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Shrine Denizens
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    my system is bad so i can't play mostly played game
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    hifun23 (if it not work just tell me here)

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  1. hmm 6 PM if i convert it to my time so it basically 1 AM i have interest in the game but idk if it really start at 6 PM or wait until 11 PM well idk about that but all depends on the host
  2. sound fun and i'll join maybe for few hour if i could and depend on how everything go and well i'm interested in mostly chat stuff and some RP too
  3. tbh this one is very optimized and run well without even needing 4gb of ram or any half good graphic card and everything is more than just playable and very close enough to smooth the only one the run on playable fps was danmaku part, rhythm and other than that run fine
  4. well after some word i got here i wanna say thanks y'all i appreciate it
  5. tbh i feel bad for you ik i feel like bit ungrateful for what i have now and want more but i suppose to always look the other and also i just hope world will become a better place i still don't understand does nobody taking lesson from ww1 and 2.
  6. so short story about two week ago somehow i get little problem causing the cursor di disappear so i end up reinstall everything and well everything go fine mostly my file and stuff still there but i found that windows.old contain MOSTLY important files on it and i not have any plan to move most of them....and today without any warning everything on it gone and well...i really triggered from inside by it atleast i got very important lesson. but i post here if...anyone can well comfort me even a bit i don't really mind to so i can forget my problem.
  7. very late answer but you need to use power iso to extract it
  8. well for me is not really much to say, i still enjoy touhou due to it unique gameplay which i like danmaku type game, same too with the OST that somehow better for such old game like EoSD or lower for example, after becoming fan for long time i not realized i just became fan of the most popular thing which that first time i discovered bad apple which i realized it touhou, even IOSYS and even arcade game like Pump-it-up contain touhou music beside bad apple, well stuff that related to touhou making me feel comfortable with it due that i'm not just attracted to a girl in the game but i able to find a friend in same interest with me but too bad in my place i never meet any person who even know what touhou is, some of them laugh or anything else
  9. study fine for me bc i need that but the student no why i say the student well since i was elementary i somehow became an easy target firstly i not really sure what even my problem am i ever end up in fight (the worst case) no then why me....well after done there it happens again still strange to me so many year i try to atleast hide my other self, for all those year that gone i've made up few friend but i realized one thing that i can't trust them, why? bc how they treat me like i'm far below them but our age was even close so why bother with that in the end i notice that i can easily count how much friend i have which i mean friend is not like what i explain before since traitor is worse beside someone who show their dislike toward you
  10. well for classic i would suggest playing emulator start from PSP or lower (PS2 not very friendly for low end) but if you searching for windows games i would suggest start from Moriya and start from original Touhou series i could say every one of them work perfectly on low end but i haven't play all but fan game here is worth it too like Magical battle arena next (also Sky Arena too but lack of lower resolution but still run fine mostly lag on bamboo forest) here quick name of mostly stuff i get from here : Mystical Chain, Rhythm Carnival, Touhou Soccer (both), Pocket war, Touhou labyrinth 2, Bullet report, Fantasy maiden war series, Genso rondo, Koumajou densetsu, Shoot shoot Nitori. I could say all of them run fine on Celeron with 2gb ram but if you want other one i suggest you can find it on Youtube.
  11. it's been a long time since i'm still watching tv (i move to a new place) but what i really like is some random movie i found on most likely out country channel if i'm right so i still always enjoy mostly horror movie and some action movie or even combined with comedy elements.
  12. well i'm neutral about walfas
  13. well thx for reply and other too. i'll go straight to the point, my fav is Seija since i saw how unique she was especially in LW and 14.3 (also Flan too but it's a different story), i have another stuff i interested with but i keep that for next question (if i get another)
  14. hi i started join to find some very friendly friend cuz i have hard time speaking with someone who i never know and i'm a introvert one so i sometimes feel embarrassed to starting a conservation before someone speak to me first.
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