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Posts posted by Kurzov

  1. On 8/18/2023 at 8:08 AM, Gri said:

    This sort-of already happen with MoF-SA-UFO-TD-HM.

    While the plot of these games is mostly self-contained, they are references that connect the stories together.


    More or less

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  2. On 8/14/2023 at 3:26 PM, CountVonNumenor said:

    I have not really caught up with the game news and what is going on. Could you please explain what happened? Outside the fact the game came out and what the character roster looks like, I have absolutely no idea of anything else. I have not played the game either, and probably won't do it given that bullet hell is not really my cup of tea when it comes to video games. So I'm listening, why is this "the worst game launch in Touhou history"

    Some thouhgts of mine

  3. I was writing a story (of sorts) to this effect, where the Hakurei Barrier collapsed and Gensokyo integrated into the world again. Have yet to finish it.


    I'd imagine the first notable sightings would be of youkai/creatures with some kind of (especially American or European) foothold, whether in pop culture, more traditional tales, or both - think vampires (Remi, Flan, Kurumi*, Elis*), headless horseman/the dullahan (Sekibanki), mermaids (Wakasagihime), or werewolves (Kagerou). 

    Also perhaps some more low-level/natural phenomenon youkai, like Rumia (darkness), Wriggle (insects), and so on. Not sure where everyone's favorite ice fairy would be. As for the human/human-like "side" of Gensokyo, anyone's guess really.

    Moriya Shrine would probably return/merge with the IRL Grand Suwa Shrine. No clue where Reimu herself would end up, considering Hakurei Shrine doesn't have a real-life counterpart. (to my knowledge - feel free to correct me if I'm mistaken)

    Other realms of Touhou (Hell, Heaven, Underground/Ancient City, Makai*/Hokkai, etc.) also would be a toss-up.

    * - PC-98 elements. Mentioned for sake of completeness.

  4. Found this series through that (what I feel to be the most) well-known let's play of Touhou Mother, Nakateleeli's, complete with character introductions for those new to the series. (Even though I had originally heard "Windows Error Remixes" of Marisa Stole the Precious Thing years prior, I didn't know it at the time, as those videos never had any sign mention of that song.)

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