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  1. 11,196 downloads

    Release Information Type: Shooting Game Publisher: ZUN Date of Release: August 16, 2008 Comiket 74 Tracks: 18 Track List 01. Awakening of the Earth Spirits 02. The Dark Blowhole 03. The Sealed-Away Youkai ~ Lost Place 04. The Birdge People No Longer Cross 05. Green-Eyed Jealousy 06. Walking the Streets of a Former Hell 07. A Flower-Studded Sake Dish on Mt. Ooe 08. Heartfelt Fancy 09. Satori Maiden ~ 3rd Eye 10. Lullaby of Deserted Hell 11. Corpse Voyage ~ Be of good cheer! 12. Hellfire Mantle 13. Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion 14. Last Remote 15. Hartmann's Youkai Girl 16. The Earth Spirits' Homecoming 17. Energy Daybreak ~ Future Dream... 18. Player's Score
  2. Version  


    Release Information Type: Bullet Hell Developer: Publisher: Zun Release: 2008 Language: English-Patched (ThCrap Self-Updating Standalone) Silhouette On Cover: Utsuho Reiuji (Final Boss) Character Information Playable Characters: 2 (Reimu, Marisa) Shot Types: 3 Each Description A geyser has erupted from the ground near the shrine. However, although Reimu would've been content to open a spa for the hot water it spews, it's also spitting out earth spirits, which is a problem. Reimu and Marisa don't know the way to old or new Hell, so they recruit an assistant (of your choice) and head down to stop the cause of the issue before it gets out of control. Unique Gameplay Mechanics Assistance * Picking your shot type is a complicated matter in this game, because not only are you choosing your method of fire, you're also picking your assistant, and your choice will provide you with some manner of added ability that will help you out. Pick wisely between your choices! -> Reimu with Yukari: If you're close to the edge of the screen, your shots wrap around, and you can also screen-wrap warp by letting go of all non-movement buttons (in other words, stop shooting or focusing) and double-tapping in an offscreen direction. (It'd be wise to make sure there aren't any bullets over there first!) -> Reimu with Suika: You can auto-collect all onscreen items simply by letting go of all non-movement buttons (again, just stop shooting and focusing for a moment). This is a great ability for newbies! -> Reimu with Aya: You gain a third ridiculously-fast level of movement; to activate this, let go of all non-movement buttons (once more, stop shooting and focusing). -> Marisa with Alice: You can bring your Power level all the way up to 8.0, which allows more firepower and more liberal bomb usage. -> Marisa with Patchouli: You can change the formation of your option orbs by pressing [Fire] & [Focus] simultaneously. In cycle order, Fire formation is forward-focused, Water is for area coverage, Wood takes care of strange angles, Metal fires sideways, and Earth fires backward - if you know the game and its bosses really well, this gives you all the options you could possibly need, and you can annihilate everything in no time flat. -> Marisa with Nitori: Instead of acting like a bomb usually does, your bomb is instead a defense barrier, which allows you to take a hit while it's up, which consumes its energy. Our smart kappa has installed an additional feature - if it turns out you didn't need it, then the energy normally used to protect you is returned to you - you are reimbursed half the original cost. Bombs Cost Power Levels * In Mountain of Faith and Subterranean Animism, there are no Bomb (Spell Card) items, nor is there a Bomb count. Instead, you consume 1 power level to bomb in these two titles - be careful of your bomb usage. Scorefile * This scorefile was provided by Dark Kijin. * It has 100% Extra availability, but it's only cleared with Reimu A and B. * Game clearance is spotty, with only Normal being cleared by all characters and shot types. Easy is only missing Reimu C, but there's next to no clears on Hard or Lunatic. -> You can help get this scorefile to 100%! If you have a scorefile which improves upon the progress in this existing file, please submit it to us! Th11 (SA) Scorefile [Dark Kijin].zip Steam Release If you would like to support ZUN, you may buy Subterranean Animism on Steam here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1100150/Touhou_Chireiden__Subterranean_Animism/
  3. Very silly question, especially thanks to the fact that I made an account specifically for this, but I've been really curious about this for around a month at this point. Is there by any chance a patch out there that'd allow me to use the Touhou 6-8 continue system for the first modern era games? After spending over 4 hours (with plentiful breaks, don't worry) trying to beat stage 5 of Subterranean Animism on Normal, alongside the over 10 hours (with EVEN MORE BREAKS, don't worry) of trying to beat Utsuho without succeeding, it really kinda killed my motivation and enjoyment of the games. I still love them to bits, but the games really just don't hit the same with the 10-12 continue system to me, personally. Honestly, at this point, it's not even really about the accomplishment, I just want to be able to get to the end of the games, continues be damned. Unfortunately, I'm not skilled enough for a 1cc, try as I might, so this is really my only option. I've searched a very large amount of websites / forums trying to find anything about a potential continue patch, to no avail. The only time I've spotted anything related to one was on this site, in the replies on a topic related to reviewing every Touhou game (it was about SA, funnily enough), but there was no further info provided other than "yeah I used this cool continue patch". As I said, I get this is a very stupid question lol, but quite honestly I really just wanna get back into playing the games, and I have a very hard time finding the motivation to do so as of now, so this'd be a big help. Thank you!!!
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