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Suwako Moriya

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Everything posted by Suwako Moriya

  1. Nevermind, fixed it by downloading the game under actual japanese locale
  2. --------------------------- Error --------------------------- The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. --------------------------- OK --------------------------- help? Show less REPLY
  3. Master-sparked their fairy maid's
  4. Change your locale to Japanese, atleast that's what I do if I play a Japanese game and it has weird symbols. (Control Panel > Clock and Region > Change date, time, or number formats)
  5. This isn't the switch version, so there's no dlc (I think)
  6. Is the trojan still there? Don't want to make this laptop any slower than it already is.
  7. finally a download for the game that works
  8. 410 downloads

    Release Information Type: 2D Fighter Developer: 大往生 Publisher: 大往生 Release: Comiket 78, on August 14, 2010 Language: Japanese Description Touhou Haou 2, literally translated as Eastern Overlord Volume 2, is a simple two dimensional fighting game featuring three characters only; Youmu Konpaku, Remilia Scarlet and Fujiwara no Mokou. Touhou Haou 2 plays like a fighting game, especially like Street Fighter and Fatal Fury. There are some systems which are adapted from the original games such as: "Parry" to deflect attacks and launch counterattacks; "Guard Cancel" a special counterattack that can be performed by the player after blocking an opponent's attack; "Super Jump" and "Double Jump" to jump higher than normal; "Dashing" and "Air Dashing"; "Aerial Rave Attack" and "Various Deathblows". Touhou Haou 2 is one of the few Touhou titles which are also compatible with several handhelds such as PSP, iPhone and NDS.
  9. ^ Wow, you must be new. I installed this game fine without any problems, it's a false positive if your antivirus says it's a virus.
  10. Suwako Moriya


    From the album: Yukari Yakumo

  11. ^ Sorry, I meant to post this for bullet report, not double focus, but for double focus if I start the game It instantly crashes, I have read the read me, put in the login and stuff, and when I press the button to play it it crashes.
  12. I think you should put a note saying that you need to run the game and the installer in japanese.
  13. Thanks for re-uploading, but the game won't let me press the play button, or really any buttons for that matter.
  14. ^ Game will not work on windows 10 no matter what.
  15. I'm bored, and I'd like to play some multiplayer matches with somebody.
  16. ^ It should be. Most files on this site are safe since I've been using it since 2017.
  17. This game is probably very old and if you're on windows 10 then it most likely won't run. Otherwise what do you mean?
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