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I am Nyoko, someone who likes to write theatrically for reasons unknown to myself. I like the philosophical and the enigmatic and found Touhou to be right up my alley when it revealed itself to me sometime forever ago.
I also love cats, the reason for which I'll let you guess. As for things I dislike... aversion to knowledge and thus willing stupidity are a major deal-breaker. I will take any chance I can get at contributing the information I know to any discussion I would like to be a part of, if it hasn't already been said or implied already.

So please, enjoy the thought-provoking mysterious spectacle of my theatrically written comments to your knowledgeable hearts content~.
And don't be afraid to ask questions. A pursuit of knowledge is what drives humanity in a direction, after all.

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I know it's a stupid question to ask, and it is Touhou related, but please bear me.

Do you think that youkais can live together with humans with peace, like what Byakuren believes? Or will the two sides be at odds forever until the death of Gensokyo happens?

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1 hour ago, Sir I said:

I know it's a stupid question to ask, and it is Touhou related, but please bear me.

Do you think that youkais can live together with humans with peace, like what Byakuren believes? Or will the two sides be at odds forever until the death of Gensokyo happens?

For that to happen, humans have to be okay with a lot of things that defy common sense; like being okay with humans getting stolen and eaten on the regular.
My personal opinion would be that humans and youkai will forever be at odds with each other unless there is an inversion of sin and virtue. for instance, in the case of the kasha, humans would have to be okay with or even encourage stealing corpses from funerals.
However, were the humans to accept that as something that's okay, then that opens the can of worms that is questioning the humanity of those humans. And because youkai need human belief to exist, testing Byakuren's theory of coexistence is a risky move that I'm certain the sages wouldn't allow unless they managed to create a smaller Gensokyo inside Gensokyo.

Some youkai can coexist peacefully like Byakuren believes, otherwise there would be no basis for her belief. The satori, for example, can perfectly coexist with humans, save the near-constant headaches they would get.

In summary, Byakuren is half-correct in her belief, some youkai can indeed live peacefully with humans. But other youkai are evil incarnate and will inevitably fall into battle with the humans. So... if I were to reduce this to a yes or no question then, considering Gensokyo is a nature preserve for all youkai, the answer would be... no.

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May Gensokyo bless you~

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