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Showing content with the highest faith level on 11/05/2024 in all areas

  1. Didn't expect my discord message to make it all the way here! Fortunately, someone was able to find the danbooru link for me. https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/982603?q=fighting_stance+murasa_minamitsu+
    1 point
  2. just so people don't get confused with the birthday numbers, my birthday is on October 3rd
    1 point
  3. Argh, here we go, I tried my best to do this and I hope I can pass this time. Tell me what you think, although I would usually start rambling about what I wrote, I'm too tired of writing to think anymore, I started yesterday but only finished it today, and I even posted it on Monday... If anything this stunt made me respect you writers even more... I'm not making an habit of doing this by the way, this one is a special occasion because your manipulation of me was successful.
    1 point
  4. I've been here for one year that's a lot actually
    1 point
  5. I was brought in by the overwhelming amount of memes, but the music of the franchise is the ONLY thing that is keeping me around this fandom since the pandemic. It's oddly satisfying in a way that other music from other games unable to do (except the Katamari series). The games are okay however they're too punishing for me and the bullet hell genre is pretty stale for my taste so I eventually quitted after 2 years of playing the games continuously. Though I need to give them credits for immersing me with the awesome music, it's like it's an album with a game inside of it. The canon lore I've acknowledge during my time of being in this fandom is also pretty interesting and sometimes outright funny (haha futo arsonist) but I don't feel motivated enough to dive deep in it.
    1 point
  6. Can confirm! Straight up website XML error upon attempting to download.
    1 point
  7. We will be no longer offering torrent files for all of the official works. This will be "fixed" shortly.
    0 points
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