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Files posted by spagnips

  1. Release Information
    Type: Action Role-Playing Game
    Developer: Ankake Spa
    Publisher: XSEED Games; Marvelous USA, Inc.
    Date of Release: Jul 13, 2023
    Language: Japanese, English, Chinese

    About The Game
    Isolated from the world by a mystical barrier, shrine maiden Reimu Hakurei and magician Marisa Kirisame live relatively peaceful lives in the land of Gensokyo, when they find themselves transported beyond the boundary and into the unfamiliar territory of the outside world. After a chance encounter with Sumireko, a human girl obsessed with Gensokyo and all its wonders, our protagonists eventually find their way back home—but now with an unexpected guest in tow. Sumireko's arrival not only heralds chaos for Gensokyo, but also for the outside world and beyond! It's up to Reimu and Marisa to unravel the mysteries that threaten their home and restore peace to the lands.
    Support the Developer: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2150660/Touhou_New_World/
    3,051 9
  2. Artists: Shibayan, MasamiT, milka, hamu, ついったー東方部, tanigon, 2416, saki, crow, 3L, MWW, Unity-Gain-2.5dB+1, Jigen Daisuke, ItEdoke, Ohta, 96木, ukobone, Synthesizer V Eri, As/Hi ROCK, あとり, Udon Timer P, Shusetsu Hi;ragi, もっち, Jinzou
    Year: 2024
    Audio Format: FLAC
    Track Count: 9
    Track List:
    白雪の花畑 [Snow-White Flower Garden] Greensleeves 皇女の花冠 [The Princess's Flower Crown] Mundo Bonito [Pretty World] ハニホヘトイロ Position of the dusk Fake Adventure 天球ステラナイト [Celestial Sphere Stellar Night] 美しきもの [Beautiful Thing]
    65 0
  3. Artists: MasamiT, hamu, signum/ii, Irus, Yousuke Saito, milka, tanigon, Shibayan, 3L, Unity-Gain-2.5dB+1, Jinzou, Tainokobone, As/Hi ROCK
    Year: 2023
    Audio Format: FLAC
    Track Count: 10
    Track List:
    七人のティータイム [Seven-Person Tea Time] Alice in the Rain Still Dignified UnnamedStars at Sunday Market O Segredo do Vermelho Assustado [The Secret of Scared Red] Chase of the dawn アンブレラ [Umbrella] ヴァンピールサボタージュ [Vampire Sabotage] 月明かりのスキャット [Moonlight Scat]
    274 1
  4. Artist: ぱらどっと [Para Dot.]
    Year: 2023
    Audio Format: FLAC
    Track Count: 7
    Track List:
    Ultimate taste Hyper banquet Myriad texture Infinite haze Inorganic space ナイト・オブ・ナイツ (ぱらどっと Remix) [Night of Nights (Para Dot. Remix)] Ultimate taste (Game Size)
    331 6
  5. Artist: Hellion Sounds
    Year: 2012
    Audio Format: FLAC
    Track Count: 10
    Track List:
    Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind Wind God Girl [Ver.2012] Belief is for the Fleeting Human Beings Girl Satori ~ 3rd eye Wisdom of the Sun Belief ~ Nuclear Fusion Let's Dwell in a Splendid Graveyard Extend Ash ~ Holy Mountain People [Ver.2012] Old Yuanxian - Desire Drive U.N.Owen is Her Mountain Base Shrine - Crimson Yet Still Fleeting Eternity
    105 0
  6. Artist: Hellion Sounds
    Year: 2006
    Audio Format: FLAC
    Track Count: 11
    Track List:
    Bloom Nobly, Cherry Blossoms of Sumizome ~ Border of Life Extend Ash ~ Hourai Victim Plain Asia Wind God Girl Love-coloured Master Spark The Capital City of Flowers in the Sky Beloved Tomboyish Girl Doll Judgment ~ The Girl Who Played with People's Shapes Nostalgic Blood of the East ~ Old World Crimson Beyond a Fleeting Eternity Necrofantasia
    106 0
  7. Artists: Faai, HOP, Sound Rave, Shoma Kondo, すいっち
    Year: 2015
    Audio Format: FLAC
    Track Count: 9
    Track List:
    永夜抄 ~ Eastern Night [Imperishable Night ~ Eastern Night] シンデレラケージ ~ Kagome-Kagome [Cinderella Cage ~ Kagome-Kagome] 狂気の瞳 ~ Invisible Full Moon [Lunatic Eyes ~ Invisible Full Moon] プレインエイジア [Plain Asia] もう歌しか聞こえない [Deaf to all but the Song] 竹取飛翔 ~ Lunatic Princess [Bamboo Cutter Flight ~ Lunatic Princess] 千年幻想郷 ~ History of the Moon [Gensokyo Millennium ~ History of the Moon] 月まで届け、不死の煙 [Reach for the Moon, Immortal Smoke] 月見草 [Evening Primrose]
    142 0
  8. Release Information
    Type: Bullet Hell, Shmup
    Developer: SlimeSmile
    Publisher: SlimeSmile
    Release: December 13, 2019
    Language: Simplified Chinese, Japanese, English
    This game is a tutorial for shmup beginners.
    For many players, the danmaku, or "bullet hell" genre can appear daunting and impossible.
    However, once you know the tricks, you'll see that many danmaku patterns are nowhere near as hard as they seem.
    This game teaches you all the fundamentals of danmaku you need, from hitboxes to dodging techniques.
    Grab this tutorial, and get started on your road to the unique joys of danmaku!
    Note: This game is a remaster of the eponymous free game from 2016.
    Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1173940/Barrage_Musical__Basic_Danmaku_Tutorial/
    273 1
  9. Artists: Shibayan, 3L, yana, ランコ, 市松椿, 綾倉盟
    Year: 2019
    Audio Format: FLAC
    Track Count: 11
    Track List:
    Je t'aime moi champ de fleurs [I love my flower field] fuwafuwa*pocapoca モノクロ・インザナイト [Monochrome in the Night] GAZE IT たましいふわふわ [Fluffy Souls] じたくふぁんたじあ [Home Fantasia] Stardust Reverie 魔理沙は大変なものを盗んでいきました -釘とあなたと魔法のキノコ- [Marisa Stole the Precious Thing -Nails and You and the Magic Mushrooms-] R.I.N アモリタチテカミトミユ [Descending from the Skies She Appears as a Goddess] 我亲爱傀儡 [My Beloved Puppet]
    238 0
  10. Artists: CYTOKINE, tanso, LAZ, D.watt, Nhato, signum/ii, mochiya00, izna, Tomohiko Togashi
    Year: 2017
    Audio Format: FLAC
    Track Count: 9
    Track List:
    紅涙にしづむは供人の憂い(CYTOKINE Remix) [That Which Sinks in Crimson Tears is Her Companion's Melancholy (CYTOKINE Remix)] モノクロ・インザナイト(C ElectroBreaks Remix) [Monochrome in the Night (C ElectroBreaks Remix)] 月齢11.3のキャンドルマジック(LAZ Remix) [Lunar 11.3 Candle Magic (LAZ Remix)] クライム・ストーリーときみのウソ(D.watt OER Remix) [Crime Story and Your Lies (D.watt OER Remix)] うさぎ大爆発(Nhato Remix) [Big Bunny Boom (Nhato Remix)] オズネイ・ハマンはもういらない(signum/ii Remix) [I Don't Need Any Oznei Haman Anymore (signum/ii Remix)] Desert Years(mochiya00 Remix) クライム・ストーリーときみのウソ(izna Remix) [Crime Story and Your Lies (izna Remix)] オズネイ・ハマンはもういらない(Tomohiko Togashi Remix) [I Don't Need Any Oznei Haman Anymore (Tomohiko Togashi Remix)]
    139 0
  11. Artists: Shibayan, 3L, milka, nachi, 市松椿
    Year: 2014
    Audio Format: FLAC
    Track Count: 8
    Track List:
    Cosmic Flower AURORA SUPER MOON スイングバイ [Swing-By] モノクロ・インザナイト [Monochrome in the Night] 賢者の極北 [The Philosopher’s Polar North] MyonMyonMyonMyonMyonMyonMyonMyon! クライム・ストーリーときみのウソ [Crime Story and Your Lies]
    197 1
  12. Artists: 3L, itori, izna, LAZ, milka, nachi, yana
    Year: 2013
    Audio Format: FLAC
    Track Count: 8
    Track List:
    Super Fine Red レディメイド・シティライフ [Ready Made City Life] サクラ クラッシュ [Cherry Blossom Crash] MyonMyonMyonMyonMyonMyonMyon! とびだせ!バンキッキ [Fly Out! Bankikki] Spring Rouge Desert Years Phoenix
    206 0
  13. Artists: Shibayan, 3L, yana, 坂上なち
    Year: 2011
    Audio Format: FLAC
    Track Count: 8
    Track List:
    躍る夜雀~Invitation to evening [Dancing Night Sparrow ~ Invitation to evening] 深紅の瞳 [Eyes of Deep Crimson] 紅涙にしづむは供人の憂い [That Which Sinks in Crimson Tears is Her Companion's Melancholy] オズネイ・ハマンはもういらない [I Don't Need Any Oznei Haman Anymore] エコーゲイト [Echo Gate] シンデレラは魔法使い [Cinderella is a Magician] MyonMyonMyonMyonMyonMyon! プライベートビジョン [Private Vision]
    241 0
  14. Artists: signum/ii, Tomohiko Togashi, CYTOKINE, izna, Nhato, LAZ, D.watt
    Year: 2014
    Audio Format: FLAC
    Track Count: 7
    Track List:
    ・-・・ --- ・・・- ・(signum/ii remix) [LOVE (signum/ii remix)] シンデレラは魔法使い(Tomohiko Togashi remix) [Cinderella Was A Witch (Tomohiko Togashi remix)] オズネイ・ハマンはもういらない(CYTOKINE remix) [I Don't Need Oznei Haman Anymore (CYTOKINE remix)] Fall in the Dark(izna remix) Desert Years(Nhato remix) Desert Years(LAZ remix) うさぎ大爆発(D.watt remix) [Big Bunny Boom (D.watt remix)]
    245 1
  15. Artists: Shibayan, 3L, ℃iel, yana, 深水チエ, 坂上なち
    Year: 2010
    Audio Format: FLAC
    Track Count: 8
    Track List:
    WAP-WA 秋扇 [Autumn Fan] 荊の城 [Castle of Thorns] MyonMyonMyonMyonMyon! 花のいろは [The Colors of Flowers...] 月齢11.3のキャンドルマジック [Lunar 11.3 Candle Magic] ホシノナミダ [Tears of Stars] うさぎ大爆発 [Big Bunny Boom]
    222 0
  16. Artists: IZNA, 茶太, めらみぽっぷ, ランコ
    Year: 2012
    Audio Format: FLAC
    Track Count: 7
    Track List:
    taste ~紅く染めたkissの後味~ [taste ~The Aftertaste of a Scarlet-Stained Kiss~] Plaza On-Impulse カーニヴァル [Carnival] 虹色キャンバス [Rainbow Canvas] ナイフ [Knife] HANAVI [Fireworks] con~痕~ [Mark]
    145 0
  17. Artists: IZNA, めらみぽっぷ, 茶太, ランコ
    Year: 2013
    Audio Format: FLAC
    Track Count: 7
    Track List:
    Plaza roboscape 【byou】 [second] 満潮 [High Tide] 不思議なWonderland [Mysterious Wonderland] 懺悔 [Repentance] アンコンディショナル [Unconditional] gun~群~ [Herd]
    131 0
  18. Artist: コケ [koke]
    Year: 2022
    Audio Format: FLAC
    Crossfade: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgNI6U5AUmY
    Purchase: https://www.dlsite.com/home/work/=/product_id/RJ424215.html

    This download is comprised of three large audio files, so they had to be uploaded to VirusTotal seperately. There's only enough room in the Virus Scan box for one link so here are the other two:
    Part 2: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/93f226ab206d900c2cc04ca54e1514ccdda8f23d55e8f8abb2dd3dfd4f67ac0a Part 3: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/b8bd852c4743b22ed5600ecc5205d9023e0d6ef0eaf79f205901a8e17749ff73
    177 0
  19. Artists: IZNA, めらみぽっぷ, ランコ, 茶太
    Year: 2011
    Audio Format: FLAC
    Track Count: 7
    Track List:
    min~眠~ [Sleep] plaza desperado 童歌 [Warabe Uta] Out of control 狂った果実 [Crazed Fruit] MIRROR Remind
    161 0
  20. Artists: Shibayan, 3L, kuma, Nissy, yana, 深水チエ
    Year: 2010
    Audio Format: FLAC
    Track Count: 8
    Track List:
    カラフル・メロウ・メドレー [A Colourful, Mellow Medley] 彼と彼女とわたしの話 [The Story of Him, Her and Me] dear Miss Daydreamer 環式行進曲 [Cyclic March] MyonMyonMyonMyon! FlipFlop Interstice of gams Dead Body's Voyage Contains instrumentals of the first three tracks.
    173 0
  21. Artists: Shibayan, 3L, yana, 深水チエ
    Year: 2009
    Audio Format: FLAC
    Track Count: 11
    Track List:
    この船は藺草の香り [This Ship Smells Like Soft Rush] 蝶ノ華 [Flower of the Butterfly] CRASH ME! アナタガモトメルモノ [That Which You Are Searching For] わたしはこねこ [I'm a Kitten] MyonMyonMyon! スノウアスレチツク [Snow Athletic] ちるのりずむ [Cirno Rhythm] Noise MyonMyonMyon! preCD ReMaster ちるのりずむ Second Master [Cirno Rhythm Second Master]
    150 0
  22. Artists: IZNA, めらみぽっぷ, 茶太, ランコ
    Year: 2012
    Audio Format: FLAC
    Track Count: 7
    Track List:
    オーバーラップ [Overlap] MEDICINE 夜に向かって這う直線 [Straight Line Creeping Toward the Night] 月明かりは儚くて [The Moonlight, Fleetingly...] マジック・アワー [Magic Hour] CarryOn A Coke In Misaki
    127 0
  23. Artists: KANIHARA, mineko, 松井庸, すぎやま
    Year: 2017
    Audio Format: FLAC
    Track Count: 8
    Track List:
    スプートニクの世界 [World of Sputnik] 虹色エモーション [Rainbow Emotion] 21時の探しモノ [What You Search for at 9pm] シェードの中の物語 [Legends in Shades] ドランコスモノローグ [Drunk Cosmos] Floatin' spiral miscalc
    145 1
  24. Artists: Shibayan, 3L, yana, 坂上なち, ランコ
    Year: 2012
    Audio Format: FLAC
    Track Count: 8
    Track List:
    雲がくれにし夜半の月かな [Ah, the Midnight Moon Hidden Behind The Clouds] Fall in the Dark Curse Mind Myoisia Clockup Flowers 雨はりらりら [The Rain Goes Ri-Ra Ri-Ra] いつか見たもの [The Thing She Saw One Day] ・-・・ --- ・・・- ・ [Love]
    257 0
  25. Artists: Nhato, Overlord, Casual Killer, Eon, izna, D.watt, LAZ, CYTOKINE, signum/ii
    Year: 2015
    Audio Format: FLAC
    Track Count: 9
    Track List:
    賢者の極北(Nhato Remix) [The Philosopher’s Polar North (Nhato Remix)] 地獄の苦輪(Overlord Remix) [Hell's Cycle of Pain (Overlord Remix)] とびだせ!バンキッキ(Casual Killer remix) [Fly Out! Bankikki (Casual Killer remix)] オズネイ・ハマンはもういらない(Eon Remix) [I Don't Need Any Oznei Haman Anymore (Eon Remix)] Clockup Flowers(izna remix) とびだせ!バンキッキ(D.watt remix) [Fly Out! Bankikki (D.watt remix)] アナタガモトメルモノ(LAZ remix) [That Which You Are Searching For (LAZ remix)] モノクロ・インザナイト(CYTOKINE remix) [Monochrome in the Night (CYTOKINE remix)] Fall in the Dark(signum/ii remix)
    189 0
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