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Posts posted by Maden
Nah, bot activity is definitely not allowed here. Not that bots really care.
I delete the messages and restrict them from posting whenever I see them, but it might take me a while as I'm pretty much the only one taking care of that stuff here.
Whenever you see bot activity anywhere, feel free to report the post in question. It'd make it easier for me to not miss that message when I check up on the site.
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- When you peruse any of the download categories, you might now be able to see files from their subcategories without having to visit each one directly (main Downloads page excluded)
- Created the Articled drop-down menu in the top menu and moved some articles in there
- Related to the point above, we now have an article for a Touhou Link List (github link) so that you can find more Touhou through your source for all things Touhou
- Whatever else might have happened in over half a year of no one posting a site changelog
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No fancy origin really. A long time ago I went by random names I made up on the spot for every single site I used. As it was getting tedious remembering those, especially for places I intended to use more often, I wanted to have a more permanent nick.
In this case, I just decided to use the first two words in my native language that came to mind at that time. Decided to cut the latter half at some point due to character limits often not accepting the full version. Nowadays I have to go with some variation of Maden every now and then because other people register with that nickname before I do.
15 minutes ago, Scarl said:
If you get some error message, make sure that you extracted the folder from the archive and that you have the right version of directx installed as the game doesn't run without it https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35 -
14 minutes ago, Scarl said:
I downloaded both files but whenever I try to extract them, they say they are archived and they are torrented files. Do I use something like qBittorrent to open them or is there a guide to follow?
Yeah use qbittorrent. You also only need one file. Just pick the normal file, as that one is already pre-patched, and not the unpatched game unless getting the unpatched game is your goal.
5 minutes ago, Ken Hisuag said:
All of a sudden I've decided to reopen this query, because I think it would be a useful feature if it worked the way I assume it's supposed to. To reiterate, can the "About Me" tab be made accessible/visible, at least to other users?
Ah right, sorry. On my end it did always show up which is why I assumed that Nitorium fixed it at some point. Turns our it was just because of my own permissions.
Anyways, the About Me section should now be publicly available.
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The home page should be back to normal now, or at least close to what it looked like before.
As for problems with the downloads, we're working on it but I don't know how long it'll take unfortunately.
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1 hour ago, NetsumuNico7 said:
Oh it was a accident? I like this more than before though, Hope it kepts looking like this for a while
No it was intentional. We'll probably keep this one for a while so don't worry about that
I can look into something for an anniversary, but I'd probably reserve it for one of the more special ones. The 10 year anniversary is almost 2 years behind us but that means that we only have 3 more to go for the 15th
Ah right, that'd be my fault then :^)
We had this theme for a while now but it wasn't set as the default yet. The old themes don't really receive updates anymore so I made the official switch.
You should still be able to access the other themes at the bottom of the page.
And speaking of spooky month, I might look around for fitting new backgrounds for both dark and light theme- 2
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Fixed broken/wrong download links for:
- Suika to Hyakki Hei
- Touhou Reitai Ki
- Touhou Mumuyouken - Unorganized Heroes
- Marisa no Bouken - Marisa's Quest -
Added english patch for:
- Boho Youyoumu (+ small updates to the description)
- Touhou Jaseishou - The Last Comer (+ fixing typo in the name and files) - Removed duplicate page of Touhou: Dreaming Butterfly | 东方蝶梦志
- Updated description of Touhou Komakyou
- Added various Virus Total scans. Only a lot more left
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Fixed broken/wrong download links for:
Full game is out:
On Steam as well if you want to support it:
https://store.steampowered.com/app/2400340/Touhou_Juuouen__Unfinished_Dream_of_All_Living_Ghost/- 2
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Yeah, personally I'd also pretty much say what the others here posted already. It's normal that you aren't as enthusiastic about it as when you first started out.
Speaking from experience, I'm still around somehow even after spending more than 10 years with Touhou to some extend, albeit just more casually and less enthusiastic these days compared to back then.
Just keep liking the things you like at your own pace whenever you feel like it really, Touhou or not. If it weren't for the website or generally reading posts from other members I could go a long time being unaware of new releases, be it official or fan made, while still occasionally listening to doujin music, looking at art, playing some of the older (fan)games or even just mod some other game I'm playing with Touhou related content when I feel like it. And that "occasionally" mentioned previously can range anywhere between daily and several months apart.
Would I say I'm out of touch with Touhou or the general Touhou community? Sometimes/Perhaps/in some aspects. I'll still like Touhou on my own terms and at my own pace.- 4
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(Yes, we stopped hosting our own server)
Info on how to join us in matrix
Already have an account? You can join us at #moriyashrine:eientei.org1. Get a client
You can use any public web instance of a matrix client like the official Element web instance for example, no download required.
If you want to download one instead, Element is generally the recommended client, but there are other clients as well if you'd prefer to use a different one.2. Sign in
Look for a matrix homeserver of your choice to make an account on and register. Ideally not using the default matrix.org one.
3. Joining rooms
After joining our space you can explore and join our rooms by viewing the Moriya Shrine space.
Other matrix rooms can be found through invite links and the search function.
The list of available rooms will be different depending on the server you registered on.
- Don't be the reason why I'd have to make more rules
- Don't be underage
- Don't harass other members
- Use your common sense and don't post, do, or talk about stuff that could get everyone into trouble
- If rooms have any additional rules you should follow those as well
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It's out. Grab it here or wait for the steam page to eventually show up as the trial is free anyways. Yes this is a torrent so you need qbittorrent or something else to download it properly.
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Rules have been slightly updated and adjusted, I also made it so that the rules are easier to access instead of them being hidden in the last page of the announcements.
For some reason there are 2 entries for a birthday field with one being marked as required post-registration. Flipped the switch and now it shouldn't be required anymore I think. Will probably delete the duplicate entirely once I get the OK from Nitorium and know that it wouldn't break anything
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Always hard for me to pick favorites. Especially since I don't have them often and can't make a good comparison between the ones I've tried.
But I can say that I probably haven't tried any flavors that I particularly disliked at least, and that I like those crunchy kettle-cooked chips. I also prefer ruffled chips over normal "flat surface" chips as well but in the end anything is fine really. -
On 4/1/2023 at 2:56 AM, BlueMoon said:
I personally liked the old iDark with the Moriya Classic the most before the change.
I've added back the classic background for both iDark and iLight with my magic backdoor access.
Might tweak some other things regarding the themes as well if no one else takes care of it by the time I decide to do anything- 1
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I felt like making a list of links for touhou related sites, so I might as well share it with the forum. I only really know about the one on the Touhou Wiki but there might be another one I didn't happen to come across.
A good amount of links was copied over from the touhou wiki links page, but I also added new links that weren't included for one reason or another.
The list I made is also half sorted half unsorted because I kind of gave up in the middle of it and didn't pay too much attention where I ended up placing them. They have a short description next to them so you should get a general idea.
Dead/Abandoned websites are/might be included in this list as long as they're still accessible without having to use the web archive.That should be all. Links are in the spoiler below. I might update this post every once in a while to add links whenever anything new comes across.
But just having this thread about me throwing links around would be a waste.
Any thoughts about fan made touhou forums, resources or other kind of websites (specific ones or in general)?
Anything you'd want on a touhou related website that you haven't really come across so far?
Do you know of any other interesting sites and want to share? Maybe even made your own or know someone who did?
whew, first post from me in a long time that isn't related to the downloads or site maintenanceSpoilerhttps://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Touhou_Wiki - Touhou wiki
http://thwiki.info/ - Japanese Touhou Wiki
http://wikiwiki.jp/thk/ - Japanese Touhou Project Strategy Wiki
http://seesaawiki.jp/toho-motoneta_2nd/ - Toho Moto Neta Wiki
http://thwiki.cc/首页 - A Chinese wiki on Touhou
https://touhou.fandom.com/wiki/Touhou_Wiki - Touhou wiki (fandom)
https://hisouten.koumakan.jp/wiki/Touhou_Hisoutensoku_Wiki - Touhou Hisoutensoku Wiki
http://www16.big.or.jp/~zun/top.html - The homepage of Team Shanghai Alice and ZUN.
http://kourindou.exblog.jp/ - Zun's Bloghttps://touhou-project.news/ - Touhou Project News
https://en.touhougarakuta.com/ - Touhou web magazine
https://touhou-x.jp/ - Japanese Site about Touhou
https://toho-vote.info/ - Touhou Popularity Pollhttps://hakureishrine.org/ - redirects you to the Steam search for 上海アリス幻樂団 (For the official games on Steam)
https://moriyashrine.org/ - us
http://www.shrinemaiden.com/ - English Touhou Forum
https://lunaticred.proboards.com/ - English Touhou Forum
https://www.touhou-project.com/ - English Touhou Image Board
http://scarletdevilmansion.lefora.com/ - English Touhou Forum
https://www.fanfiction.net/forum/Let-s-Danmaku/61563/ - English Touhou forum on fanfiction.net
https://eientei.boards.net/ - english touhou forum
https://yamabi.co/ - Touhou themed Mastadon instance
https://gensoukyou.de/ - German Touhou Site/Forum
https://borderofgensokyo.foroactivo.com/ - Spanish Forum. Looks broken but still accessible
https://www.touhou.pl/ - Polish Touhou Site/Forum
https://touhou.se/ - Swedish Touhou Site/Forum
http://cafe.naver.com/tongbang - Korean Touhou Site/Forum
http://bbs.nyasama.com/ - Chinese Touhou Forum
http://tieba.baidu.com/f?ie=utf-8&kw=东方 - Chinese Touhou Forum
http://bbs.thproject.net/ - Chinese Touhou forum
http://hakugyokuro.actieforum.com/ - Dutch Touhou Forum
http://scarletdevilmansion.forumcommunity.net/ - Italian Touhou Forum
http://desiredrive.forumcommunity.net/ - Italian Touhou Site/Forum
http://touhou.fi/ - Finnish Touhou Site/Forum
https://vntouhouff.forumvi.com/ - Vietnamese Touhou Forum
https://doujinstyle.com/ - Not strictly Touhou only, but it contains Touhou and general Doujin music & game downloads
https://touhouorama.blogspot.com/ - Touhou Blogspot site with downloads
https://touhou-online.net/ - French Touhou Site
https://touhou-france.forumactif.com/ - French touhou forum
https://wausoku.com/ - Community Website for 12.3
https://thvideo.tv - Touhou video index site
https://pytouhou.linkmauve.fr/ - reimplementation of the touhou 6 engine in python
https://touhouprojectlovers.blogspot.com/ - Touhou downloadshttp://touhou.arrangement-chronicle.com/search - Database of Touhou arrangements
https://maribelhearn.com/ - Collection of webpages for Touhou
http://replay.lunarcast.net/ - Touhou replay databasehttp://gensokyoradio.net/ - Streams Touhou Music
https://randomtouhougen.neocities.org/ - Random Touhou Character Generator
https://fumo.website/ - Fumo Guideshttps://itch.io/games/tag-touhou - Touhou games on Itch.io
https://spaztron64.github.io/th98tuc_site/ - Touhou PC-98 TUC page
https://www.thpatch.net/wiki/Touhou_Patch_Center:Main_page - Touhou Patch Center
https://touhou.kuukunen.net/ - Touhou Music Player
http://illusionaryscore.web.fc2.com/index.html - Touhou Piano Score Compilation
https://gamebanana.com/projects/35179 - Touhou MIDI Collectionhttps://www.thspotify.moe/ - Touhou Music on Spotify - Touhou Music Player
https://tlmc.pf-n.co/tlmc - Touhou Music Player and Downloads. It's broken, as image and audio files couldn't be served last time I've tried it but the site is still accessiblehttp://thegensokyo.weebly.com/ - Touhou Site with Downloads and a Forum. Last (human) activity ~2013. There's a hidden fangame download page that you can find through a search engine or by replacing "official" in the official games download url with "fanmade".
https://touhounosekai.blogspot.com/ - Touhou Site with downloads, in spanish. Stopped maintaining the site in 2018. The 4shared links seem to be dead but other links might work.https://touhouaamatome.jougennotuki.com/ - Touhou ASCII Art site
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On 5/10/2022 at 11:18 PM, buskerdog said:
I have an idea. Nitorium, would it be possible from a technical standpoint to let users choose whether they want that background Suwako image to load or not? That way people can choose whether they want to optimise for performance or for frogs.
I've now made a solid colour background the default for performance and the image(s) as other options to choose from if people want to. Also made them jpgs instead of pngs to reduce file size and improve performance. Hopefully that will help.
On 5/10/2022 at 11:18 PM, buskerdog said:That being said, maybe tuck away light theme button somewhere else, perhaps within the customizer tab
Unfortunately, the theme settings will also remove the switch in the customizer tab if we disable the icon in the nav bar so it has to stay there as well if we want to offer an easy option to switch between them. We'd have to manually modify the themes html/css to move the icon or hide it while not affecting it in the customizer tab.
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Now time to hope that I don't accidentally repost something.It didn't happen often recently that I just casually looked for new music to listen to. Mostly sticked to what I already knew. Probably due to being lazy
Leaving the details out and making a somewhat long story short, I found some touhou synthwave music.Spoiler- 2
downloading certain games seems to make the website freak out
in Website Bugs/Issues
I'll still have to check what exactly is causing the problem, but it looks like the browser is trying to display the download as a text file. Happened on my end as well using firefox but not on chromium.
You could either try using another browser or if you don't want to you can also right-click that screen, then "Save Page As..." and for "Save as type:" you'll pick "All Files (*.*)" and then save it. That should give you a working file.