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downloading certain games seems to make the website freak out


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so I noticed this when I tried downloading Fushigi no Gensokyo uploaded by Congrio and it gave me this screen
not sure if this is something on my end, but it seems to only happen in specific games? the ones that failed were fushigi no gensokyo, hero of ice fairy, genso wanderer foresight, I am sakuya and danmaku kagura (there may be other games, but I haven't checked all). something I noticed is that all of them are in the 7z format, although some other games in the same format seem to be downloading fine
I'll leave this here and if it's a problem here, I'm sorry

Memories of Myth

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I'll still have to check what exactly is causing the problem, but it looks like the browser is trying to display the download as a text file. Happened on my end as well using firefox but not on chromium.

You could either try using another browser or if you don't want to you can also right-click that screen, then "Save Page As..." and for "Save as type:" you'll pick "All Files (*.*)" and then save it. That should give you a working file.

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