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The Missing case of "The Consequences of Touhou on Steam"


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So sometime in the past, not long after I had got into Touhou I was browsing Touhou content on YouTube - I don't know exactly when but I reckon it must have been late 2018 or early 2019 -  and I stumbled across a video which I am almost certain had the title "The Consequences of Touhou on Steam". The video featured a text-to-speech anime girl voice reading out Steam comments for Touhou 16 about waifus and best girls. It was absolutely hilarious, but earlier this year I wanted to show it to a friend only to discover that the video was, seemingly, no longer on YouTube. I was also left unable to find it after a short time searching the wayback machine, and I am now starting to question my sanity if it even existed, but I'm sure it did. Some searches for similar things such as "Touhou Steam comments" also led nowhere. I think what is most likely is that I just don't know what the title of the video is and I'm misremembering it, but it is also possible it could have been deleted and in that case it would be even harder to find as that would involve searching the wayback machine.

Please, if anyone knows where this video is or knows what happened to it, or even just remembers the video, let me know. I really want to find this again.

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