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Everything posted by Drunken_Flower

  1. 346 downloads

    Circle: O-Life Japan Release: 2013-05-26 (Reitaisai 10) Track Count: 7 Track List: 記者の凱歌 両手武器一眼 貫徹パパラッチ 空から見た人里 The Karasu Wind ミューチュアル一方通行 ガンガンいく人妖未来志向
  2. 470 downloads

    Circle: O-Life Japan Release: 2012-12-30 (Comiket 83) Track Count: 8 Track List: 出番待ちの用心棒 押しかけ妖怪退治お寺編 起こしてね系女子 彼女の心の廟 異教徒退治 聖人の睡眠伝説 お嬢様無茶振り ファーイーストデザイア
  3. 267 downloads

    Circle: O-Life Japan Release: 2010-03-14 (Reitaisai 7) Track Count: 8 Track List: GTSLO 急がばマイホーム ディスり過ぎでインファイト日和 退治される系桃太郎 萃め先は神社で イクサン・シュッド・ビー・フィーバー 対ナマズ拳法 幻想郷平常運転
  4. 329 downloads

    Circle: O-Life Japan Release: 2012-05-27 (Reitaisai 9) Track Count: 7 Track List: 宇宙へ向かう心 SFな夢遊病 秘封紀行録 formula of phantasm 子午線の歪み 科学世紀の少女達の郷愁 二人のエンドレス秘封活動
  5. 256 downloads

    Circle: O-Life Japan (and k-waves lab) Release: 2010.12.10 (C79) Track Count: 7 Track List: 宇宙へ向かう心 SFな夢遊病 秘封紀行録 formula of phantasm 子午線の歪み 科学世紀の少女達の郷愁 二人のエンドレス秘封活動
  6. it moved here https://youtu.be/uO6S2akrRes also can a mod delet my old comment?
  7. for me. i personally thought about combining Touhou with SMT/Persona series. Lotta character with it's own characteristics, expendable world, etc. also Reimu can actually summon Gods which kinda similar. Yukari got the similar role as Igor. Social Links?? also i already set in mind who the main antagonist is. what's left is the teammates though, i can use snae... but the others... eh??? i havent think much about it. actually IF i can code, i probably makin it right now. but yeah.... i cant... yet.
  8. 1,545 downloads

    Artist: Demetori Year: 2018-08-10 (Comiket 94) Track Count: 5 Track List: 今宵は飄逸なエゴイスト ~ Ego,Schizoid,Beat. レトロスペクティブ京都 ~ Japanese Beautiful Barrage 少女綺想曲 ~ Witching Dream Battle 秘匿されたフォーシーズンズ ~ Hidden Seasons will pass you by 秘神マターラ ~ Four seasons where Starless disappeared.


  10. huh... there's a lot of possibility maybe a power to get every waifu i want maybe dimensional teleportation, i can cover myself with a sheet (or some) of dimensional barrier and everything would pass trough me (but now that i think about it.... GODDAMNIT REIMU, Y U SO OP) and for backup choice i'll pick foreseeing, you know... the one that allows you to look a bit to the future.
  11. Uploaded the remaining Foxtail-Grass Studio and as well as Floating Cloud????? albums. Both Circles made calming instrumental folk music.

  12. 409 downloads

    Artist: Floating Cloud Year: 2016-12-29 (Comiket 91) Track Count: 10 Track List: 好奇心 蛍狩り 記者は走る 堂々巡り 幕間~遠野紀行 妖精のいる風景 探求少女の物語 悠久の紅魔館 雪解けの音 縁日
  13. 453 downloads

    Artist: Floating Cloud Year: 2015-10-18 (Autumn Reitaisai 2) Track Count: 10 Track List: 界線を巡るフェスタ 船出の港 星と鳥が瞬く空 雨のち曇りのち晴れ 命蓮寺開闢式 幕間~巡礼道程 謎解きステップ 法界への追憶 午前3時の宴 また幻想郷は巡っていく
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