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Shrine Denizens
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Image Comments posted by koakumas


    On 7/4/2024 at 6:14 AM, fujiwaranomokou said:

    honestly, spot 7 seems like the best option for introverts (like me). most of the people in the close proximity to that spot seem like pretty nice people, or at least just won't annoy you besides maybe sumireko, she's probably just gonna try and talk to you all flight out of boredom, but the Moriya crew seem like respectable people and maribel probably wouldn't be focusing on you in the slightest.

    gotta say, sumitro would likely just be on her phone ignoring the airplane mode sh_t

    agree that maribel’s only focus rn is ssc discussion with renko or doing what the fandom expects out of her and renko. as long as there’s no one in seat 8 that is lmao


    14 hours ago, Yumetou said:

    I respected your opinion up until I saw both Flan and Daiyousei near the bottom tier and now there must be blood.

    flan is down there bc she’s overrated

    daiyousei and i have a rivalry going on rn

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    1 hour ago, Yuuri said:

    what did tewi do to you lol

    i was making dango with her then she turned the tables and beat the hell out of me (total count of this occurrence: 17 times)

    • Sad 1


    21 hours ago, Yumetou said:

    Sanae couldn't get the ketchup bottle open.

    so instead she cuts open a certain umbrella youkai’s ankle for “ketchup”

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