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Bouncing Back


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A lot of time has passed since most of our hosted content went down; over a year in fact. Sorry about that, everyone.
Throughout that time though we managed to get things back on track, hopefully. Torm made a dedicated seedbox, and I recovered every missing piece of official content; print works, OSTs, and music CDs.

That doesn't seem like a big deal though, right? Anyone could've done that in less than a week if they were dedicated enough. Yeah, I realize I slacked a bit. I'm not too proud of it. But I wanna make it up to you; to not just fix the site, but improve it as a whole. As a result, I also added FLAC versions for almost all available music albums and OSTs, where applicable. When torrenting a file, you can select which folders you want to download from said file, so you can choose whether or not you want lossless versions of an OST (these files will be bulky, beware). In light of that feature, certain OSTs that had multiple pages (like Oriental Sacred Place) now have all volumes in one page, with all track lists in the description.

Also also, on top of that, I uploaded two print works that were never on the site before; The Grimoire of Usami and Alternative Facts in Eastern Utopia. I never knew these actually existed until my friend brought it to my attention and sent me the files herself; many thanks, Seija.

I guess all I have left to say now is, keep working towards your goals. I know it sounds cliché, but it doesn't matter how slow you are going, so long as you do not stop. Know that you are valuable and that you matter.

As always, let us know if you find any issues. Tomorrow will be sunny; yesterday was not.

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