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About Reicirna_731

  • Birthday 09/05/1999

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  1. I’ll still draw that angel girl at some point tbh.

  2. Just web surfing online, hopefully I'll draw that one winged angel from Touhou, or at least sketched her, I might've sketched her, It's been a long while tbh.

  3. I hope you all had a great new years! Don’t worry, I’m still alive and kicking.

  4. The next character I want to draw next is the one winged angel girl.

    (I want to give her a beautiful outfit as well. 👼

  5. A little album of my quick drawings/paintings of touhou characters, and that's it really.
  6. My favorite game would be…Binding Of Issac: Repentance, on the Switch, Kirby games, Earthbound, and Ace Attorney, I’m currently on the second game.
  7. Here’s another wip photo for another touhou drawing, hopefully I’ll finish another Touhou fan drawing for this month at least.



  8. Just posted an older drawing of Flandre Scarlet, because why not.

  9. A Wip of a Chen drawing, started on Chickenpaint.


    1. Pentastar


      that's awesome 

    2. Reicirna_731


      Thank you very much

  10. Currently thinking of who to draw next in the Touhou roster.

  11. This is the first time I've seen Fusu's artwork, these parodies are funny at least.
  12. I have a Pixiv, my Pixiv user code is 23957403, I also have a DeviantART as well, and it's Rainbowdoodler209.
  13. Hmm, It's hard for me to pick my favorite, I guess I'll pick flandre and Cirno.
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