Hello. I guess I've technically had an account for 3 years now but I've never actually used the forums. I started playing Touhou around 10 years ago and think I have some decent accomplishments at least as far as clearing every game/extra stage, as well as a few successful Lunatic and NN runs.
Here are my exact records in case anyone is curious:
I don't know if that's gonna impress anybody here but I'm proud of some of those and hey the most important thing is I had fun over the years. Main reason I'm posting here now is I decided to upload some of my runs to my YouTube channel to show some of my friends and to see if anybody else is interested. For example this NN run of Flandre.
If that sounds like something you might be interested in then by all means stop by my channel and take a look. Feel free to leave any feedback on my gameplay or suggestions if you have any.