we are going into another arc we will be discovering about.

    AMANDA THE ADVENTURE ARC: More Troubling..

    Here we can see about Amanda the Adventurer, Rightt? Well.. In one of the videos, It seems like Amanda hasnt turned into a waifu..Strange right? Well the Liquid turns the human normal..Isnt it Weird? Well possibly, By the Anime Drug, Its only towards Monster Alikes, If shooted or Launched at a human, It will have no changes, Here are two screenshots i took in one of the videos: Screenshot2024-05-06163532.png.f2878bd69fd87b8da7438a281a51bc7e.pngScreenshot2024-05-06163543.png.afccca6a43d68b7230606b0ddba77b4b.png,Well it is safe to say that Amanada didnt get turned into one, Onto the Next Arc!


    RAINBOW FRIENDS ARC: More Monsters being Turned into Waifus...


    We'll start from the Beginning, If you've played "Rainbow Friends", Then you must've known the Characters i will show you.


    Speaking of which..In the videos, It seems like the Monsters have resist..Expect for one thing: Orange didnt Resist due to Waifu bot's Punt at Him. We'll get onto the Waifu Bot Later.. But speaking of..This will end here, More Discoverings will be found soon, Hope part 2 will come!


    1. Angelmaker
    2. Vine Staff

      Vine Staff

      eh i was possibly bored so i had to explain that :/

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