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Posts posted by TheM3ds

  1. >A mysterious mist covers all of Gensokyo, much of the dismay of the local shrine maiden.

    >*Camera pans to the sky, then to the hakurei shrine.*

    >*marisa swoops in* Reimu, there's red mist covering the sky!

    >Reimu, Voiced by Crinstina Vee Valenzuela : Hmm, looks like today it will be cloudy with a chance of bullets.

    >This summer

    >*Turning Japanese by the Vapors plays*

    >Reimu: So how do we get rid of this mist?

    >Marisa Replies: By finding the one who caused it, duh!

    >Join Reimu and Marisa as they venture to save Gensokyo form the Scarlet Devil Mansion crew.

    > Cirno: I'll cryo-freeze you with some English beef!

    >With a colorful personality to boot

    >Reimu: So you're the behind this incident.

    >Remilia speaking broken English: I'mA Sorry, I dontu speaka japaneseu

    >Can both girls solve this incident before it's too late?

    >Find out in the upcoming premiere of: Touhou: Red Mist!

    >Coming this summer


    I'm sorry.






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  2. Hey Mevs, It's been a while. I was wondering where you were this whole time, but now that I've read your post I can understand where you're coming from.

    While I don't have a lot to say, I certainly suffered from loneliness and anxiety to the point where it was slowly driving me to the point of madness and it almost ruined my life completely, that was one of the many reasons why I was seeking therapy to begin with. The amount of days and nights I've spent all alone was truly painful to me since I moved out of my dad's house which was toxic as fuck to in, I'm honestly glad I don't live with him anymore. Lemme just say: Seeking therapy was one of the best life decisions I have ever made and it made my life significantly better. I may not have a lot of friends (or any at all) and sure I don't trust some people nowadays but I'm honestly doing much better than I was back then. I'm just glad you're doing alright, hope everything works out for you.

    Cheers, mate.

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  3. I have a bit of an odd story behind my name.

    It was a cold night in 2021 and I was completely alone in my room, I didn't have any friends due to me disconnecting myself from people after some traumatic events that happened during that year, I disparately wanted to talk to someone so I decided to look up sites that I can instantly message people, I don't remember what site it was but as far as I know it was anonymous. I've thought about making a name that sounded edgy and gothic while being reminiscent of the old days of the internet, so I settled with my current username: TheM3ds.

    Fun fact about my username name: it was inspired by one of my favorite bands The Cure.

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  4. I excluded characters from Touhou 16 to 18 since I'm not familiar with them, as well as PC-98 since there's only a handful of characters I like such as Mima and Shinki.

    I've done this sorter weeks ago, so it's still new.

    sort-2023-06-18(09 49 22).png

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  5. I honestly keep forgetting about her name, let alone her existence, which is a shame since she could have a more important role in the print works but alas that'll never happen.

    What a shame.

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  6. You know, I've been feeling out of touch with Touhou lately as well, in terms of canon I think I just stopped paying attention it and just stared to enjoy the series for it's characters, I'm not much of a lore expert but even I must admit that I'm barely invested in it nowadays since I care more about imagining my version of gensokyo, again I'm just in it for the characters and art, I honesty wish I could create some stories of my own one day, I'm just a secondary fan since I mainly engage in fan works and would like to make my own but even then I haven't figured it out myself.

    Now I hate talking about this but with the amount of lewd art I've seen makes me feel like I've sort of become this degenerate just by looking at it and I hate it, I feel like I've lost touch with not only myself but with reality as well. I feel like I've corrupted my enjoyment of the series to the point where I'm paranoid to the point where I would be shamed by others for my enjoyment of the series, I.E. if someone called me a degenerate if I enjoyed this thing that is looked down upon or to a lesser degree receive disapproval or shame from members of the touhou community either because I said or made something controversial, at this point I can't tell if I'm just afraid of my downfall or I'm just overthinking shit. I know this isn't healthy to think about and at this point I've just been wondering if I should just take a brake from this community or just Touhou entirely.

    It just hurts known what joy I had is slowly dwindling into misery and I have been trying improve my life but as always there's gotta be something to fuck my shit up. Ah, but do I know, at this point I'm still struggling with a bunch of things I don't want to be dealing with.

    Edit: If the moderation team is reading this then I apologize for copying this post and sending it to other post, I made an error and decided to edit the original instead, if I violated the rules then I will accept punishment.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Space Banana said:

    The current state of the community seems to be an indirect consequence of something bigger, which is mostly how the western society and internet culture have changed between early 2000s and today. If you go to the japanese Touhou communities you will see a tremendous difference, they are on a whole separate world.

    I found out and about Touhou and started playing the games in 2019, so the community hasn't changed much for me, just became a bit worse, but I noticed the change in western society over all these years. I remember the innocence and simplicity of the 2000s, and the whole essence of Touhou fits the 2000s and 2010s perfectly in a way. Over the years, the mainstream western culture has changed drastically to become lower quality, more generic and less creative or funny/quirky. Real diversity gets killed by the peer pressure for us to all fit in and become exact copies of each other, while the masses promote fake diversity through the idea that superficial traits define our entire being. I blame the most common social media for this, like Twitter, Instagram Reddit and Tiktok. These 4 platforms alone destroyed the integrity and sanity of western society.

    In the western fandom of japanese culture, Touhou became mainstream, and when that happens, all the downsides of the mainstream come to the community. It doesn't mean that the good portion of the fanbase is dead, but it's relatively much smaller than the mainstream.

    The mainstream part of the Touhou fandom starts relying more on the fanmade media aspects that originally brought them in, and then they introduce overused memes and ideas, etc etc. I love plushies and I wouldn't mind having a fumo, but fumos are extremely overrated. It's ok to make memes and joke about things and like to watch or mention and joke about very popular fanmade media, but when this is used as a way to spread information about what Touhou is, it brings an even worse part of the mainstream: the one that doesn't know Touhou and doesnt care. People get introduced to Touhou with these fumos and memes and Scarlet Police funky this fucky that and gachas, and they become fans of this content, but then the newcomers don't know, care or like the official Touhou content but are now a part of the fandom.

    When it comes to the creative part of the fandom, it got severely affected by the downsides of social media peer pressure. The addiction of likes, fame, upvotes, etc. This is why I don't follow the most popular western Touhou youtubers, and why I strongly avoid the biggest Touhou places and don't really show up in social media places.

    There isn't much you can do other than to try to filter out the bad side. I play/follow Touhou and interact with some Touhou fandom places, but I avoid talking about Touhou in unrelated places or in the mainstream, with the fear of somebody recognising it for something that it isn't and then bringing an awkward conversation or something. The problem with the modern Touhou fandom is just a consequence of what's happening in the west, eventually it gets sorted out.

    Admittedly, I have watched some Touhou YouTubers like Perldrop, Megapig9001, Suwawako ETC. but I've never bothered to subscribe to them because I'm just not interested and I don't want to bother. Sorry, but I don't follow most Touhou YouTubers.

    It's usually sites like Twitter I avoid using because I used to be in a bad place in my life and the site was making my life miserable, plus with elon now owning the site I don't see any reason to return to that godawful site, besides it stopped being good since 2018. I avoid big discord servers with at least 1000 online users or so since it saves me the time and patience.

    Also I like Fumos, I just find it ridiculous how people spend alot a money on what is essentially beanie babies for anime/Touhou fans, I honestly don't feel bad for spending money on a bootleg fumo, lol.

    That's all for now since it's getting late.

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  8. I've been on the internet for a long time, I've seen many people come and go in a blink of an eye, especially in fandoms.

    I cannot stress how sterile and saturated everything feels nowadays, I rarely sense a feel of community on most sites anymore, I feel like the longer you stay in one circle of a fan base the more likely you'll end up burning out in my opinion. With the current state of the touhou fandom I can only express disappointment towards the lack creators willing stop outside the box and make something that isn't another cutesy or "funny" meme, sure we have some fans who make some high-quality content but that pales in comparison to someone who has step outside the boundaries of is typically done in a Touhou fanwork (I think), it's just a shame sites like YouTube, Reddit or Twitter don't promote this kind of thing, people are too afraid to step outside their comfort zones.

    It's a shame honestly since I do believe there are creative and inspiring fans who can make beautiful works art and yet that rarely (if not, ever) happens at all.

    After my experience with Touhou on YouTube I can say that I am not optimistic for the possibilities for video makers since they pretty recycle meme formats in order to gain views or they just play it safe and make something by the books basic by making the characters cute but with no substance behind it or worse make videos pandering to the lowest common denominator and appeal to horny weebs with AMSR videos while neglecting the fact the characters would never do this in canon, I'm also tried of all the hype behind fumos since there so over hyped up by man children who pay for these overpriced plush dolls that are limited in stock anyway, you can enjoy these thing all you want but I just find all this to be ridiculous, call me a pretentious asshole all you want but when things are so depraved of humanity or decency then it becomes a problem when a fanbase loses touch with reality and becomes a joke of itself, a shell of it former self. 

    I feel like the whole "Less work = More points" thing on the internet has overstayed it's welcome and has done more harm than good, everything is monitored and when you do something slightly risky like say: bring up dark topics of death, trauma, mental illness, dark humor ETC. Than you're likely to meet with disapproval but it depends on how dark the subject is, I get some people are not comfortable with it but at the same time why does everyone have to be concerned with safety all the time? I swear at this point censorship is going to get so bad to the point where it's all just sparkles and rainbows on screen.

    Feel free to disagree with me, honestly I wish I could write more but honestly I don't know what more I can say.    


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  9. As someone who has been using the internet since my childhood, been exposed to both the good and bad aspects of the internet. I grew up watching flash cartoons and YTP's and some other old YouTube videos many years age, though when I reached my teens I felt like my reached my YouTube brain-rot phase and it only grew worse as I reached adulthood (maybe), I tried to limit my viewing of most videos on the internet but even I still waste my time with them, I've seen a lot of videos, from the tip of the iceberg to the obscure and niche to even creepy and uncanny (during high-school at least) videos at times. Anyways I wish I can say more but I can't think of anything else. I know this isn't Touhou related but I though I would share my brain-rot experience with y'all.

    Fart Extra Reverb

  10. I highly recommend checking out Labyrinth of Touhou 2 (AKA Gensokyo and the Heaven Piercing Tree), there's over 50+ characters to choose from, 100+ hours worth of content, challenging yet (mostly) fair gameplay, fun character customization, equipment crafting and so much more! Plus there's references to many videogames and anime, which is neat.

    If you're okay with playing through a Dungeon Crawler/DRPG than I say give this game a shot, it's worth your time.

    Edit: Make sure to look up tips and guides for the game from the Touhou wiki and steam. :)

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  11. On 4/18/2023 at 11:27 AM, CountVonNumenor said:

    I know about the memes, but I am not very aware/can't make the connection with the meta aspect. Could you please explain it a little bit?


    I have tried that. To some measure, the "horny Touhou fans" trilogy also included some elements of that, just as much as I made some jokes and comments through reviews like the one for Memories of Phantasms. However, I feel like it did not really, work, or maybe I have not expressed it well enough and only caused more ruckus than was needed. But yeah, someone really should be doing that, as I think it is an interesting topic not as much for the idea of calling out people, as for trying to go through a bit of fandom pshychology and social behavior. Or whatever you consider to be more interesting out of this entire issue...

    Apologies for the late reply, I was busy with Labyrinth of Touhou 2 and work.

    What I was talking about (If I can remember) was that at a certain point all the "X fans be like" format would be flipped on it's head and instead have jokes that either pokes fun at the characters on the fanon side or just bait and switch.

    I think it would be both funny and amusing if there were just people shamming horny Touhou fans on a daily basis, of course I like to make fun of them of well but I don't interact with any, some people are just too weird unfortunately (Could've said it better but eh.)

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  12. There's something I never really understood about these Mommy and stereotype videos, like how I don't understand these "what your favorite character" or "thing" says about you kind of content. For I know it could mean absolutely nothing, these kind of videos could just be classified as clickbait (as Canaranjo pointed out) so I don't pay any mind to it. Besides, I haven't watched all the videos by Suwawako so I can't make statement on how I feel about the entire thing other than apathy. As for the meme videos: they were a byproduct of a trend seen within the Touhou community to express there... interests towards the characters. But than it evolved into something more meta but even than it became stale after awhile.

    As with alot of memes and videos of Touhou on YouTube it all overstays it's welcome and becomes repetitive and dull. There's no creativity or edge behind them, just memes and shitposting. That isn't to say there can't be fun to be had with making fun of certain fans but unless someone has the courage to do such a thing then I wouldn't get my hopes up (as cynical as that sounds.

    That's about it I guess.

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  13. 29 minutes ago, CountVonNumenor said:

    Honestly, this is the first time when I hear anyone comparing anime to soap opera, and therefore I m feeling a little surprised of the comparison. Especially when, at least here in Romania, we understand "soap opera" through the word "telenovela". But if you mean the idea of mass-production and repetitive plots/plot elements, then I may be able to see the similarity. 


    I really have not though that the Japanese themselves would actually have problems with anime. Especially how popular and seemingly everywhere it is while walking on the streets of their big cities. As for quality stuff, I am still looking for something to start from. Yet I am not sure what anime series to start up with. I have watched all 17 episodes of Memories of Phantasm, the TeamFourStar Abridged version of Hellsing Ultimate, and was planning to watch the anime adaptation of Amagami.

    (does anyone actually read these texts I am usually inserting into the threads and comments?)


    If there is anything you would like to say, I would really like to continue this discussion, or any other thread I started. I have been feeling quite alone recently, especially since there has been so little activity at the Shrine since the beginning of the year, or at least past couple weeks. And this place was one of the few where I could still communicate with other people in a civilized manner and not be berated for writing too much. 

    I'm not surprised somebody would be comparing anime to soap opera though it does make sense (at least to me) for the two to be compared together.

    As for fan-service, I'm not bothered by it if the characters are adults or if it's tasteful though I can definitely why alot of people can be turned off by it (or even grossed out) with things like lolicon or ecchi. I'm particularly not a fan of how some Japanese media like to pander to some sweaty perverted Japanese males with boatloads of fan-service with no thought or substance behind it. Especially if the characters are minors, then it's not good.

    As far anime recommendations go: Have you ever heard of Cowboy Bebop? I think it's a great series to jump into IMO, it has fluid animation, the characters are great without felling like walking anime tropes, the soundtrack is legendary and the fan-service isn't distracting. I highly recommend it.

    It's okay mate, I've (almost) read of what you posted, activity here has been pretty slow lately, though it's peaceful around here so I'm used to it. Wish I could say more but I simply don't know what to say.

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  14. On 1/8/2023 at 9:02 AM, _.Mevs said:

    It actually makes sense, most people like me for example find out about all the horrible stuff about Japan due to curiosity, and some people can just deal with it perfectly, but other ones end up liking or getting way addicted into it

    I think that what worries me the most is how this curiosity can affect their health, since a lot of people that likes or consume weird stuff as adults started with that in their teenage, so, with it being each day more common to be seen, it is worrying to imagine that a lot of people with gross desires (like all the weird sexual stuff Japan has) are forming so massively 

    And also all their obsession for Japanese culture in a really unhealthy way, i met a guy past year that literally used to draw his dead cat as a anime character, and it would be okay, even beautiful to think he didn't forget his cat, but the problem is that all his love for Japan and etc exists because he was a complete addict into Japan, like, if you said something bad about Japan, he'd ban you from the group ( i saw him doing it), and i really hope that he was just a isolated case, but seeing all those teens that act exactly as him (he was 21yo) is worrying, who knows if they will turn out to be like him?


    Yup, i think that something else that worries me about the animes is all the ecchi on it, some kids with their contacts with internet, if they watch an anime with ecchi stuff and search more for it, maybe they can end up in a really gross downhole, like, Dragon Ball Z used to have a lot of ecchi, but it didn't Theaffect a lot the children because they didn't had a phone in their hands to look for stuff related to this kind of content

    With anime becoming more popular and more children knowing it, it is something pretty weird to think that they can end up finding horrible stuff about the animes they like just through a simple google search, and also the part they can end up being complete addicts to Japanese culture, since is normal for it to happen to people with less age, and all we can do is hope for all that to be just a phase and they don't end up taking this to another level in their lives

    Yup, watching anime and reading manga in a healthy way as a hobby is great, it can even make someone's life better, but well, exactly what you said, when people take this kind of hobby way too far, it surely is horrible, and it applies for any hobby actually, since liking to post in forums (like we're doing right now) to listen to metal music (it usually has negative themes, so if someone let this kind of thing consume them, it would be horrible), and the reason Japanese culture is something so different to all the other hobbies that can turn out to be unhealthy, is the way it spreads so fastly, like, each day more people get into it and more people has chance to misunderstood everything and take this kind of content way too far

    And well, Weeaboo can be a good term for that, don't worry! Since most people that spam Japanese culture everywhere and treat it as perfect usually think about theirselves as Japanese born in the wrong place (i already saw a lot of brazilians saying that)

    In my opinion, isn't something so weird for people to do this kind of thing when they're underage, as i said, i also wanted to hunt pokemons when i was little, but it surely is weird when people, since their teenages till nowadays still treat this kind of content as something so amazing and perfect like they did when younger

    I think is normal to anime to influence people, but what worries me is about when this influence is positive or not, for example, myself, i started playing bass because i love K-On! and my favorite character is Mio, a bass player, but it didn't made me see Japan as exactly what K-On represents or even go too far at a level that my lifestyle is based into K-On (for example, that REALLY WEIRD guys that think their waifus are their girlfriends and that stuff, or also people that marry with anime characters, you can see for example that guy that married hatsune miku and bought dakimakuras and a lot of other stuff about her, even if people claim that it is okay, i just can't take it as something natural and normal)

    I think the whole problem is about how sensitive the person that get into Japanese culture is, for example, someone without any knowledge about Japan watch an anime and think it is exactly what the content from there represents, without not even caring to search more for it and taking what they saw in their favorite shows as the truth

    It is normal to have sexual wishes during puberty, but what worries me about the pornography in Japan is mostly the hentai content, since in a regular porn that those teens would end up falling into you won't see tentacles, rape or all the lolicon stuff that you find in hentais and etc, if a fragile person with gross sexual wishes that it doesn't know yet end up falling into a hentai with those wishes exactly representated, they will end up in a downhole that's worse than just watching a normal sex video you find normally on internet 

    And the scariest part is that it will affect totally their personal lives, if not in their social life, in their life at their house or even alone, if regular porn already destroys someone's mind, just imagine what a hentai with weird or even criminal content can do

    Anyway, thanks for sharing your opinion! It was a nice post to read tbh, it was really interesting to read and you really know well about what you're saying =D

    Btw, sorry if i said anything wrong! 


    Apologies for the late reply but like you pointed out: there's nothing wrong being passionate about your favorite anime (or game) like Pokemon or K-On for instance but I would've never imagined someone you've met could do something fucked up as drawing a dead cat as an anime character lol. 

    The thing for me is that I'm kind of indifferent or weirded out towards ecchi in Japanese media sometimes, although if the characters are teens then it makes feel uneasy. Like you said, it could go down towards a gross rabbit hole and it does raise some concerns. Though if it's for adults then it doesn't really bother me.

    I don't know which is sadder; the fact that weeabos support one of the most xenophobic countries in the world or they worship a 2D drawing on a screen to an unhealthy degree to the point where they develop to a creepy obsession or both. That's not to say you can't have a waifu or a like a cute anime girls but there people who do take it too far and claim that their married to a 14 year old and how could it not disturb someone?

    Yeah, Japanese porn can be fucked up to put it lightly, since there's so much bizarre and downright gross fetishes (I.E Lolicon, incest, rape Ect.) Personally I don't like talking about my history with hentai mainly because it had an negative impact on my mind before, though It's saddening that some people can turn into addicts, especially if they have mental health issues to begin with (though I DO NOT sympathize with legitimate creeps or people who exploit others), it's a rabbit-hole that'll ruin you brain if your not careful or don't value your sanity.

    It was fun discussing this topic with you, I'm glad you enjoyed my post! I tried to keep this appropriate to the topic as much as possible while making it SFW (because of the rules here), hope I didn't say anything weird.




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  15. Now I can't exactly pinpoint if Japanese media is having an negative influence on today's teens but what I can say is that a lot of people going through this phase aren't emotionally or mentally mature enough to truly grasp on what their doing with their lives, they tend to be curious or reckless.

    I am not an expert on Japanese Culture by any means but I think the reason why people love Anime and Manga so much is because of how accessible it is, compared to the 80's and 90's where it was a niche interest hobby then is now an extremely popular form of entertainment both in it's home country and across the globe. As kids we grew up with shows like Pokémon, Dragon Ball Yu-Gi-Yo Etc. Yet as we grow older, our curiosity for Japanese media grows bigger thanks to TV programs like Toonami and the internet.

    Having a hobby of watching anime and reading manga on a daily basis is rather normal in our modern society (to a degree) but this can be taken to an unhealthy degree by not only consuming nothing but Japanese media but also disregarding there own culture, hence the term 'Weeaboo." Though the term is usually reserved for people who truly think there Japanese so maybe it's not the right word I'm looking for.

    However, what I can say is how saturated Anime industry is, you have many different shows appealing to a wide demographic of people, otaku's included. Shonen Jump is no stranger to this with it's male audience with works like Dragon Ball, One Piece and Naruto. Of course someone would want to become a Super Sayian or whatever but a lot of people are often influenced by anime, so naturally people like to have an emotional connection with their favorite show, even if they do silly things like doing the naruto run or acting out there favorite scenes because there passionate about it.

    Of course, you will always have those who have some... questionable tastes in things.

    On 1/5/2023 at 10:38 PM, Reitisen said:



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    The Bad Spread of Culture

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    In general, sexual themes are tolerated more liberally in Japan. Something that appears to have spread globally and made people more horny in general, which I personally despise given that people are more interested in being lewd publicly than stories, both in manga and anime. ( -.- )

    One egregious example would be the MHA fanbase, where a lot of children and adults (who are over 18) seem to like shipping characters and attacking others who don't agree or see them as weird, oftentimes painting the whole community as this weirdo hive. (given the fact that some characters are children who are shipped)

    Children today seem to be growing up a lot more, which I think social media sites and parents are to blame for, and by that I mean, literally, that 5th graders have a social media account and have the attitudes of crappy, hormonal teens who are way too addicted to fame and are general nuisances to other people. and that was, I believe, between 2012 and 2018. That all occurred in a generally small to medium sized town that I grew up in.

    High school was worse given the fact that people were actually horny and didn't care, to the point where I don't want to talk about it.


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    To be fair, a lot of people are addicted to fame and they tend to chase after clout whenever they can since people have a competitive mind set when it comes to bragging rights, that's social media for you.

    I'm not a MHA fan at all but I've heard about how toxic the fan-base can be, especially when it comes to character shipping.

    Usually I avoid talking about sexual topics solely because I don't know how to tackle them but all I can say is a lot of people where horny at some point in their lives during there high school years, it's not uncommon. It's all part of growing up I suppose.

    I do have to apologize since I had rush this segment because I have to get ready to leave with some family members to go on a hike, so if I said anything wrong or inappropriate then I apologize and I will correct any errors I've made. So yeah, that's all I have for now.


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  16. 45 minutes ago, Isaac said:

    Great to see some of your favourites, especially from Final Fantasy and touhou. I need to play Shin Megami Tensei at some point considering how much I loved the Persona games.

    I keep reaching the maximum limit for liking posts way too quickly.

    Thank you! I've only played Final Fantasy IV, VI and VII but I do love some of the characters in this series, Squall especially, on another note: I still need to play the Persona series myself, I've been wanting to play Persona 4 Golden but I haven't gone around it sadly (what with my craptop and everything).

    If you ever get into SMT just be warned: The games can be HARD but there also a blast to play, I'd say if your ever craving a challenge then definitely give the series a shot, it's worth it.

    Also Marisa is cool.

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  17. Damn that's kinda difficult to answer considering I have many favorite characters so I'll pin-point them down per series:

    -Metal Gear: Kazuhira Miller, Raiden (MGR), Liquid Snake, Gray Fox, Big Boss, The Boss

    -Shin Megami Tensei/persona: Yuzuru Akie (Joe), Atsuro, Nemissa, Ari Ban, Law hero(?), Demi-Fiend solely for his design, Maya Amano (Even though I still need to play Persona 2), Eikichi Mishina

    -Ace Attorney: Miles Edgeworth, Dick Gumshoe, Godot (I'll still need to play the squeals), Ema Skye

    -Final Fantasy: Cloud Strife, Squall Leonhart (Still need to play his game though), Rydia, Locke Cole, Celes Chere(?)

    -Touhou: Fujuwara no Mokou (This shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone), kirisame Marisa, Reisen, Satori, Hijiri Byakuren, Yuuka, Junko, Lapislazuli Hecatia (Because I love her design), Ibaraki Kasen

    -Mega Man: Honestly just Zero (Both in Mega Man X and Mega Man Zero)

    This is all I can think of at the moment.

    Edit: I forgot bring up characters from Chrono Trigger like Robo, Ayla and Frog or Erik and Sylvando from Dragon Quest XI but honestly I haven't played too many JRPG's so I couldn't think of any other characters that were noteworthy to me.






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  18. Damn, you've got one hell of a collection and gotta say I'm impressed! Even for someone like me who can't afford to have a collection in the first place.

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