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Status Replies posted by Maden

  1. Maden is back

    now i can sleep

    1. Maden



      Hey I'm still retired so there's still plenty to do for you guys

      I guess my post didn't age that well

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. Maden is back

    now i can sleep

    1. Maden


      Hey I'm still retired so there's still plenty to do for you guys


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

    1. Maden


      Oh yeah, the status update thing is a bit broken. Just edit your message and post it again. It should appear after that :^)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. The question mark that appears in place of the emotes that were sent before they broke make some old messages look worse than they should be :v

    1. Maden


      Also no idea why the status messages end up empty for me sometimes

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. THanks for all the music uploads so far, will there be more in the furute?

    1. Maden


      No problem ?
      Yeah, I think the next albums that I want to upload are from Mohican Sandbag, Ryuuha Mikakutei and Swing Holic. After that I'll probably try to upload some missing albums from doujin circles that we already offer on this site.
      Feel free to ask if you have any music requests

  5. What's the steam integration your working on?


    1. Maden


      The steam integration would add some more features to the website like being able to Login/Signup with Steam etc. You can find more details about it over here.

      I'll probably make an announcement about the progress soon

  6. This site seems to be inactive isn't it? 

    1. Maden


      The main part of the site (downloads etc.) is used relatively often, but less so for the Forum. But I think with our somewhat recent Forum + Site integration the Forum and the other aspects that come with the integration will be more used as time goes on.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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