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How can you survive in Gensokyo?

Sir I

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The first thing to bear in mind is like all isekais, your biggest threat is not monsters. Its starvation. Gensokyo draws most of its inspiration from Japan from the Meiji era. During this period, society was vastly different. Most people did not have specialized office jobs, but were general agrarian laborers. Food was harder to come by, and needed a lot of work to grow. As an outsider, most of your goods, money and skills are also practically useless to the locals. So your chances of trading a cell phone for some food are low.


So, let's say you pop into Gensokyo, probably around the Great Hakurei Barrier. Chances are, you want to get away from there. Places like Muenzuka do at times have openings to the outside world which appears, but there's no guarantee they will open long enough to escape, or they go to a place you want to be. Areas around the barrier also seem to be preferred by powerful Youkai or Ghosts. While the consensus with other Moriya Shrine users seems to be most Youkai have no interest in humans as food, that doesn't mean they might not mess with you for fun, or that you won't bump into one who does see you as a meal. If you are very unlucky, you may even encounter a spirit or youkai who will accidentally kill you just by touch. Take the chance to grab a few items from other poor souls like you who stumbled through and slip away to safety.

Now that we are out of immediate danger, let's consider what you have on you. Probably some outsider clothes, a cell phone, some money, and whatever you grabbed off of some corpses on the way in. The first thing you need to do is accept that most of these things will have to be used in new ways. Your cell phone is functionally worthless. But it does have components you can engineer into things you need. Your inventiveness and survival training may well decide your chances of survival.

Once you are in a reasonably safe place, you can think about feeding and watering yourself. Water especially you will have to be careful of. Off hand, I can think of three sources of water in Gensokyo. The Misty Lake, where many Youkai and Fairies can be found, though most aren't hostile. The Canal of Willows, a canal near the Human Village, probably with runoff and pollution from the village. And the Sanzu, the river dead people cross for judgement, so the water probably isn't safe. The Misty Lake and any rivers or streams off it are probably your safest bet. It has clean water, plentiful fish, and is frequented by friendly people of many races. Even if you cannot eat fish, catching them will give you something you can trade at the Human Village for supplies. If you're in a location away from any water source, you can instead set up something to catch water. Rainbarrels, the shells of a turtle, even a hat upside down may be enough to keep you hydrated. Catching food will be more challenging. If you can set up traps, that is a good thing. If you can't, make an improvised weapon and try to hunt for game, especially in the early morning. Focus on running them down over time, exhausting them, and think of using what you can harvest to your advantage. A deer horn may look worthless to you, but carving it could earn you a lot more money than selling your phone or cash.

Now that you have food and water taken care of, we can consider shelter. The Magic Forest is the best source of wood, but you have to be careful. Choosing the wrong tree might sic an angry Youkai or a flurry of fairies at you. The Bamboo Forest is another option if you avoid wandering inside. If you can make it to the Hakurei Shrine or Myouren Temple, chances are they will offer shelter. The Human Village may also have shelter for new humans. Some Youkai settlements may also be friendly if you approach them in good faith. The Kappa are generally non-aggressive and may welcome you into Genbu, and a place like Kourindou or Moriya is probably used to lost humans showing up.

Next, consider a trade. As I said earlier, whatever you did in the Outside World is probably worthless to them. But that doesn't mean you can't use skills you learned to help your transition. Not to mention you were educated at a much higher level than other humans here. Use your intelligence to your advantage, and invest in a skill they find useful. Hunting, farming, fishing are all the safest options for new arrivals with no skills. Woodcutting, pottery, weaving, cooking, carving and brewing are also options depending on your existing skills. If you are a risk taker, you could offer your skills as a Youkai exterminator, aspiring wizard or a scavenger for Outside World oddities. Though the market for this is niche. Once you have a trade, you can better pass yourself off as a native, which will make surviving easier among both humans and youkai. It will endear you to the community as well, no matter its race, and allow you to make connections.


Now, one final point. Somewhere along this, you are liable to bump into a Youkai, Ghost or Demon. If you do, there are a few things you can do to insure your survival. First, don't run. If its not hostile, it may take offense, and if it is you're making it excited. If you see a ghost, demon or youkai, continue walking slowly. They will probably ignore you. If they notice you, be polite. Bow and greet it courteously. If friendly or neutral, it will return the gesture and be on its way. If it still seems threatening, make yourself seem more dangerous. Rise to your full height, and back away slowly. If you are a human male, you will likely have the height and bulk advantage and may seem intimidating. If you are smaller in size, open your coat, raise small children or baggage on your shoulders. If you have any food or alcohol, you can also attempt to placate it with either. Youkai are worldly creatures and easily distracted by pleasures. If it still attacks, defend yourself with all your might. Firearms are likely useless, but may still frighten or confuse them. Magic or blessed items may also deter them in a fight. Running from a Youkai is not advisable, as even many low-level Youkai can fly or teleport, making running pointless. Hiding is also pointless, as many have heightened hearing or smell, and can detect your movements or exotic smell easily.

Fairies fortunately are much less dangerous than the other races. Though magically gifted, they are physically weaker than humans, and it is a relaxing hobby for Gensokyo natives to beat random fairies they find. Most fairies are also fairly banal, preferring general mischief to true danger. Considering the differences in height and strength of Outsiders to Native humans, a grown man could probably take 3-5 fairies in a fist fight. If fairies persistently annoy or even threaten you, try placating them with gifts or food. This may even endear you to them, meaning they may offer gifts or even try to protect you from threats.

Human on Human violence in Gensokyo is fortunately rather rare. Though it may be a source of concern for Outsiders. You smell, look and act different from natives. Maneater Youkais will target you for food, and even non-hostile creatures may target you for scams or charity. Be friendly but wary, and make sure to establish yourself as a figure in good standing with your local Shrine, Temple or Village Council.

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