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Shrine Denizens
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bulgariansalad last won the day on July 23 2024

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About bulgariansalad

  • Birthday July 14

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  1. Yay, sent you a friend request on Discord too
  2. Chat or game with, either is fine. As for irl it's probably going to be hard
  3. Maybe it's a weird thing to post about but I'm interested in making touhou friends my age, bonus points if you are 19, 20 ,21 or 22. I'm 19 myself, no minors please. Add me on discord too, my tag is bokb5.
  4. I'm interested! I'd love to add some friends to something like discord too. I'm interested in RP too
  5. Ayo my man. There's plenty of us ig
  6. I'm just curious, ive always thought of the touhou community as a bit older. Ive only met like two touhou fans born in 2005 so far.
  7. https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/touhou-gensokyo/ There's separate world files for Gensokyo, The Lunar Capital and more. There's even a bedrock version, so it should even run on a phone but in my opinion such maps are excellent on large screens, you can't really take in the true scale of this map in a small screen. Seriously, go check it out. You won't regret it.
  8. I don't own it either. "Borrowed",ze! The SDM there is very, very big. Literally got lost in there. One thing I found strange in terms of location is that Muenzuka is near the Prismriver mansion, or near misty lake. Which is strange to me, since in PMISS it says that it's where the Outside World, Gensokyou and the Netherworld intersect. So putting it in a rather "public" location feels strange to me. But hey, It's still a phenomenal map. Huge respect to anyone who participated. I am considering maybe buying the game to run it on my mac, since my windows laptop's hd graphics can't handle shaders and I want to try this map with shaders.
  9. My first topic on here and yeah, the tittle. May be a dumb question. I personally think the map is straight up amazing. So much detail and so much effort went into it, it's unreal. There are a bit of inconsistencies maybe (If I recall corectly the PSHV is located near the Hakurei shrine, but in the MC map it's way off in the corner of the map). I've been exploring it by foot for the last few days and honestly it feels much better than flying in creative. Makes you really appreciate the map.
  10. First post here, but I would say my faves are Reisen, Yukari, or Aya. I don't really have a super deep connection to the characters personally, but I love writing stories with them. Usually funny stories. I find Yukari and Aya to be some of the easiest characters to put in a comedic situation- due to Aya's pushyness in reporting and Yukari's tendency to be anywhere (literally). I personally really respect Reisen- if I could, I'd really want to be her friend, considering she doesn't turn me completely insane. These aside I'm pretty simular to Kogasa. We're both pretty random and both have heterochromia. Boo!
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