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Aluler last won the day on May 16 2018

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About Aluler

  • Birthday 07/17/2003

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    The game has a lot of potential, but lots of fixes need to happen. For starters, a lot of the overworld sprites tend to glitch out. Half the time during the first cutscenes in SDM, the NPC sprites would constantly change from one character to another every time they moved and stopped. Many NPC's overworld sprites would also bug out, having a copy of their torso on the tile above them until they move. Items also tend to glitch out. I've caught items turning into Kappas from time to time and it can get a little weird. Another is balancing. The very beginning is fine, and I understand that older pokemon games took a lot more time to XP grind, but the XP rates are way too low to match your pokemon levels with those of the trainers. It doesn't make sense to have wild pokemon at level 6 or so and then instantly jump that up to Lv17+ when you fight Remilia. One last suggestion is to take the time to change the overworld and mid-battle sprites of NPCs. This would make it so that people feel less weird seeing an NPC with a Pikachu shirt while playing a Touhou based game. I have gathered some screenshots of glitchy things in the overworld. Evidence1: A fairy has copied itself into the tile above it. Evidence2: Name for SDM has bugged, removing the S in Scarlet. Evidence3: Sakuya was decapitated apparently, leaving her hat to take the role of her head. Her arms may or may not be gone, can't really tell. Evidence4/4.5: Fishing will start a battle in a sandy terrain for some reason. buggedbush: A bush is glitching out, disappearing for a frame or two every once in a while. This is a hack, so these things are expected. I'm just saying you should probably try looking at these bugs and fixing them to ensure the best quality attainable.
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