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Posts posted by ghostdragon360

  1. the ability to fully comprehend, and conceptualize all imaginable series of patterns in both a physical and philosophical sense, with the catch being the lack of orientation. so basically, if you imagine every possible and impossible state of the universe, as well as all the possible and impossible intersecting fates that could hypothetically create each and every one of those states, and then imagine that you have almost no prior knowledge on which one you are actually in, that is what i am describing. initially, this ability would be pretty pathetic, providing only a minor advantage in a strategic sense, but as time continues, and as more and more branches are pruned, it's predictive powers would gradually increase in accuracy, combined with an increasing knowledge of the physics and magic of this alternate world, and one could theoretically (though almost certainly not feasibly) become omniscient. as far as danmaku patterns are concerned, most would be set up to show (or experiment with) unique, often changing aspects of danmaku that provide some kind of insight into the inner workings of both the universe, and the psychology of the opponent

    alternatively, if this is too overpowered (or boring) then the ability to control orbits in a gravitational sense might be interesting. it is similar to the ability to reflect danmaku, only both more complicated and more versatile. imagine picking a specific thing to influence, and subjecting it to a kind of imaginary gravitational force that pulls it, and possibly a few other select things towards the center. the position, strength, selectivity, and motion of the orbit may vary, and the ability for it to be in an orbit of it's own might further complicate things, but the concept itself is pretty interesting. it could slow down or speed up a bullet by putting it at a closer or further distance from the center, it could obviously redirect bullets in any direction, and it could be used to create many complicated patterns, but a more interesting effect is where danmaku are not the selected target to be manipulated. sunny has the ability to redirect light, so hopefully i am not taking too much away from that, but it could replicate any ability she could do. as far as weaknesses go, high level calculation, as well as high energy costs would likely prevent this ability from, for example, creating a mini-black hole, or anything insane like that. i really apologize if it still sucks, i might not be the best at explaining, or balancing my ideas here.

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