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About Me




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Found 10 results

  1. Hello. I guess I've technically had an account for 3 years now but I've never actually used the forums. I started playing Touhou around 10 years ago and think I have some decent accomplishments at least as far as clearing every game/extra stage, as well as a few successful Lunatic and NN runs. Here are my exact records in case anyone is curious: I don't know if that's gonna impress anybody here but I'm proud of some of those and hey the most important thing is I had fun over the years. Main reason I'm posting here now is I decided to upload some of my runs to my YouTube channel to show some of my friends and to see if anybody else is interested. For example this NN run of Flandre. If that sounds like something you might be interested in then by all means stop by my channel and take a look. Feel free to leave any feedback on my gameplay or suggestions if you have any.
  2. i am literally nue houjuus biggest fan...but yeah i like touhou and rhythm games and coding and art and stuff like that i dont know much to say about myself but i have a website about nue that i need to update desperately i dont know if ill put much here but ill answer anyones questions if you have any!! ( ´・ω・)
  3. Hello, I've been here for a couple of weeks but I've been putting this off because I am procrastinator. But anyways, Hello I am Banana Man. and I really like touhou. How did I learn about touhou? I got into touhou around 2020 during the whole pandemic and I was amazed by a fan game ( This one to be specific ). I knew a little about touhou before but I didn't know that this game was a fan game of the series. It wasn't until 2022 when I played the game for the first time and after that, its been a downward spiral because I am a fan of this series. But I think this was all a psyop because a couple of months ago, my friend sent me a video, a video I had watched over 12 years ago. I had no idea at the time of first watching it but, McRoll'd was a goddamn touhou reference, so I think I was destined to become a fan of this series. Why did I join this site? Because of the community, I knew about this site since early 2023 but never joined because, I really don't know, but I regret for not joining back then. Any Hobbies? I have a few video editing, collecting card games and collecting games (To be more specific, anything before the 7th console generation, and even more specific I go mostly for handheld) You guys are free to ask me any other questions. I hopefully wont forget and answer them or more likely get lazy.
  4. Hey! my name is Mr.Kitsune or Kit for short. I am new to the shrine, i've known about Touhou for a while but i've only become a fan of it in 2022. i haven't played too much of touhou but i have more of a interest in it's lore and characters. oh and btw i'm Icelandic! (the only Icelandic Touhou fan there is) I have an interest in music production and modding for Source engine games (it's suffering) my favourite game genres are FPS and Rouge-likes. it's nice to meet ya'll!
  5. So...uhh, hello everyone. I'm not gonna say anything fancy here, I've known Touhou for a few years by now but I've just recently gotten into the fandom. I'm probably one of the few, if not the only Italian fan on these forums lol. I've played the PC-98 games and some of the Windows ones, I'm not a complete noob but honestly I don't care about playing Touhou like a pro, I'm simply here to talk about the franchise and everything
  6. hey hey hey moriya shrine! the name is koakuma/koa, my real identity is actually toukito. touhou fan for a year now and glad to make an appearance in the moriya shrine of all places. but anyway, as being toukito, i manage this account and hopefully bring some entertainment in the process. i have a humor that will make no sense sometimes. as being koakuma/koa, i use it as my identity in the touhou community and act like koakuma herself like calling patchouli as my mistress lmao. truly, im a traditional-online artist, i have been drawing for years upon years and only 2-ish years ago i took it seriously after doing stickmen for so long. but, i hope to at least bring some joy into the touhou community and the moriya shrine as a whole. hopefully we’ll cross paths again someday but i’ll see you around! - koakuma 1/13/2024
  7. hi im reisenfanatic17! im an extreme touhou enjoyer who likes talking to people about random stuff and weird and funny stuff in touhou (i hope that doesnt offend anyone ._.), thought i can sometimes get really "silly" and post stuff that i dont want anyone to see. But im still nice :)
  8. (Ahem)... As the title says, hello, hello! I've come to realize that I don't fully enjoy the prospect of having my one and only post on this pretty welcoming place be me asking for help, so I've decided to make an introduction. It just feels right, and I've got enough to say, so... here I am. Not to sound like a broken record, but... hello!!!!! So, I should probably begin with what first introduced me to Touhou. To be honest, I... don't, uh. I don't actually know?? I assume a lot of people here can empathize with this, but throughout my entire duration on the internet, I've just seen a ton of stuff from the community circulating about, not really knowing anything about the series. Sometimes, I saw content from Touhou without even knowing it belonged to Touhou. Despite how many things that I saw about Touhou, whether it was music, art, even gameplay, I was never able to really decipher what it was. I searched Touhou on google one year, found out it was a game series, and just... didn't really internalize that information. I didn't get what the series was, and instead of trying to figure it out, I kinda just let it sit in the back of my mind and stopped caring. Well, hey! Don't worry, past me, because years later, you figured it out! ...but we're not there yet. We'll get there, though, trust me. I know this is a lot of words. So, last year, I got into a habit of consuming, like, basically every single "Bad Apple but it's (x)" video you can think of. The song was really catchy, and the videos looked cool, what can I say? Around this time I finally decided to put my foot down and start doing some actual research on the franchise. I stumbled upon multiple YouTube videos (you can probably infer which ones), and from there, I... hit another roadblock. ...Jeez. Let me explain. At the time, my main interest was getting to know the stories and characters of the franchise. That being the case, I decided it'd be best for me to start from Touhou 6, as I'm sure is the case with many others on this site. Unfortunately for my young, naive self (literally me from a year ago), I was unable to figure out how to english-patch the games, let alone download them in the first place. So!!! What did I do? I gave up and forgot about the series again... for a few months! In around May of this year, I FINALLY got a working english-patched copy of EoSD, and got to work on playing. It didn't go so well, but, hey. That's the new player experience, right? Since then, I have, on normal mode, """""beaten""""" (2-3CC'd) Touhou 6, 7, and 8, as well as gotten to stage 6 of both 10 and 11. They've all been relatively fun experiences, except for... Touhou 10. I don't wanna talk about it (joke). I've also started reading Forbidden Scrollery as my first Touhou printwork, and it's been pretty fun so far. As for fanworks, I've not really consumed any fan-games, except for like, one or two? But, I've consumed PLENTY of community-made music, animations, art, memes, and the like. Being honest, I feel somewhat "behind the times" with this franchise, as not only am I a decent bit younger than a lot of Touhou fans, it just generally feels like I got into it a bit late, but whatever!! I'm still enjoying it!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Phew)... I need a water break. Give me a sec... ... ...Okay, there we go... So, yeah! There's my unnecessarily long-winded introduction to how I found out about Touhou, as well as how I got into it. But we're not done yet! Let's talk about a few general things about me, since it'd probably be way less complicated to explain. Once again pulling out the "probably like most people here" (sorry to generalize), but I like Japanese culture a lot. It's very fascinating to me, and is probably a big part of why I was able to so easily start enjoying Touhou once I started. Especially learning about the mythos and whatnot that the characters are based on. I've actually somewhat started learning the Japanese language! In terms of the types of games I enjoy, I'm a really big fan of, well, bullet-hells, but I also naturally gravitate towards RPGs. They're just really fun to me. I usually prefer things with lighter tones, but I do like darker media, too. I'm a very amateur programmer and even more amateur musician, but I'm hoping to get better at both of those things. A few more things about Touhou. My personal favorites of the games is Touhou 8. It was VERY fun to me when I first started grinding it out, and I personally love the OST the most out of everything I've played so far!! Practically every single song is peak classic era. My least favorite game is..................................... Mountain of Faith. Honestly, I'm mostly just biased because of the continue system, but Mountain of Faith put me through hell and back when I first played it. As I said before, I still haven't even cleared it with continues. Stage 4, man... My favorite character is... well. I'm sure you can probably guess. As for the runner-ups? Pretty standard choices, like Marisa, Remilia, Koishi, Cirno. You know the ones. Anyhow, that's really all I have to say. Thank you to anyone who actually took the time to read this word vomit, I know it's a lot, lol. I don't know if I'll be too active, but I'm hoping to make a few more posts at some point, hopefully ones that aren't stupid questions about patches like my first post. Maybe by the time I post again, I'll have finally accomplished a 1cc? Who knows, but until then... Goodbye!!
  9. Hello one and all, its a pleasure to meet you all this fine evening. I am Yumetou, a man with too little time on his hands. My name is a portmanteau of Yume Nikki and Touhou, a game I know very well and a series I don't know that well, and both staples of the 2000s weeb scene. Unlike most of you, I have never actually played a Touhou game, and for a long time didn't know what it was. References to it were everywhere when I first started using the net, but no one I knew played or even knew what it was. It was a weird circumstance, with fan art and fan music remixes being everywhere. Yet I had no idea if it was a game, anime, manga or something else. I loved the music of course, but it felt awkward to sidle into the Youtube comments section or an image board conversation and ask 'Yeah I like this, but what is a Touhou and where can I get one?' Eventually, my family axed our internet to save on bills. I grew up, got a job, and almost forgot about that part of my life. Almost. Touhou recently reentered my life through the magic of the cute and cursed Fumo memes. Sharing some led me to discover a couple friends of mine were diehard fans of the series. While watching a video one of them recommended, Moriya Shrine was mentioned as a place to download older games not available in the West, and a place to meet other fans. Being a longtime lurker on old image boards, nostalgic for memories of the old Internet, and having never beaten a Touhou game, I thought I would join the Shrine. I have frightfully little free time, but I am hoping to browse, try various games and ask for tips, especially for the early bullet-hells. I used to love play-by-post forum roleplaying, so perhaps I will see you there. I am hoping to make more friends like those who introduced me to the series, and stir a little bit of my old nostalgia, before the last of my gamer skills fade away. Thank you for taking the time to read my autobiography. I am looking forward to seeing more of all of you!
  10. I'm thinking about showng Touhou to my older sister, who's never heard of it before. What is the best way to introduce it to her, and what game should she play first?
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