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[Purple Flower Alliance] Touhou Eternal Devotion ~ Nobody Dreams of Gensokyo.epub 2.2.0

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Pinky Cat


The dialogue could use details describing the expression of the speaker. As is, the character’s dialogue can feel sudden and awkward without any telling of the characters’ motivation to say a line.

Now, I can’t find myself to care about Izuru. When Izuru discovers his new abilities as a shikigami, these additional abilities felt tacked on to Izuru as there is no conflict or strong motivation narrative wise for why Izuru should these gain these abilities. Plus, these abilities don’t make impact on Izuru’s character as he discover his abilities. For example, “Manipulation of Opposites”, certainly made Izuru excited to find out the inner workings of his ability, but it does change his character or motivation at all. It only makes him more successful within the eyes of Yukari and not much else. I can’t find myself being interested within the character of Izuru due to his lack of character development.

Through, I admit these are all flaws with introducing an Outsider to Gensokyo without describing much lore of the character before being sent to Gensokyo while also talking about their transition to Gensokyo. That leads the story to do too much introductory segment for the Outsider, and leaves little for plot that would interest Touhou readers who already know the world of Gensokyo. For a better example of an Outsider, see Sumireko. Her loner motive to enter Gensokyo and how Gensokyo treats her as an equal is what makes her avoid many common failings related to Outsider characters.

In that regard, I can only hope to see where you take a character who is defined by a strong motivation to work for Yukari. There something to be said about the growth of devolution.


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