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Posts posted by -Prismriver-

  1. Touhou x Hololive (collaboration album),  release date: May 17

    Edit: beatmario reuploaded this video and he has aclared that this isn't a official collaboration album for Touhou project.

    It's more like beatmario x Hololive


    Meanwhile, a couple of weeks ago


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  2.  i'm also a fan of Azur Lane, my favorite soundtrack is from the stage 6-4 (Yuudachi boss battle).
    Poi poi




  3. ZUN silhouette just before entering the TAITO stage


    This looks similar to Suika silhouette (from the Bad Apple! video)


    Source: TGS2019, Rakugaki Kingdom presentation
    Minute: 12:45


  4. A new episode has come out
    Episode 12 of Fantasy Kaleidoscope ~The Memories of Phantasm~
    (Fantasy Kaleidoscope ~The Memories of Phantasm~ is a fan-made animated video series produced by Manpuku Jinja)

    For the moment there are still no subtitles available, but they may be added soon.


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