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help me find the artist of a remix


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for context, when i had first gotten into touhou a few ago, i had no idea where to start in regards to music. so the easiest option for me at the time was to watch this 3 hour video of touhou remixes while doing school work and stuff. in the midst of my work, i noticed one song stick out to me and i wanted to find a link to it. i could not. i kept on looking on and off for a while but with no avail. the song is generally very fantasy-like remix of (what the creator says is) bloom nobly and is at least 6 years old.

and this is the video i found it in. i would love to find the original so i dont have to give money to the reuploader!! thank you for your time :)


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there's two bloom nobly
and the 2nd one isn't even the right track, i hate this uploader already.
try listening by Phoenix Kappashiro channel for starter, it has proper labeling

so yeah,
the one at 00:07:06 Bloom Nobly

Title: ゆゆ様メドレー; Yuyu-sama Medley
Circle: まらしぃ; Marasy
Album: [MRCD-0001] 幻想遊戯 ~ Museum of Marasy; Fantasy Game ~ Museum of Marasy
Original: 幽雅に咲かせ、墨染の桜 ~ Border of Life; Bloom Nobly, Ink-Black Cherry Blossom ~ Border of Life; PCB Yuyuko Theme


and the supposedly 00:52:33 ""Bloom Nobly"" is actually

御霊遷; Mitama Utsushi; Transition of spirits
Circle: Floating Cloud
Album: [FLCD015] Carnival
Original: 遠野幻想物語; The Fantastic Legend of Tohno; PCB Stage 2 theme

you sure these are the ones you lookin for?
if not, give me the timestamp

mob_suika-export.gif.6d8d97d0ef2df024e56271e49c363436.gif🍺 BEER FOR THE BEER GOD!!!🍺 mob_suika-export.gif.6d8d97d0ef2df024e56271e49c363436.gif

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